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Complete Solutions to Section -IV (Integer type) of chapter JEE ADVANCED of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

JEE ADVANCEDSection -IV (Integer type)
Number Of Questions10
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The focal length of a thin biconvex lens is `20 cm`. When an object is moved from a distance of `25 cm` in front of it to `50 cm`, the magni-fication of its image changes from `m_(25) to m_(50)`. The ratio `(m_(25))/(m_(50))` is.

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  2. An `alpha`- particle and a proton are accelerated from rest by a potential difference of `100 V` After this their de Broglie wavelength are `lambda_(a) and lambda_(p)` respectively The ratio `(lambda_(p))/ lambda_(p)` , to the nearest integer is

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  3. When two identical batteries of internal resistance `1Omega` each are connected in series across a resistor R, the rate of heat produced in R is `J_1`. When the same batteries are connected in parallel across R, the rate is ``J_2 = 2.25 J_2` then the value of R in `Omega` is

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  4. Two spherical bodies A (radius 6cm) and B (radius 18cm) are at temperature `T_(1)` and `T_(2)` respectively The maximum intensity in the emission spectrum of A is at `500 nm` and in that of `B` is at `1500nm` considering them to be black bodies, what will be the ratio of the rate of total energy radiated by A to that of `B` . ?

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  5. When two progressive waves `y_(1) = 4 sin (2x - 6t)` and `y_(2) = 3 sin (2x - 6t - (pi)/(2))` are superimposed, the amplitude of the resultant wave is

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  6. A `0.1kg` mass is suspended from a wire of negligible mass. The length of the wire is 1m and its crosssectional are is `4.9xx10^-7m^2`. If the mass is pulled a little in the vertically downward direction and released, it performs simple harmonic motion of angular frequency `140 rad s^-1`. If the Young's modulus of the material of the wire is `nxx10^9 Nm^-2`, the value of n is

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  7. A binary star consists of two stars `A(mass 2.2 M_s)` and B `(mass 11 M_s)` where `M_s` is the mass of the sun, they are separted by distane d and are rotating about their center of mass, which is stationary. The ratio of the total angular momentum of the binary to the angular momentum of star B about the centre of mass is

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  8. Graviational acceleration on the surface of plane fo `(sqrt6)/(11)g.` where g is the gracitational acceleration on the surface of the earth. The average mass density of the planet is `(2)/(3)` times that of the earth. If the escape speed on the surface of the earht is taken to be `11 kms^(-1)` the escape speed on teh surface of the planet in `kms^(-1)` will be

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  9. A piece of ice (heat capacity `=2100 J kg^(-1) .^(@)C^(-1)` and latent heat `=3.36xx10^(5) J kg^(-1)`) of mass m grams is at `-5 .^(@)C` at atmospheric pressure. It is given 420 J of heat so that the ice starts melting. Finally when the ice . Water mixture is in equilibrium, it is found that 1 gm of ice has melted. Assuming there is no other heat exchange in the process, the value of m in gram is

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  10. A stationary source is emitting sound at a fixed frequency `f_(0)`, which is reflected by two cars approaching the source. The difference between the frequencies of sound reflected from the cars is `1.2%` of `f_(0)`. What is the difference in the speeds of the cars (in km per hour) to the nearest integer ? The cars are moving at constant speeds much smaller than the speed of sound which is `330 ms^(-1)`.

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Section -IV (Integer type) questions and complete solutions for chapter JEE ADVANCED of JEE ADVANCED PREVIOUS YEAR of Class 12