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Complete Solutions to LEVEL-II (MCQ) of chapter ROTATIONAL MOTION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions74
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A uniform disc of radius R has a hole cut out which has a radius r. The centre of hole is at a distance `(R )/(2)` from the centre of disc. The position of centre of mass is :

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  2. A rigid horizontal smooth rod AB of mass 0.75 kg and length 40 cm can rotate freely about a fixed vertical axis through its mid-point O. Two rings each of mass 1 kg initially at rest at a distance 10 cm from O on either side of the rod. The rod is rotated with angular velocity of 30 rad `s^(-1)`. When the rings reach the ends of the rod, the angular velocity of the rod is :

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  3. A square plate has a uniform shape and density. A small piece of irregular shape is removed from first quadrant of the plate and is then glued to the centre O of the plate leaving behind a hold at point P of plate. What happens to the M.I. of the plate about the Z-axis?

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  4. In the above question the centre of mass of plate is now shifted to which quadrant of plate for X - Y plane ?

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  5. The density of a rod of 1 m and of non-uniform structure is given by `rho(x)=a(1+bx^(2))`,
    where a and b are constant such that `alexle1`. The centre of mass of the rod will be at :

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  6. The net value of an external torque acting on a system of particle is zero about a certain axis of rotation. Which of the following statements will hold good for the system?
    (a) The forces may be acting radially from a point on the axis
    (b) The forces may be directed along the axis of rotation
    (c ) The forces may be acting parallel to the axis of rotation
    (d) The torques caused by some forces are equal and opposite to those caused by other forces.

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  7. A regular polygon of n-sides with n vertices. On all but one vertex (n - 1) point masses each of mass m are placed. The vacant vertex has position vector `'veca'` w.r.t. the centre of polygen. What is the position vector of the centre of mass of polygon ?

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  8. Two discs having moment of inertias `I_(1)andI_(2)` about their axes passing through their respective centres and normal to their surfaces are rotating with angular speeds `omega_(1)andomega_(2)` respectively. They are brought into contact face to face with their axes of rotation coinciding with each other, what is the angular speed of the two discs system?

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  9. In the above question what would be the loss in K.E. of system in the process?

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  10. A uniform solid disc of radius R and mass m is rotating about its horizontal axis AB with a uniform angular speed of `omega_(0)`. It is placed on the horizontal table in contact with its surface. If the coefficient of kinetic frinction is `mu_(k)`, calculate the time taken for the rolling to begin.

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  11. A uniform disc of radius R and mass M is rotating about its rim on a horizontal surface of a table. Now the disc is pulled, with a force F acting on the centre of disc. What is the maximum value of F for which the disc rolls without slipping ? (`mu` = coeff, of frictoin)

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  12. Two hollow cylinderical drums one of radius R and other 2R but of a common height 'h' are rotating with angular velocity `omega` in anticlockwise direction and also `omega` in clockwise direction respectively, with their axes fixed and parallel to each other in a horizontal plane saparated by little greater than 3R distance so that they just do not touch each other. They are now brought in contact making the separation exactly 3R. What would be the ratio of final angular velocity of the two when friction ceases ?

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  13. Four identical spheres each of radius 'a' are placed on a horizontal table touching one another so that their centres lie at the corners of a square of side 2a. Position of their centre of mass is :

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  14. Three particles of masses 2 kg, 4 kg and 6 kg are located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side 0.5 m. What is the position of centre of mass if the origin is located at 2 kg mass and 4 kg mass located along x-axis ?

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  15. Four particles of masses 1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg and 4 kg are at the vertices of a rectangle of sides a and b with `agtb`. If a = 1 m, b = 2 m, what is the location of their centre of mass ?

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  16. Four identical spheres each of radius 10 cm and equal mass 1 kg each are placed on horizontal surface touching each other so that their centres are located at the vertices of a square of side 20 cm. What is the distance of their centre of mass from the centre of either sphere?

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  17. When a sphere of moment of inertia I moves down an inclined plane, the percentage of energy which is rotational, is approximately :

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  18. Two discs have same mass and thickness. Their materials are of densities `rho_(1)andrho_(2)`. The ratio of their moment of inertia about central axis will be :

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  19. A thin uniform rod of length 2l is acted upon a constant torque. The angular velocity changes from zero to `omega` in time t. The value of torque is :

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  20. What should be the ratio between the length and radius of the uniform solid cylinder so that its moment of inertia about central axis is the same as that about equatorial axis ?

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  21. A rigid body rotates about a fixed axis with variable angular speed `omega=A-Bt` where A and B are constant. Find the angle through which it rotates before it comes to rest :

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  22. A uniform weter scale is made up of two parts. Half of it is of wood and half of it is of steel as shown.

    First it is pivoted at the centre O of woodrn part and a force F is applied tangential to the edge of steel part to give it a rotation similarly the process is repeated y the same force by pivoting it at the centre of steel part. In what way the angular acceleration are related in two cases ?

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  23. A metallic rod of uniform density and mass M has a length L, it is lying horizontally on the ground. How much work will be done in making it stand vertically?

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  24. A disc of mass M and radius R is rotating freely about a horizontal axis passing through its centre. A body of mass M is fixed to its surface point at the highest point as shown. The disc is released. The angular speed picked up by the disc when the fixed boby comes to the lowest position A will be :

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  25. A cylinder of height 20 cm is placed on a smooth inclined plane as shown. As the angle of inclination is increased to `45^(@)`, it starts slipping on the plane. What is the radius of the cylinder?

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  26. A ring of radius 4a is rigidly fixed vertically on the horizontal surface of a table. A small disc of radius 'a' and mass 'm' is released from point P of the ring as shown. The disc rolls down without slipping to the lower most position A of the ring the speed of disc at this point is :

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  27. A solid cylinder of mass 2 kg and radius 0.2 m is rotating about its central axis passing through point O without any friction. Its speed is 3 rad `s^(-1)`. A point mass of 0.5 kg and moving with a velocity `5ms^(-1)` strikes the cylinder and sticks to the point P as shown. What is angular momentum of the cylinder before the collision?

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  28. In the above question angular velocity of the system after the particle sticks to the cylinder

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  29. In the above question the energy before and after the collision will be :

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  30. A massless, inextensible string is wrapped round the circumference of a disc of mass M and radius R. The second end of the string is tied to a m which stands at vertical height 'h' from the ground initially. What will be the velocity of mass m when it is released and it touches the ground?

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  31. A uniform disc of radius R has a hole cut out which has a radius r. The centre of hole is at a distance `(R )/(2)` from the centre of disc. The position of centre of mass is shifted through a distance x from 'O' find x. If in this question the values of R = 6 m and that if r = 1 m, calculate the value of shift from 'O' and state whether it is towards left or right of O.

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  32. A block of mass 12 kg is attached to pulley of radius 10 cm fixed at the top of a smooth inclined plane by the help of a massless inextensible string. When released to move on the surface of inclined plane inclined to the horizontal at `37^(@)` its acceleration down the plane is `2ms^(-2)`, what is the tension in the string?

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  33. A uniform solid cylinder having mass M and radius R rotates about a horizontal frictionless axle AB. With the help of massless inextensible two ropes are suspended two masses with equal mass m by wrapping the ropes on the cylinder as shown. What will be the tension in each of the rope when masses are released from height 'h' above the ground?

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  34. In the above question what is the angular velocity of cylinder after the masses fall down from height 'h'?

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  35. In the above question what would be the acceleration of each of the following mass ?

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  36. A cylinder of mass M and radius R starts falling freely under gravity at `t=0` as shown in fig. The tension in each string at any given times is T. What is value of 'T' ?

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  37. In the above question what is the acceleration of the cylinder?

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  38. In the above question the instantaneous power developed by the gravitational force at time t will be :

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  39. A ball weighing 15 g is tied to a string 10 cm long. Initially the ball is held in position such that the string is horizontal. The ball is now released. A nail N is situated vertically below the support at a distance L. The minimum value of L such that the string will be wound round the nail is :

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  40. A child stands at the centre of a turn table with his two arms out stretched. The turntable is set rotating with an angular speed of 40 rev/min. Now, the child folds his hands back and thereby reduces his moment of inertia to `(2)/(5)` times the initial value. The new kinetic energy of rotation is x times the initial kinetic energy of rotation. The value of x is :

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  41. A nearly massless rod is pivoted at one end so that it can swing freely as a pendulum. Two masses 2m andm are attached to it at distance b and 3b respectively from the pivot. The rod is held horizontal and then released. The angular acceleration of the rod at the instant it is released is :

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  42. Two fly wheels A and B are mounted side by side with frictionless bearing on a common shaft. Their moments of inertia about the shaft are 5.0 kg `m^(2)` and 20.0 kg `m^(2)` respectively. Wheel A is made to rotate at 10 revolution per second. Wheel B, initially stationary is now coupled to A with the help of a clutch. The rotation speed of the wheels will become

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  43. If `I_(1)` is the moment of inertia of a thin rod about an axis perpendicular to its length and passing through its centre of mass, and `I_(2)` is the moment of inertia (about central axis) of the ring formed by bending the rod, then

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  44. If a disc slides from top to bottom of an inclined plane, it takes time `t_(1)`. If it rolls, it takes time `t_(2)`. Now, `(t_(2)^(2))/(t_(1)^(2))` is

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  45. From a given sample of uniform wire, two circular loops P and Q are made. P of radius 'r' and Q of radius nr. If the M.I. of Q about its axis is 4 times than that of P, then value of n is :

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  46. A uniform rod of length l is free to rotate in a vertical plane about a fixed horizontal axis through O. The rod begins rotating from rest from its unstable equilibrium position. When it has turned through an angle `theta`, its angular velocity `omega` is given as

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  47. A wheel of radius R is rolling on the ground without slipping with a speed u. When it reaches point A on the road a small lump of mud gets detached from its highest point B and drops on the ground at point D. What is the horizontal range AD of the mud?

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  48. K.E. of body is increased by 300 percent, then percentage increase in linear momentum will be:

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  49. A block of mass 2 kg hangs tangentially from the rim of a wheel of radius 0.5 m when released from rest the block falls vertically through 5 m height in 2 seconds the M.I. of the wheel is :

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  50. A solid sphere is resting on a smooth horizontal surface. A horizontal impulse I is applied at a height 'h' from the centre so that the sphere begins to rotate just after the application of the impulse. What is ratio h/R?

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  51. An equilateral triangle ABC formed from a uniform wire has two small identical beds initially located at A. The triangle is set rotating about the vertical axis A O. Then the beads are released from rest simultaneously and allowed to slide down one along AB and other along AC as shown. Neglecting frictional effects, the quantities that are conserved as the beads slide down, are :

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  52. A thin wire of length L and uniform linear mass density `rho` is bent into a circular loop with centre at O as shown. The moment of inertia of the loop about the axis XX' is :

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  53. A smooth sphere A is moving on a frinctionless horizontal plane with angular speed `omega` and centre of mass velocity v. It collides elastically and head on with an identical sphere B at rest. Neglect friction every where. After collision, their angular speeds are `omega_(A)` and `omega_(B)` respectively. Then :

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  54. A particles of mass m moves along line PC with velocity v as shown. What is the angular momentum of the particle about P ?

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  55. A small block is shot into each of the four tracks as shown below. Each of the tracks rises to the same height. The speed with which the block enters the track is the same in all cases. At the highest point of the track, the normal reaction is maximum in :

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  56. An insect crawls up a hemispherical surface very slowly The coefficient of friction between the surface and the insect `1//3`. If the line joining the centre of the hemispherical surface to the insect makes an angle `alpha` with the vertical, the maximum possible value of `alpha` is given by :

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  57. Two blocks of masses 10 kg and 4 kg are connected by a negligible mass and placed on a frictionless horizontal surface. An impulse gives a velocity of 14 m/s to the heavier block in the direction of the lighter block. The velocity of the centre of mass is :

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  58. A cylinder rolls up an inclined plane, reaches some height, and then rolls down (without slipping throughout these motions). The directions of the frictional force acting on the cylinder are :

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  59. A circular platform is free to rotate in a horizontal plane about a vertical axis passing through its centre. A tortoise is sitting at the edge of the platform. Now the platform is given an angular velocity `omega_(0)`. When the tortoise moves along a chord of the platform with a constant velocity (with respect to the platform), the angular velocity of the platform `omega(t)` will vary with time t as :

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  60. Initial angular velocity of a circular disc of mass M is `omega_(1)`. Then two small spheres of mass m are attached gently to two diametrically opposite points on the edge of the disc. What is the final angular velocity of the disc?

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  61. A disc is rolling (without slipping) on a horizontal surface C is its centre and Q and P are two points equidistant from C, Let `V_(P), V_(Q) and V_(C )` be the magnitude of velocities of point P, Q and C respectively, then :

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  62. A circular disc of mass 9m, has a hole of radius R/3, cut from it as shown in given figure. The moment of inertia of the remaining part of the disc about the axis passing through the centre of the disc and perpendicular to its plane will be :

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  63. A particle moving in a circular path with decreasing speed. Which of the following is correct?

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  64. A solid sphere of mass M and radius R having moment of inertia I about its diameter is recast into a solid disc of radius r and thickness t. The moment of inertia of the disc about an axis about the edge and perpendicular to the plane is I. Then the radius r of the disc is given by :

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  65. A solid cylinder is rolling down the inclined plane without slipping. Which of the following is/are correct ?

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  66. A thin circular ring of mass m and r is rotating about its axis with a constant angular velocity `omega`. Two objects, each of mass m are attached gently to the opposite ends of a diameter of the ring wheel now rotates with an angular velocity :

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  67. A 'T' shaped object with dimensions shown in the fig., is lying on a smooth floor. A force `'vecF'` is applied at the point P parallel to AB, such that the object has only the translational motion without rotation. Find the location of P with respect to C.

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  68. A small object of uniform density rolls up a curved surface with an initial velocity 'u'. It reaches upto maximum height of `(3v^(2))/(4g)` with respect to initial position. The object is :

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  69. Two discs A and B are mounted coaxially on a vertical axle. The discs have moments of inertia I and 2I respectively about the common axis. Disc A is imparted an initial angular velocity `2omega` using the entire potential energy of a spring compressed by a distance `x_(1)`. Disc B is imparted an angular velocity `omega` by a spring having the same spring constant and compressed by a distance `x_(2)`. Both teh discs rotate in the clockwise direction. The ratio `(x_(1))/(x_(2))` is :

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  70. In the above question disc B is brought in contact with disc A, they acquire a common angular velocity in time t. The average frictional torque on one disc by the other during this period is :

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  71. In the above the question the loss of the kinetic energy during the above process is :

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  72. A thin rod length 'L' is lying along the x-axis with its ends at `x=0` and `x=L`. Its linear density (mass/length) varies with x as k `(x^(n))/(L)`, where n can be zero or any positive number. If the position `x_(CM)` of the centre of mass of the rod is plotted against 'n', which of the following graphs best approximates the dependence of `x_(CM)` on n?

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  73. A small particle of mass m is projected at an angle `theta` with the x-axis with an initial velocity `v_(0)` in the x-y plane as shown in the fig. At a time `tlt(v_(0)sintheta)/(g)`, the angular momentum of the particle is :

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  74. A binary star consists of two stars A (mass 2.2 `M_(s)`) and B (mass 11 `M_(s)`), where `M_(s)` is the mass of the sun. They are separated by a distance d and are rotating about their centre of mass, which is stationary. The ratio of the total angular momentum of the binary star to the angular momentum of star B about the centre of mass is.................... .

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LEVEL-II (MCQ) questions and complete solutions for chapter ROTATIONAL MOTION of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12