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Complete Solutions to Level 1(C.W) of chapter ELECTROSTATICS AND GAUSS LAW of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions24
Academic Year2023-24
  1. One million electrons are added to glass rod. The total charge on the rod is

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  2. A body has a charge of `9.6xx10^(-20)` coulomb.It is

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  3. A force of `4N` is acting between two charges in air.If the space between them is completelly filled with glass `(epsilon_(r)=8)` then the new force will be

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  4. There are two charge `+1mu c` and `+2muc` kept at certain separartion ,the ratio of electrostatic forces acting on them will be in the ratio

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  5. Two identical metal spheres posses `+60C` and `-20C` of charges .They are brought in contact and then separated by `10cm` .the force between them is

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  6. A charge q is placed at the centre of the line joining two equal charges Q. The system of the three charges will be in equilibrium if q is equal to:

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  7. Three charge `-q,+q` and `-q` are placed at the cornors of an equilateral triangle of side `a` The resultant electric froce an a charge `+q` placed at a the centroid `O` of the triangle is

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  8. A charge of `+2muC` is placed at `x=0` and a charge of `-32muc` at `x=60` .A third charge `-Q` be placed on the `x` axis such that it experiences no force .The distance of the point from `+2muC` is ( in cm)

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  9. Two cahrges of `50muC` and `100muC` are separated by a distance of `0.6m` .The intensity of electric filed at a point midway between them is

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  10. Two point charges `Q` and `-3Q` are placed at some distance apart. If the electric field at the location of `Q` is `E` then at the locality of `-3Q`, it is

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  11. A mass m carrying a charge `q` si suspended form a string and placed in a uniform horizontal electric field of intensity `E`.The angel made by the string with the vertical in the equilibrium position is

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  12. A protons of mass `m` charge `c` is released form rest in a uniform electric field of strength `E` .The time taken by it to travel a distance `d` in the field is

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  13. An infinite number of charges each equal to q, are placed along the X-axis at `x = 1, x = 2, x = 4, x = 8`,…….. and so on.
    (i) find the electric field at a point `x = 0` due to this set up of charges.
    (ii) What will be the electric field if the above setup, the consecutive charges have opposite signs.

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  14. A uniformly charged thin spherical shell of radius R carries uniform surface charge denisty of `isgma` per unit area. It is made of two hemispherical shells, held together by presisng them with force F(see figure). F is proportional to

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  15. The p.d between two plates separated by a distance of `1 mm is 100V`.The force on an electron placed in between the plates is

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  16. An infinite number of charges each numerically equal to q and of the same sign are placed along the x-axis at `x = 1, x = 2, x = 4, x = 8` and so on. Find electric potential at `x=0`.

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  17. `A,B,C` are three points as a circle of radius `1cm`.These points form the corners an equilateral triangle .A charge `2C` is placed at the centre of circle .The work done in carrying a charge of `0.1muc` form `A` to `B` is

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  18. Charges `+q -4q` and `+2q` are arranged at the corners of an equilatoral triangle of side `0.15m`.If the `q=1 muC` their mutual potential energy is

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  19. An electron of mass `m` and charge `e` is accelerated from rest through a potential difference `V` in vacuum. The final speed of the electron will be

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  20. A cube of side b has a charge q at each of its vertices. Determine the potential and electric field due to this charge array at the center of the cube.

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  21. A uniform electric field pointing in positive x-direction exists in a region. Let A be the origin, B be the point on the x-axis at `x=+1cm ` and C be the point on the y-axis at `y=+1`cm. then the potetial at the points A,B and C satisfy
    a. `V_AltV_B`, b. `V_AgtV_B` c. `V_AltV_C` d. `V_AgtV_C`

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  22. The electric field at the origin is along the positive x-axis. A small circle is drawn with the centre at the origin cutting the axes at points A, B, C and D having coordinates (a,0), (0,a), (-a,0),(0,-a) respectively. Out of the points on the periphery of the circle, the potential is minimum at

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  23. An electric dipole is along a unifrom electric field.If it is deflected by `60^(@)` ,work done by an agent is `2xx10^(-19)J`.then the work done by an agent if it is deflected by `30^(@)` futher

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  24. the dipole moment of the given system is

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Level 1(C.W) questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROSTATICS AND GAUSS LAW of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12