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Complete Solutions to Level II(C.W) of chapter ELECTROSTATICS AND GAUSS LAW of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions27
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Two charge when kept at a distance of `1m` apart vacuum have a some force of repulsion .if the force of repulsion between these two charges be same ,whenplaced in an oil of dielectric constant `4`the distance of separation is

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  2. The excess (equal to number) number of electrons that must be placed on each of two small spheres spaced `3cm` apart with force of repulsion between the spheres of br `10^(-19)N` is

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  3. Two small conducting spheres each of mass `9xx10^(-4)kg` are suspended from the same point by non conducting strings of length `100cm `,They are given equal and similar charges until the strings are equally inclined at `45^(@)` each to the vertical,The charge on each spehre is ..........

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  4. Two point charges of magnitude `4muC` and `-9muC` are `0.5` apart .the electric intensity is zero at a distance `xm` from `A` and `ym` form `B` .`x` and `y` are respectively

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  5. A charge `+q` is fixed to each of three corners of a square .On the empty corner a charge `Q` is placed such that there is no net electrostatic force acting on the diagonally opposite charge then

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  6. Electrical force between two point charge is `200N`, if we increase `10%` charge on the other then elecrtrical force between them for the same direction becomes.

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  7. `N` fundamental charges each of charge `q` are to be distributed as two point charges separated by a fixed distance ,then the maximum to minimum force bears a ratio (N is even and greater than `2`)

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  8. A particle A having a charge of `2.0xx 10^(-6)` C and a mass of 100 g is placed at the bottom of a smoth inclined plane of inclination `30@` . Where should another particle B, having same charge and mass, be placed on the incline so that it may remain in equilibrium?

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  9. Two identical particles of charge `q` each are connected by a masless spring of force cosntant `k` .They are placed over a smoothe horizontal surface .They are released wheen unstretched .If maximum extneison of the spring is `r`,the value of `k` is :(neglect gravitational effect)

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  10. In a figure shown the electric field intenisity at `r=1,r=6m,r=9m` and `Vm^(-1)` is

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  11. Point charge of `3xx10^(-9)C` are situated at each of three corners of a square whose side is `15cm`. The magnitude and direction of electric field at the vacant corner of the square is

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  12. A large flat metal surface has a uniform charge density `+sigma`. An electron of mass `m` and charge `u` and returns to it at point `B`. Disregard gravity . The maximum value of `AB` is

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  13. `n` charges `Q,4Q,9Q,16Q….` are placed at distance of `1,2,3…..` metre form a point `0,`on the same straight line .The electric intensity at `0` is

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  14. Two point charge `q_(1)=2muC` and `q_(2)=1muC` are placed at distance `b=1` and `a=2cm` from the origin on the `y` and `x` axes as shown in figure .The electric field vector at point `(a),(b)` will subtnd on angle `theta` with the "x-axis" given by

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  15. A non-conducting ring of radius `0.5 m` carries a total charge of `1.11xx10^(-10)`C distributed non-uniformly on its circumference producing an electric field E everywhere is space. The value of the integral `int_(l=oo)^(l=0)-E.dI (l=0` being centre of the ring) in volt is

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  16. Three charge `-q,+q` and `-q` are kept at the veticles of an equllateral triangle of `10cm` side.The potential at the mid point in between `-q,-q,` if `q=5muC` is

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  17. Two charge each `Q` are released when the distance between is `d` .Then the velocity of each charge of mass `m` each when the distance between them is `2d` is

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  18. An oil drop carrying charge `Q` is held in equilibrium by a potential difference of `600V` between the horizontal plates.In order to hold another drop of radius in equilibrium a potential drop of `1600V` had to be maintained .The charge on the second drop is

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  19. A body of mass one gram and carrying a charge `10^(-8)C` passes through two points `P` and `Q` .The electrostatic potential at `Q` is `OV`.The velocity of the body at `Q` is `0.2ms^(-1)` and an `P` is `sqrt(0.028ms^(-1)` .The potential at `P` is

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  20. Three charges each`20muC` are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle of side `0.4m` The potential energy of the system is

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  21. An electric field is expresed as `vec(E)=2hat(i)+3hat(j)` The potential difference `(V_(A)-V_(B))` between two given by `r_(A)=hat(i)+2hat(j)` and `r_(B)=2hat(i)+hat(j)+3hat(k)` is

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  22. (Figure 3.139) shows three circular arcs, each of radius `R` and total charge as indicated. The net electric potential at the center of curvature.

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  23. Two identies conducting very large plates `P_(1)` and `P_(2)` having charges `+4Q` and `+6Q` are placed very closed to each other at separation d .The plate area of either face of the plate is A.the potential difference between plates `P_(1)` and `P_(2)` is

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  24. An electric dipole cosnists of two opposite charges of magnitude `1muC` separated by a distance of `2cm`.The dipole is placed in an electric filled `10^(-5)Vm^(-1)`.The maximum torque that the field exert on the dipole is

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  25. An electric dipole is formed two particles fixed at the ends of a light rad of length `I`. The mass of each particle is `m` and charges are `-q` and `+q`The system is suspended by a torsionless thread in an electric field of intensity `E` that the dipole axis is parallel to the field if it is slightly displaced the period of angular motion is

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  26. Two point charges `-q` and `+q` are located at points `(0,0-a)` and `(0,0,a)` resepctively.The electric potential at point `(0,0,z)`is `(Z gt a)`

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  27. Two equal charges `q` of opposite sign are separated by a small distance `2a`,The electric intensity `E` at a point on the perpendicular bisector of theline joining the two charges at a very large distance `r` form the line is

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Level II(C.W) questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROSTATICS AND GAUSS LAW of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12