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Complete Solutions to Illustrations of chapter DATA HANDLING of Class 6 book with complete answers and questions

Class 6MATHS
Number Of Questions20
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Given below is the marks obtained by 30 students in a unit test of class VI, out of 50.
    32, 48, 40, 31, 40, 32, 25, 42, 39, 15, 48, 32, 25, 22, 32, 25, 19, 31, 48, 32, 42, 15, 25, 19, 32, 31, 25, 48, 22, 15, Represent the data in a tabular form using tally marks.

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  2. Priya is playing with a die. She noted the number comes up each time after throwing it. The number appeared on the dice each time is shown below.
    Make a table using tally marks and answer the following questions.
    Which number on the dice appeare minimum number of times ?

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  3. Priya is playing with a die. She noted the number comes up each time after throwing it. The number appeared on the dice each time is shown below.
    Make a table using tally marks and answer the following questions.
    Which number on the dice appeared maximum number of times ?

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  4. Priya is playing with a die. She noted the number comes up each time after throwing it. The number appeared on the dice each time is shown below.
    Make a table using tally marks and answer the following questions.
    How many times the number '4' appeared ?

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  5. Following data shows the favourite fast food of 20 students of class VI.
    Burger, Burger, Pizza, Momos, Sandwich, Momos, Pizza, Burger, Sandwich, Burger, Pizza, Pizza, Sandwich, Momos, Burger, Sandwich, Momos , Pizza, Sandwich, Burger.
    Prepare a table using tally marks and answer the following questions.
    Which two fast foods are liked equally by the students ?

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  6. Following data shows the favourite fast food of 20 students of class VI.
    Burger, Burger, Pizza, Momos, Sandwich, Momos, Pizza, Burger, Sandwich, Burger, Pizza, Pizza, Sandwich, Momos, Burger, Sandwich, Momos , Pizza, Sandwich, Burger.
    Prepare a table using tally marks and answer the following questions.
    Which fast food is liked most by the students ?

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  7. Following data shows the favourite fast food of 20 students of class VI.
    Burger, Burger, Pizza, Momos, Sandwich, Momos, Pizza, Burger, Sandwich, Burger, Pizza, Pizza, Sandwich, Momos, Burger, Sandwich, Momos , Pizza, Sandwich, Burger.
    Prepare a table using tally marks and answer the following questions.
    Which fast food is liked least by the students ?

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  8. The pictograph shows the number of bicycles made by a factory during the four weeks of a month. Answer the following questions.

    How many bicycles were made by the factory during `1^(st)` week ?

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  9. The pictograph shows the number of bicycles made by a factory during the four weeks of a month. Answer the following questions.

    What is the difference between the number of bicycles made during `3^("rd")` week and `4^(th)` week ?

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  10. The pictograph shows the number of bicycles made by a factory during the four weeks of a month. Answer the following questions.

    In which week maximum number of bicycles were made ?

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  11. Prepare a pictograph for the given data that shows the pocket money of six children.

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  12. The given bar graph represents the sale of cars in five different states in a month.

    Which state sold maximum number of cars ?

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  13. The given bar graph represents the sale of cars in five different states in a month.
    What is the difference between the numbre of cars sold in Mumbai and Punjab ?

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  14. The given bar graph represents the sale of cars in five different states in a month.

    Which state sold 5000 cars ?

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  15. Given bar graph shows the number of books of difference subjects kept in a library. Study it and answer the following questions :

    How many Hindi books are kept in the library ?

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  16. Given bar graph shows the number of books of difference subjects kept in a library. Study it and answer the following questions :

    Are number of books of Science more than that of Mathematics ? If yes, then by how much ?

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  17. Given bar graph shows the number of books of difference subjects kept in a library. Study it and answer the following questions :

    Which subject has minimum number of books in the library ?

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  18. The table represents number of tourists visiting a zoo for 5 months.

    Make a bar graph representing the above information.

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  19. The are cultivated under different crops in a year was as follows.

    Which crop was cultivated in the smallest area ?

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  20. Look at the frequency chart representing the number of books read by the class in the post month.

    How many students read atleast 4 books.

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Illustrations questions and complete solutions for chapter DATA HANDLING of MTG IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 6