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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples of chapter DATA HANDLING of Class 6 book with complete answers and questions

Class 6MATHS
Number Of Questions37
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In a survey of 20 families, each family is found to have the following number of children. 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 4, 4, 2, 2, 3, 1, 5, 1, 1, 2
    Represent the data in tabular form using tally marks.

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  2. Study the bar graph and answer the following questions.

    Which is the most popular sport ?

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  3. Study the bar graph and answer the following questions.

    Which sport is preferred least ?

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  4. Study the bar graph and answer the following questions.

    What is the difference between number of students playing football and hockey ?

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  5. The sale of number of dolls on different days of a week in a shopping mall is shown below :

    Observe the pictograph and answer the following questions.
    How many dolls were sold on Tuesday ?

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  6. The sale of number of dolls on different days of a week in a shopping mall is shown below :

    Observe the pictograph and answer the following questions.
    On which day maximum number of dolls were sold ?

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  7. The sale of number of dolls on different days of a week in a shopping mall is shown below :

    Observe the pictograph and answer the following questions.
    Find the total number of dolls sold in first three days of the week.

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  8. The number of benches in each class of a school is depicted by the pictograph.

    Observe the pictograph and answer the following questions.
    How many benches are there in class VI ?

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  9. The number of benches in each class of a school is depicted by the pictograph.

    Observe the pictograph and answer the following questions.
    Which class has maximum number of benches ? Also, find the number of benches in that class ?

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  10. The number of benches in each class of a school is depicted by the pictograph.

    Observe the pictograph and answer the following questions.
    Which class has least number of benches ?

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  11. Read the bar graph and answer the questions.

    From which school 80 students participated ?

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  12. Read the bar graph carefully and answer the following questions.
    How may students of school B participated in the fest ?

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  13. Read the bar graph carefully and answer the following questions.
    From which school maximum number of students participated ?

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  14. Read the bar graph carefully and answer the following questions.
    What is the difference between the numbr of students participated from school C and D ?

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  15. In a village, fruit sellers sold the following number of watermelons in a particular week.

    Which fruit seller sold the minimum number of watermelons ?

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  16. In a village, fruit sellers sold the following number of watermelons in a particular week.

    How many watermelons were sold by Suresh ?

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  17. In a village, fruit sellers sold the following number of watermelons in a particular week.

    The sellers who have sold 60 or more number of watermelons are?

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  18. The weights (in kg) of 22 students of a class are given below.
    44, 46., 42, 40, 44, 44, 46, 43, 43, 44, 42, 46, 44, 43, 43, 42, 40, 40, 44, 46, 46, 44
    Represent the data in tabular form using tally marks.

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  19. The following data shows the number of students born in different months of a particular year of class VI. Make the bar graph based on the given information.

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  20. Number of wrist watches manufactured by a factory in six days of a particular week is given below.

    Read the bar graph and answer the following questions.
    What information does the bar graph gives ?

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  21. Number of wrist watches manufactured by a factory in six days of a particular week is given below.

    Read the bar graph and answer the following questions.
    On which day, the maximum number of wrist watches were manufactured ? How many wrist watches were manufactured on that day ?

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  22. Number of wrist watches manufactured by a factory in six days of a particular week is given below.

    Read the bar graph and answer the following questions.
    On which day, the minimum number of wrist watches were manufactured ?

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  23. Number of wrist watches manufactured by a factory in six days of a particular week is given below.

    Read the bar graph and answer the following questions.
    How many wrist watches were manufactured on Tuesday ?

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  24. Observe the table above and calculate total number of students from class III and VI are going to the picnic.

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  25. The given pictograph represents the number of students in 5 sections of class VI.

    Study the given pictograph and answer the following questions.
    How may students are there in section E ?

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  26. The given pictograph represents the number of students in 5 sections of class VI.

    Study the given pictograph and answer the following questions.
    Find the total number of students in 5 sections of Class VI.

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  27. The given pictograph represents the number of students in 5 sections of class VI.

    Study the given pictograph and answer the following questions.
    How many less students are there in section E than section D ?

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  28. The given pictograph represents the number of students in 5 sections of class VI.

    Study the given pictograph and answer the following questions.
    Which section has 48 students ?

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  29. The given pictograph represents the number of students in 5 sections of class VI.

    Study the given pictograph and answer the following questions.
    Find the difference between the number of students in section E and the total number of students in section C and D together.

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  30. In a school library, there are books on the following subjects : English = 500, History = 700, Maths = 800, Science = 900.
    Draw the pictograph for the above numerical data and answer the following questions.
    How many books are there in the school library ?

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  31. In a school library, there are books on the following subjects : English = 500, History = 700, Maths = 800, Science = 900.
    Draw the pictograph for the above numerical data and answer the following questions.
    Which subjects have maximum and minimum number of books ?

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  32. Read the given bar graph, showing the number of games played by different number of students of a school.

    Which game is played by the maximum number of students ?

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  33. Read the given bar graph, showing the number of games played by different number of students of a school.

    Which game is played by the minimum number of students ?

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  34. Read the given bar graph, showing the number of games played by different number of students of a school.

    Which game is played by only 120 students ?

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  35. Read the given bar graph, showing the number of games played by different number of students of a school.

    How many students play Cricket and Tennis together ?

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  36. Draw a bar graph using the data given in the following table.

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  37. The following data shows the number of students who attended the school on weekdays. Draw a bar graph to represent information by using appropriate scale.

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Solved Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter DATA HANDLING of MTG IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 6