Class 11 | PHYSICS |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 11
Steam at 100∘C is passed into a calorimeter of water equivalent 10 g containing 74 cc of water and 10 g of ice at 0∘C. If the temperature of the calorimeter and its contents rises to 5∘C, calculate the amount of steam passed. Latent heat of steam=540kcal/kg, latent heat of fusion=80kcal/kg.View SolutionQuestion 13
When a small ice crystal is placed in overcooled water it begins to freeze instantaneously.Question 15
An ice cube whose mass is 50 g is taken from a refrigerator where its temperature was−10∘C. If no heat is gained or lost from outside, how much water will freeze onto the cube if it is dropped into a beaker containing water at 0∘C? Latent heat of fusion=80kcal/kg, specific heat capacity of ice=500cal/kg/K.View SolutionQuestion 18
Equal masses of three liquids A,B and C are taken. Their initial temperature are 10∘C,25∘C and 40∘C respectively. When A and B are mixed the temperature of the mixutre is 19∘C. When B and C are mixed, the temperature of the mixture is 35∘C. Find the temperature if all three are mixed.View SolutionQuestion 19
An earthen pitcher loses 1 g of water per minute due to evaporation. If the water equivalent of pitcher is 0.5 kg and the pitcher contains 9.5 kg of water, calculate the time required for the water in the pitcher to cool to 28∘C from its original temperature of 30∘C Neglect radiation effect. Latent heat of vapourization of water in this range of temperature is 580 cal/g and specific heat of water is 1kcal/gC∘View SolutionQuestion 20
A certain amount of ice is supplied heat at a constant rate for 7 minutes. For the first one minute the temperature rises uniformly with time. Then, it remains constant for the next 4 minute and again the temperature rises at uniform rate for the last two minutes. Calculate the final temperature at the end of seven minutes.Question 32
An iron rod and a copper rod lie side by side. An the temperature is changed, the difference in the length of the rods remains constant at a value of 10 cm. Find the lengths at 0oC. Coefficients of linear expansion of iron and copper are 1.1×10−5C−1and1.7×10−5C−1 respectively.View SolutionQuestion 33
A metal rod of 30 cm length expands by 0.075 cm when its temperature is raised from 0∘C to 100∘C. Another rod of a different metal of length 45 cm expands by 0.045 cm for the same rise in temperature. A composite rod C made by joining A and B end to end expands by 0.040 cm when its length is 45 cm and it is heated from 0∘C to 50∘C. Find the length of each portion of the composite rod.View SolutionQuestion 36
A mercury in glass thermometer has a stem of internal diameter 0.06 cm and contains 43 g of mercury. The mercury thread expands by 10 cm when the temperature changes from 0∘C to 50∘C. Find the coefficient of cubical expansion of mercury. Relative density of mercury =13.6 and αglass=9×10−6/K.View SolutionQuestion 37
A sphere of diameter 7cm and mass 266.5g floats in a bath of liquid. As the temperature is raised, the sphere just sinks at a temperature of 35∘C. If the density of the liquid at 0∘C is 1.527g/cm3, find the coefficient of cubical expansion of the liquid. ignore expansion of sphere.View SolutionQuestion 38
A mercury thermometer is to be made with glass tubing of internal bore 0.5 mm diameter and the distance between the fixed point is to be 20 cm. Estimate the volume of the bulb below the lower fixed point, given that the coefficient of cubical expansion of mercury is 0.00018/K. and the coefficient of linear expansion of glass is 0.000009/K.View SolutionQuestion 39
On a Celsius thermometer the distance between the readings 0∘C and 100∘C is 30cm and the area of cross section of the narrow tube containing mercury is 15×10−4cm2. Find the total volume of mercuty in the thermometer at 0∘C. α of glass=9×10−6/K and the coefficient of real expansion of mercury=18×10−5/K. View SolutionQuestion 40
The height of a mercury column measured with a brass scale, which is correct and equal to H0 at 0∘C, is H1 at t∘C? The coefficient of linear expansion of brass is α and the coefficient of linear expansion of brass is α and the corfficient of volume expansion of mercury is γ. Relate H0 and H1.View SolutionQuestion 42
Two rods of equal cross sections, one of copper and the other of steel, are joined to form a composite rod of length 2.0 m at 20∘C, the length of the copper rod is 0.5 m. When the temperature is raised to 120∘C, the length of composite rod increases to 2.002m. If the composite rod is fixed between two rigid walls and thus not allowed to expand, it is found that the lengths of the component rods also do not change with increase in temperature. Calculate Young's moulus of steel. (The coefficient of linear expansion of copper, αc=1.6×10−5∘C and Young's modulus of copper is 1.3×1013N/m2).View SolutionQuestion 43
A glass vessel measures exactly 10cm xx 10 cm xx 10 cm at 0∘C. It is filled completely with mercury at this temperature. When the temperature is raised to 10∘C, 1.6cm3 of mercury overflows. Calculate the coefficient of volume expansion of mercury. coefficient of linear expansion of glass =6.5×10−6C−1.View SolutionQuestion 48
A ‘thermacole’ icebox is a cheap and efficient method for storing small quantities of cooked food in summer in particular. A cubical icebox of side 30 cm has a thickness of 5.0 cm. If 4.0 kg of ice is put in the box, estimate the amount of ice remaining after 6 h. The outside temperature is 45∘C, and co-efficient of thermal conductivity of thermacole is 0.01Js–1m–1K–1. [Heat of fusion of water =335×103Jkg–1] View SolutionQuestion 50
An electric heater is placed inside a room of total wall area 137m2 to maintain the temperature inside at 20∘C. The outside temperature is −10∘C. The walls are made of three composite materials. The inner most layer is made of wood of thickness 2.5 cm the middle layer is of cement of thickness 1 cm and the exterior layer is of brick of thickness 2.5 cm. Find the power of electric heater assuming that there is no heat losses through the floor and ceiling. The thermal conductivities of wood, cement and brick are 0.125W/m.∘C,1.5W/m.∘Cand1.0W/m.∘C respectively. View SolutionQuestion 53
Question 56
One end of a brass rod of length 2.0 m and cross section 1cm2 is kept in steam at 100∘C and the other end in ice at 0∘C. The lateral surface of the rod is covered by heat insulator. Determine the amount of ice melting per minute. Thermal conductivity of brass is 110W/m−K and specific latent heat of fusion of ice is 80cal/g.View SolutionQuestion 61
A spherical ball of radius 1cm coated with a metal having emissivity 0.3 is maintained at 1000 K temperature and suspended in a vacuum chamber whose walls are maintained at 300 K temperature. Find rate at which electrical energy is to be supplied to the ball to keep its temperature constant.View SolutionQuestion 65
The temperatures of equal masses of three different liquids A, B and C are 15∘C, 20∘C and 30∘C, respectively. When A and B are mixed their equilibrium temperature is 18∘C. When B and C are mixed, it is 22∘C .What will be the equilibrium temperature when liquids A and C are mixedView SolutionQuestion 66
A copper cube of mass 200 g slides down a rough inclined plane of inclination 37∘C at a constant speed. Assuming that the loss in mechanical energy goes into the copper block as thermal energy. Find the increase in temperature of the block as it slidese down through 60 cm. Specific heat capacity of copper is equal to 420J/kg−K.(Take,g=10m/s2). View SolutionQuestion 72
A rod AB of length l is pivoted at an end A and freely rotated in a horizontal plane at an angular speed ω about a vertical axis passing through A. If coefficient of linear expansion of material of rod is α, find the percentage change in its angular velocity if temperature of system is incresed by ΔTView SolutionQuestion 73
Question 74
A aluminium can of cylindrical shape contains 500cm3 of water. The area of the inner cross section of the can is 125cm2. All measurements refer ti 10∘C. Find the rise in the water level if the temperature increases to80∘C. The coefficient of linear expansion of aluminium =23×10−6∘C(−1) respectively.View SolutionQuestion 75
What is the temperature of the steel-copper junction in the steady state of the system shown in Fig. 11.15. Length of the steel rod = 15.0 cm, length of the copper rod = 10.0 cm, temperature of the furnace =300∘C, temperature of the other end = 0∘C. The area of cross section of the steel rod is twice that of the copper rod. (Thermal conductivity of steel =50.2Js–1m–1K–1, and of copper =385Js–1m–1K–1).Question 76
We would like to increase the length of a 15 cm long copper rod of cross section 4mm2 by 1 mm. The energy absorbed by the rod if it is heated is E1. The energy absorbed by the rod if it is stretched slowly is E2. Then find E1/E2. [Various parameters of copper are density =9×103Kg/m3, thermal coefficient of linear expansion =16×10−6/K, Young's modulus =135×190Pa, specific heat =400J/kg−K]View SolutionQuestion 78
A cylinderical brass boiler of radius 15 cm and thickness 1.0 cm is filled with water and placed on an elerctric heater. If the If the water boils at the rate of 200g/s, estimate the temperature of the heater filament. Thermal conductivity of brass=109J/s/m∘C and heat of vapourization of water =2.256×103J/g.View SolutionQuestion 79
The lower surface of a slab of stone of face-area 3600cm2 and thickness 10cm is exposed to steam at 100∘C . A block of ice at 0∘C rests on the upper surface of the slab. 4.8g of ice melts in one hour. Calculate the thermal conductivity of the stone. Latent heat of fusion of ice =3.36×105Jkg−1View SolutionQuestion 81
A solid metallic sphere of diameter 20 cm and mass 10 kg is heated to a temperature of 327∘C and suspended in a box in which a constant temperature of 27∘C is maintained. Find the rate at which the temperature of the Sphere will fall with time. Stefan's constant=5.67×10−8W/m2/K4 and specific heat of metal =420J/kg/∘C.View SolutionQuestion 82
Figure shows water in a container having 2.0−mm thick walls made of a material of thermal conductivity 0.50Wm−1C−1 . The container is kept in a melting-ice bath at 0∘C . The total surface area in contact with water is0.05m2 . A wheel is clamped inside the water and is coupled to a block of mass M as shown in the figure. As the goes down, the wheel rotates. It is found that after some time a steady state is reached in which the block goes down with a constant speed of 10cms−1 and the temperature of the water remains constant at 1.0∘C .Find the mass M of the block. Assume that the heat flow out of the water only through the walls in contact. Take g=10ms−2 .Question 83
Let us assume that sun radiates like a black body with surface temperature at T0=6000K and earth absorbs radiation coming from sun only. If both earth and sun are considered perfect spheres with distance between centre of earth and centre of sun to be 200 times the radius of sun, find the temperature (in Kelvin) of surface of earth in steady state (assume radiation incident on earth to be almost parallel).View SolutionQuestion 84
Water flows at the rate of 0.1500kg/min through a tube and is heated by a heater dissipating 25.2W. The inflow and outflow water temperatures are 15.2∘C and 17.4∘C, respectively. When the rate of flow is increased to 0.2318kg/min and the rate of heating to 37.8W, the inflow and outflow temperature are unaltered. FindQuestion 85
A piece of metal weighs 46 g in air and 30 g in liquid of density 1.24×103kgm−3 kept at 270C. When the temperature of the liquid is raised to 420C, the metal piece weights 30.5 g . The density of the liquid at 420C is 1.20×103kgm−3. Calculate the coefficient of linear expansion of the metal.View SolutionQuestion 86
Two steel rods and an aluminium rod of equal length l0 and equal cross- section are joined rigidly at their ends as shown in the figure below. All the rods are in a state of zero tension at 0∘C. Find the length of the system when the temperature is raised to θ. Coefficient of linear expansion of aluminium and steel are αa and αs respectively. Young's modulus of aluminium is Ya and of steel is Ys.View SolutionQuestion 87
The apparatus shown in the figure consists of four glass columns connected by horizontal section. The height of two central column B and C are 49 cm each. The two outer columns A and D are open to the temperature. A and C are maintained at a temperature of 95∘C while the columns B and D are maintained at 5∘C. The height of the liquid in A and D measured from the base the are 52.8 cm and 51cm respectively. Determine the coefficient of thermal expansion of the liquidQuestion 88
A cylindrical rod of length 50cm and cross sectional area 1cm2 is fitted between a large ice chamber at 0∘C and an evacuated chamber maintained at 27∘C as shown in figure. Only small protions of the rod are insid ethe chamber and the rest is thermally insulated from the surrounding. The cross section going inti the evacuted chamber is blackened so that it completely absorbe any radiation falling on it. The temperatuere of the blackened end is 17∘C when steady state is reachhed. Stefan constant σ=6×10−sWm−2K−4 . Find the thermal conductivity of the material of the rod.Question 90
An isosceles triangles is formed with a thin rod of length l1 and coefficient of linear expansion α1, as the base and two thin rods each of length l2 and coefficient of linear expansion α2 as the two sides. The distance between the apex and the midpoint of the base remain unchanged as the temperature is varied. the ratio of lengths l1l2 isQuestion 91
An iron rod of length 50 cm is joined at an end to aluminium rod of length 100 cm. All measurements refer to 200C . Find the length of the composite system at 100oC and its average coefficient of linear expansion. The coefficient of linear expansion of iron and aluminium are 12X10−6C−1 and 24X10−6C−1 respectively.View SolutionQuestion 110
In a industrical process 10 kg of water per hour is to be heated from 20∘C→80∘C. To do this, steam at 150∘C is passed from a boiler into a copper coilo immersed in water. The steam condenses in the coil and is returned to the boiler as water at 90∘C, how many kg of steam is required per hour . ltb rgt (Specific heat of steam = 1calperg∘C, latent heat of vaporisation = 540calg−1)View SolutionQuestion 113
A semicircular rods is joined at its end to a straight rod of the same material and the same cross-sectional area. The straight rod forms a diameter of the other rod. The junctions are maintained at different temperatures. Find the ratio of the heat transferred through a cross section of the straight rod in a given time. View SolutionQuestion 116
A point source of heat of power P is placed at the centre of a spherical shell of mean radius R. The material of the shell has thermal conductivity K. Calculate the thickness of the shell if temperature difference between the outer and inner surfaces of the shell in steady state is T. View SolutionQuestion 117
There are three thermometers one in contact with the skin of the man other in between the vest and the shirt and third in between the shirt and coat. The readings of the thermomenters are 30∘C,25∘C and 22∘C, respectively. If the vest and the shirt are of the same thickness, the ratio of their thermal conductivities isView SolutionQuestion 122
An ice box used for keeping eatables cool has a total wall area of 1m2 and a wall thichness of 5.0 cm. The thermal cunductivity of the ice box is K=0.01J/m∘C. It is filled with large amount of ice at 0∘C along with eatables on a dfay when the temperature is 30∘C The latent heat of fusion of ice is 334×103J/kg. The amount of ice melted in one day is ( 1 day=86,000s)View SolutionQuestion 123
Question 130
A solid copper cube of edges 1 cm is suspended in an evacuated enclosure. Its temperature is found to fall from 100∘C to 99∘C in 100 s. Another solid copper cube of edges 2 cm, with similar surface nature, is suspended in a similar manner. The time required for this cube to cool from 100∘C to 99∘C will be approximatelyView SolutionQuestion 138
There are two thin spheres A and B of the same material and same thickness. They behave like black bodies, Radius of A is double that of B and Both have same temperature T. When A and B are kept in a room of temperature T0(<T), the ratio of their rates of cooling is (assume negligible heat exchange between A and B).View SolutionQuestion 139
Question 143
A solid metallic sphere of diameter 20 cm and mass 10 kg is heated to a temperature of 327∘C and suspended in a box in which a constant temperature of 27∘C is maintained. Find the rate at which the temperature of the Sphere will fall with time. Stefan's constant=5.67×10−8W/m2/K4 and specific heat of metal =420J/kg/∘C.View SolutionQuestion 145
A wire is made by attaching two segments together end to end. One segment is made of aluminium and the other is steel. The effective coefficient of linear expansion of the two segment wire is 19×10−6/∘C. The fraction length of aluminium is (linear coefficient of thermal expansion of aluminium and steel are 23×10−6.∘C and 12×10−6/∘C,View SolutionQuestion 149
A thread of liquid is in a uniform capillary tube of length L. As measured by a ruler. The temperature of the tube and thread of liquid is raised by ΔT. If γ be the coefficient of volume expansion of the liquid and α be the coefficient of linear expansion of the material of the tube, then the increase ΔL in the length of the thread, again measured by the ruler will be View SolutionQuestion 150
A brass wire 1.8 m long at 27C is held taut with little tension between two rigid supports. If the wire is cooled to a temperature of –39∘C, what is the tension developed in the wire, if its diameter is 2.0 mm ? Co-efficient of linear expansion of brass =2.0×10–5K–1, Young’s modulus of brass =0.91×1011 Pa.View SolutionQuestion 151
A mass m of lead shot is placed at the bottom of a vertical cardboard cylinder that is 1.5 m long and closed at both ends. The cylinder is suddenly inverted so that the shot falls 1.5 m If this procces is repeated quickely 100 times, auuming no heat is dissipated or lost, the temperature of the shot will increase by (specific heat of lead=0.03cal/g∘C)View SolutionQuestion 152
An iron rocket fragment initially at −100∘C enters the earth's atmosphere almost horizontally and quickly fuses completely in atmospheric friction. Specific heat of iron is 0.11kcal/kg∘C. Its melting point is 1535∘C and the latent heat of fusion is 3kcals/kg. The minimum velocity with which the fragmento must have entered the atmosphere isView SolutionQuestion 153
A liquid of density 0.85g/cm3 flows through a calorimeter at the rate of 8.0cm2/s. Heat is added by means of a 250 W electric heating coil and a temperature difference of 15∘C is established in steady state conditions between the inflow and the outflow points of the liquid. The specific heat for the liquid will beView SolutionQuestion 154
An iron ball has a diameter of 6cm and is 0.010mm too large to pass through a hole in a brass plate when the ball and plate are at a temperature of 30∘C. At what temperature, the same for ball and plate, will the ball just pass through the hole?Question 155
A flask of mercury is sealed off at 20∘C and is completely filled with mercury. If the bulk modulus for mercury is 250 Mpa and the coefficient of volume expansion of mercury is 1.82×10−4/∘C and the expansion of glass is ignored, the pressure of mercury within flask at 100∘C will be View SolutionQuestion 158
An ordinary refrigerator is thermally equivalent to a box of corkboard 90 mm thick and 5.6m2 in inner surface area. When the door is closed, the inside wall is kept, on the average, 22.2∘C below the temperature of the outside wall. If the motor of the refrigerator runs 15% of the time while the door is closed, at what rate must heat be taken from the interior whicle the motor is running?Question 159
A bullet of mass 5 g moving at a speed of 200 m/s strikes a rigidly fixed wooden plank of thickness 0.2m normally and passes through it losing half of its kinetic energy. If it again strikes an identical rigidly fixed wooden plank and passes through it, assuming the same resistance in the two planks the ratio of the thermal energies produced in the two planks is View SolutionQuestion 160
Question 161
A thermally isulated piece of metal is heated under atmospheric pressure by an electric current so that it receives electric energy at a constant power P. This leads to an increase of absolute temperature T of the metal with time t as follows:Question 162
Question 163
A glass cylinder contains m0=100g of mercury at a temperature of t0=0∘C. When temperature becomes t1=20∘C the cylinder contains m1=99.7g of mercury The coefficient of volume expansion of mercury γHe=18×(10−5/∘C Assume that the temperature of the mercury is equal to that of the cylinder. The corfficient of linear expansion of glass α is View SolutionQuestion 165
Question 167
A container of capacity 700 mL is filled with two immiscible liquids of volume 200 mL and 500 mL with respective volume expansivities as 1.4×10−5/∘C and 2.1×10−5/∘C. During the heating of the vessel, it is observed that neither any liquid overflows nor any empty space is created. The volume expansivity of the container is View SolutionQuestion 173
Question 174
Question 176
A system receives heat continuously at the rate of 10 W. The temperature of the system becomes constant at 70∘C when the temperature of the surroundings is 30∘C. After the heater is switched off, the system cools from 50∘C to 49.9∘C in 1 min. The heat capacity of the system is View SolutionQuestion 180
A piece of metal floats on mercury. The coefficient of volume expansion of metal and mercury are γ1andγ2, respectively. if the temperature of both mercury and metal are increased by an amount ΔT, by what factor does the fraction of the volume of the metal submerged in mercury changes ? View SolutionQuestion 181
A uniform metallic disc of radius r and mass m is spinning with angular speed ω0 about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to plane. If its temperature is increased (slightly) by ΔT its new angular speed is (The coefficient of linear expansion of the metal is α)View SolutionQuestion 182
Calculate the compressional force required to prevent the metallic rod of length l cm and cross sectional area Acm2 when heated through t∘C from expanding lengthwise. Young's modulus of elasticity of the metal is E and mean coefficient of linear expansion is α per degree celsius.View SolutionQuestion 183
The coefficient of linear expansion of glass is αg per .∘C and the cubical expansion of mercury is γm per .∘C. The volume of the bulb of a mercury thermometer at 0∘C is V0 and cross section of the capillary is A0. What is the length of mercury column in capillary at T∘C, if the mercury just fills the bulb at 0∘C ?View SolutionQuestion 184
A 10 kW drilling machine is used to drill a bore in a small aluminium block of mass 8.0 kg. How much is the rise in temperature of the block in 2.5 minutes, assuming 50% of power is used up in heating the machine itself or lost to the surroundings. Specific heat of aluminium =0.91Jg–1K–1.View SolutionQuestion 185
A ball of thremal capacity 10cal/∘C is heated to the temperature of furnace it is then transferred into a vessel containing water. The water equivalent of vessel and the constents is 200 g. The temperature of the vessel and its contents rises from 10∘C to 40∘C. What is the temperature of furnace?View SolutionQuestion 188
Ice at 0∘C is added to 200 g of water initially at 70∘C in a vacuum flask. When 50 g of ice has been added and has all melted the temperature of the flask and contents is 40∘C. When a further 80 g of ice has been added and has all melted the temperature of the whole becomes 10∘C. Find the latent heat of fusion of ice. View SolutionQuestion 194
One end of a copper rod of uniform cross section and length 1.5 m is kept in contact with ice and the other end with water at 100∘C. At what point along its length should a temperature of 200∘C be maintained so that in the steady state, the mass of ice melting be equal to that of the steam produced in same interval of time. Assume that the whole system is insulated from surroundings:Question 196
A one litre flask contains some mercury. It is found that at different temperatures the volume of air inside the flask remains tha same. What is the volume of mercury in the flask? Given the cofficients of linear expansion of glass is 9×10−6/∘C and the coefficient of volume expansion of mercury is 1.8×10−4/∘CView SolutionQuestion 201
The earth receives its surface radiation from the sun at the rate of 1400 W/m2. The distance of the centre of the sun from the surface of the earth is 1.5×1011 m and the radius of the sun is 7.0×108 m. Treating sun as a black body, it follows from the above data that its surface temeperature is View SolutionQuestion 202
Three rods of identical cross-sectional area and made from the same metal form the sides of an isosceles triangle ABC right angled at B as shown in the figure. The points A and B are maintained at temperature T and (√2)T respectively in the steady state. Assuming that only heat conduction takes place, temperature of point C will beQuestion 205
An iron rod of length 50 cm is joined at an end to aluminium rod of length 100 cm. All measurements refer to 200C . Find the length of the composite system at 100oC and its average coefficient of linear expansion. The coefficient of linear expansion of iron and aluminium are 12X10−6C−1 and 24X10−6C−1 respectively.View SolutionQuestion 211
Question 212
Question 213
Two spheres of different material one with double the radius and one fourth wall thickness of the other are filled with ice. If the time taken for complete melting of ice in the larger radius one is 25 minutes and that for smaller sphere is 16 minutes, the ratio of thermal conductivities of material of larger sphere to smaller sphere is View SolutionQuestion 215
An earthenware vessel loses 1 g of water per second due to evaporation. The water equivalent of the vessel is 0.5 kg and the vessel contains 9.5 kg of water find the time required for the water in the vessel to cool to 28∘C from 30∘C. Neglect radiation losses. Latent heat of vapourization of water in this range of temperature is 540cal/g.View SolutionQuestion 218
A room at 20∘C is heated by a heater of resistence 20 ohm connected to 200 VV mains. The temperature is uniform throughout the room and the heati s transmitted through a glass window of area 1m2 and thickness 0.2 cm. Calculate the temperature outside. Thermal conductivity of glass is 0.2cal/mC∘ s and mechanical equivalent of heat is 4.2J/cal.View SolutionQuestion 220
Question 229
A bar measured with a vernier caliper is found to be 180 mm long. The temperature during the measurement is 10∘C. The measurement error will be if the scale of the vernier caliper has been graduated at a temeprature of 20∘C. (α=1.1×10−5.∘C−1. Assume that the length of the bar does not change.)View SolutionQuestion 230
A closed cubical box is made of perfectly insulating material and the only way for heat to enter or leave the box is through two solid cylindrical metal plugs, each of cross sectional area 12cm2 and length 8cm fixed in the opposite walls of the box. The outer surface of one plug is kept at a temperature of 100∘C . while the outer surface of the plug is maintained at a temperature of 4∘C . The thermal conductivity of the material of the plug is 2.0Wm−1C−1 . A source of energy generating 13W is enclosed inside the box. Find the equilibrium temperature of the inner surface of the box assuming that it is the same at all points on the inner surface.View SolutionQuestion 231
Two models of a windowpane are made. In one model, two identical glass panes of thickness 3 mm are separated with an air gap of 3 mm. This composite system is fixed in the window of a room The other model consist of a single glass pane of thickness 3 mm, the temperature difference being the same as for the first model. the ratio of the heat flow fot the double pane to that for the single pane isQuestion 234
Water at 0∘C was heated until it started to boil and then until it all changed to steam. The time required to heat water from 0∘C to 100∘C is 5 min and the time to change boiling water to steam is 28 minutes. If the flame supplied heat at a constant rate, the specific latent heat of vaporization of water (neglecting heat losses, container etc. is (in J/g). (specific heat of water s =4.2J/g )View SolutionQuestion 248
A vessel is partly filled with liquid. When the vessel is cooled to a lower temperature, the space in the vessel unoccupied by the liquid remains constant. Then the volume of the liquid (VL) volume of the vessel (VV) the coefficient of cubical expansion of the material of the vessel (γv) and of the liquid (γL) are related asView SolutionQuestion 249
Two identical objects A and B are at temperatures TA and TB. Respectively. Both objects are placed in a room with perfectly absorbing walls maintained at a temperature T(TA>T>TB). The objects A and B attain the temperature T eventually. Select the correct statements from the following:View SolutionQuestion 250
Question 252
Question 253
Question 256
Question 257
Statement I: As the temperature of the black body increases, the wavelength at which the spectral intensity (Eλ) is maximum decreases.Question 260
Statement I: The bulb of one thermometer is spherical while that of the other is cylindrical . Both have equal amounts of mercury. The response of the cylindrical bulb thermometer will be quicker.Question 261
Statement I: The expanded length l of a rod of original length l0 is not correctly given by (assuming α to be constant with T) l=l0(1+αΔT) if αΔT is large.Question 262
A body cools in a surrounding of constant temperature 30∘C Its heat capacity is 2J/∘C. Initial temperature of cooling is valid. The body of mass 1 kg cools to 38∘C in 10 minQuestion 264
A body cools in a surrounding of constant temperature 30∘C Its heat capacity is 2J/∘C. Initial temperature of cooling is valid. The body of mass 1 kg cools to 38∘C in 10 minQuestion 265
The internal energy of a solid also increases when heat is transferred to it from its surroundings. A 5 kg solid bar is heated at atmospheric pressure. Its temperature increases from 20∘C to 70∘C. The linear expansion coefficient of solid bar is 1×10−3/∘C. The density of solid bar is 50kg/m3. The specific heat capacity of solid bar is 200J/kgC∘. The atmospheric pressure is 1×105N/m2.Question 266
The internal energy of a solid also increases when heat is transferred to it from its surroundings. A 5 kg solid bar is heated at atmospheric pressure. Its temperature increases from 20∘C to 70∘C. The linear expansion coefficient of solid bar is 1×10−3/∘C. The density of solid bar is 50kg/m3. The specific heat capacity of solid bar is 200J/kgC∘. The atmospheric pressure is 1×10N/m2.Question 267
The internal energy of a solid also increases when heat is transferred to it from its surroundings. A 5 kg solid bar is heated at atmospheric pressure. Its temperature increases from 20∘C to 70∘C. The linear expansion coefficient of solid bar is 1×10−3/∘C. The density of solid bar is 50Kg/m3. The specific heat capacity of solid bar is 200J/kgC∘. The atmospheric pressure is 1×10N/m2.Question 268
A wire of length 1 m and radius 10−3m is carrying a heavy current and is assumed to radiate as a black body. At equilibrium, its temperature is 900 K while that of surrounding is 300 K. The resistivity of the material of the wire at 300 K is π∘×10−8 ohm m and its temperature coefficient of resistance is 7.8×10−3/C (stefan's constantσ=5.68×10−8W/m2K4).Question 269
A wire of length 1 m and radius 10−3m is carrying a heavy current and is assumed to radiate as a black body. At equilibrium, its temperature is 900 K while that of surrounding is 300 K. The resistivity of the material of the wire at 300 K is π∘×10−8 ohm m and its temperature coefficient of resistance is 7.8×10−3/C (stefan's constantσ=5.68×10−8W/m2K2.Question 270
A wire of length 1 m and radius 10−3m is carrying a heavy current and is assumed to radiate as a black body. At equilibrium, its temperature is 900 K while that of surrounding is 300 K. The resistivity of the material of the wire at 300 K is π∘×10−8 ohm m and its temperature coefficient of resistance is 7.8×10−3/C (stefan's constantσ=5.68×10−8W/m2K2.Question 271
Assume that the thermal conductivity of copper is twice that of aluminium and four times that of brass. Three metal rods made of copper, aluminium and brass are each 15 cm long and 2 cm in diameter. These rods are placed end to end, with aluminium between the other two. The free ends of the copper and brass rods are maintained at 100∘C and 0∘C respectively. The system is allowed to reach the steady state condition. Assume there is no loss of heat anywhere.Question 272
Assume that the thermal conductivity of copper is twice that of aluminium and four times that of brass. Three metal rods made of copper, aluminium and brass are each 15 cm long and 2 cm in diameter. These rods are placed end to end, with aluminium between the other two. The free ends of the copper and brass rods are maintained at 100∘C and 0∘C respectively. The system is allowed to reach the steady state condition. Assume there is no loss of heat anywhere.Question 273
Assume that the thermal conductivity of copper is twice that of aluminium and four times that of brass. Three metal rods made of copper, aluminium and brass are each 15 cm long and 2 cm in diameter. These rods are placed end to end, with aluminium between the other two. The free ends of the copper and brass rods are maintained at 100∘C and 0∘C respectively. The system is allowed to reach the steady state condition. Assume there is no loss of heat anywhere.Question 274
A thin copper rod of uniform cross section A square metres and of length L metres has a spherical metal sphere of radius r metre at Its one end symmetrically attached to the copper rod. The thermal conductivity of copper is K and the emissivity of the spherical surface of the sphere is ε.The free end of the copper rod is maintained at the temperature T kelvin by supplying thermal energy from a P watt source. Steady state conditions are allowed to be established while the rod is properly insulated against heat loss from its lateral surface. Surroundings are at 0∘C Stefan's constant=σW/m2K4.Question 275
A thin copper rod of uniform cross section A square metres and of length L metres has a spherical metal sphere of radius r metre at tis one end symmetrically attached to the copper rod. The thermal conductivity of copper is K and the emissivity of the spherical surface of the sphere is ε.The free end of the copper rod is maintained at the temperature T kelving by supplying thermal energy from a P watt source. Steady state conditions are allowed ot be established while the rod is properly insulated aginst heat loss from its lateral surface. Surroundings are at 0∘C Stefan's constant=σW/m2K4.Question 276
A thin copper rod of uniform cross section A square metres and of length L metres has a spherical metal sphere of radius r metre at tis one end symmetrically attached to the copper rod. The thermal conductivity of copper is K and the emissivity of the spherical surface of the sphere is ε.The free end of the copper rod is maintained at the temperature T kelving by supplying thermal energy from a P watt source. Steady state conditions are allowed ot be established while the rod is properly insulated aginst heat loss from its lateral surface. Surroundings are at 0∘C Stefan's constant=σW/m2K4.Question 278
An immersion heater, in an insulated vessel of negligible heat capacity brings 100 g of water to the boiling point from 16∘C in 7 min. ThenQuestion 280
A body of area 0.8×10−2m2 and mass 5×10−4kg directly faces the sun on a clear day. The body has an emissivity of 0.8 and specific heat of 0.8cal/kg K. The surroundings are at 27∘C. (solar constant=1.4kW/m2).Question 282
A body of area 0.8×10−2m2 and mass 5×10−4kg directly faces the sun on a clear day. The body has an emissivity of 0.8 and specific heat of 0.8cal/kg K. The surroundings are at 27∘C. (solar constant=1.4kW/m2).Question 283
A copper collar is to fit tightly about a steel shaft that has a diameter of 6 cm at 20∘C. The inside diameter of the copper collar at the temperature is 5.98cmQuestion 287
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Question 294
In two experiments with a countinous flow calorimeter to determine the specific heat capacity of a liquid,an input power of 16 W produced a rise of 10 K in the liquid. When the power was doubled, the same temperature rise was achieved by making the rate of flow of liquid three times faster. Find the power lost (in W) to the surrounding in each case.View SolutionQuestion 295
2kg of ice at −20∘C is mixed with 5kg of water at 20∘C in an insulating vessel having a negligible heat capacity. Calculate the final mass of water remaining in the container. It is given that the specific heats of water & ice are 1kcal/kg/∘C and 0.5Question 298
Two identical conducting rods are first connected independently to two vessels, one containing water at 100∘C and the other containing ice at 0∘C. In the second case, the rods are joined end to end and connected to the same vessels. Let q1andq2 gram per second be the rate of melting of ice in the two cases respectively. The ratio q1q2 isQuestion 300
Consider a cylindrical container of cross-section area A length h and having coefficient of linear expansion αc. The container is filled by liquid of real expansion coefficient γL up to height h1. When temperature of the system is increased by Δθ then