Class 12 | PHYSICS |
Chapter | WAVE OPTICS |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 6
By an anodizing process, a transparent film of aluminium oxide of thickness t=250 nm and index of refraction n2=1.80 is deposited on a sheet of polished aluminium What is the color of utenslis made from this sheet with observer in white light? Assume normal incidence of the light.View SolutionQuestion 10
An oil film (n=1.45) floating on water is illuminated by white light at normal incidence. The film is 280 nm thick. Find (a) the color or the light in the visible specturm most strongly reflected and (b) the color of the light in the specturm most strongly transmitted. Explain your reasoning.View SolutionQuestion 12
In solar cells, a silicon solar cell (μ=3.5) is coated with a thin filmQuestion 19
Interference fringes are produced by a double slit arrangementQuestion 21
In YDSE with D=1m,d=1mm, light of wavelength 500nm is incident at an angle of 0.57∘ w.r.t. the axis of symmetry of the experimental set-up. If center of symmetry of screen is O as shown figure.Question 23
Consider an interference arrangement similar to YDSE. Slits S1 and S2 are illuminated with coherent microwave sources each of frequency 2 MHz The sources are synchronized to have zero phase difference. The slits are separated by distance d= 75m. The intensity I(θ) is measured as a function of θ where θ is defined as shown in figure. if I0 is maximum intensity then calculated I(θ) for (i)θ=0∘,(ii)θ=π/6and(iii)θ=π/2Question 27
Two radio antennas separated by 300 m as shown in figure simultaneously broadcast indentical singals at the same wavelength. A radio in a car traveling due north receives the signals. (a) If the car is at the position of the second maximum, what is the wavelength of the signals? (b) How much farther must the car travel to encounter the next mininum in reception? (Note: Do not use the small- angle approximation in this problem.)Question 30
The intensity on the screen at a certain point in a double-slit interference patteren is 25.0% of the maximum value. (a) What minimum phase difference (in radians) between the sources produces this result? (b) Express this phase difference as a path difference for 486.1 nm light.View SolutionQuestion 33
The width of one of the two slits in a Young's double slit experiment is double of the other slit. Assuming that the amplitude of the light coming from a slit is proportional to the slit width, find the ratio of the maximum to the minimum intensity in the interference pattern.View SolutionQuestion 35
A monochromatic beam of light of 6000 Å is used in YDSE set-up. The two slits are covered with two thin films of equal thickness t but of different refractive indices as shown in figure. Considering the intensity of the incident beam on the slits to be I0, find the point on the screen at which intensity is I0 and is just above the central maxima. (Assume that there is no change in intensity of the light after passing through the films.) Consider t=6μm,d=1mm, and D=1m, where d and D have their usual meaning. Give your answer in mm.Question 36
A double slit of separation 1.5 mm is illuminated by white light (between 4000 and 8000 Å). On a screen 120 cm away colored interference pattern is formed. If a pinhole is made on this screen at a distance of 3.0 mm from the central white fringe, some wavelengths will be absent in the transimitted light. Find the second longest wavelength (in Å) which will be absent in the transmitted light.View SolutionQuestion 37
In figure S is a monochromatic source of light emitting light of wavelength of wavelength λ (in air). Light on slits S1 from S and then reaches in the slit S2 and S3 through a medium of refractive index μ1. Light from slit S2 and S3 reaches the screen through a medium of refractive index μ3. A thin transparent film of refractive index μ2 and thickness t is used placed in front of S2. Point P is symmetrical w.r.t. S2 and S3. Using the values d=1mm,D=1m,μ1=4/3,Question 38
In the Young's double-slit experiment, the amplitude os source S1 is three times the amplitude of the source S2. These sources are covered by perfectly transparent thin plates of same thickness but different refractive indices 1.6 and 1.5, respectively. Now, if the plates are interchanged and the amplitude of source S1 is made same as that of S2, then find the amout by which the intensity is changed at a point where previous central maxima was formed. Take thickness of the plate equal to (110/3)λ, where λ is the wavelength of light used.Question 39
Figure shows a narrow slit S illuminated b a monochromatic light of wavelength λ in a double-slit experiment. In the path of the rays reaching the upper slit S1, a tube to length L is interposed in which the index of reflection of the medium varies linearly as shown in figure . The position of the central maximum in the interference pattern on the screen was displaceed by N fringes. Find the value of N in terms of μ0, L and λ.Question 40
In Young's double-slit experiment, a point source is placed on a solid slab of refractive index 6/5 at a distance of 2 mm from two slits spaced 3 mm apart as shown and at equal distacne from both the slits. The screen is at a distance of 1 m from the slits. Wavelength of light used is 500 nm.Question 41
In YDSE, the sources is red ligth of wavelength 7×10−7m. When a thin glass plate of refractive index 1.5 is put in the path of one of the interfering beams, the central bright fringe shifts by 10−3 m to the position previously occupied by the 5th bright fringe.Question 43
Interference fringes are produced by a double slit arrangementQuestion 48
In a double-slit experiment, two parallel slits are illuminated first bylight of wavelength 400 nm and then by light of unknown wavelength. The fourth-order dark fringe resulting from the known wavelength of light falls in the same place on the screen as the second-order bright fringe from the unknown wavelength. The value of unknown wavelength of light isView SolutionQuestion 51
Blue light of wavelength 480 nm is most strongly reflected off a thin film of oil on a glass slab when viewed near normal incidence. Assuming that the index of refraction of the oil is 1.2 and that of the glass is 1.6, what is the minimum thickness of the oil film (other then zero)?View SolutionQuestion 52
The slits in a double-slit interference experiment are illuminated by orange light (λ=60nm). A thin transparent plastic of thickness t is placed in front of one of the slits. The nunber of fringes shifting on screen is plotted versus the refractive index μ of the plastic in graph shown in figure. The value of t isQuestion 59
A plane wave of monochromatic light falls normally on a uniform thin or oil which covers a glass plate. The wavelength of source can be varied continuously. Complete destructive is observed for λ=5000Å and λ=1000Å and for no other wavelength in between. If μ of oil is 1.3 and that of glass is 1.5, the thickness of the film will be View SolutionQuestion 62
Two light waves having the same wavelengths λ in vacuum are in phase initially . Then the first wave travels a path L1 through a medium of refractive index n1 while the second wave travels a path of length L2 through a medium of refractive index n2 . After this the phase difference between the two waves is :View SolutionQuestion 64
In Young's double slit experiment, the two slits acts as coherent sources of equal amplitude A and wavelength λ. In another experiment with the same set up the two slits are sources of equal amplitude A and wavelength λ but are indoherent. The ratio of the intensity of light at the mid point of the screen in the first case to that in the second case isView SolutionQuestion 73
A plate of thickness t made of a material of refractive index μ is placed in front of one of the slits in a double slit experiment. (a) Find the changes in the optical path due to introduction of the plate. (b) What should be the minimum thickness t which will make the intensity at the center of the fringe pattern zero ? Wavelength of the light used is λ. Neglect any absorption of light in the plate.View SolutionQuestion 78
In a standard Young's double-slit experiment with coherent light of wavelength 600 nm, the fringe width of the fringes in the central region (near the central fringe, P0) is observed it to be 3 mm. An extremely thin glass plate is introduced to be displaced by 11 mm. Another thin plate is placed before the second slit and it is observed that the fringe are now displaced by an additional 12 mm. If the additional optical path lengths introduced are Δ1 and Δ2 thenQuestion 79
In Young's doulbe-slit experiment the separation between two coherent sources S1 and S2 is d and the distance between the source and screen is D. In the interference pattern, it is found that exactly in front of one slit, there occurs a minimum. Then the possible wavelengths used in the experiment areView SolutionQuestion 89
In the ideal double-slit experiment, when a glass-plate (refractive index 1.5) of thickness t is introduced in the path of one of the interfering beams (wavelength λ), the intensity at the position where the central maximum occurred previously remains unchanged. The minimum thickness of the glass-plate isView SolutionQuestion 93
In YDSE, light of wavelength λ=5000Å is used, which emerges in phase from two a slits distance d=3×10−7m apart. A transparent sheet of thickness t=1.5×10(−7)m, refractive indes n=1.17, is placed over one of the slits. Where does the central maxima of the interference now appear from the center of the screen? (Find the value of y?)Question 96
A light of wavelength 6000Å shines on two narrow slits separeted by a distance 1.0 mm and illuminates a screen at a distance 1.5 m away. When one slit is covered by a thin glass plate of refractive index 1.8 and other slit by a thin glass plate of refractive index μ, the central maxima shifts by 0.1 rad. Both plates have the same thickness of 0.5 mm. The value of refractive index μ of the glass isView SolutionQuestion 99
Calculate the wavelength of light used in an interference experiment from the following data: Fringe width = 0.03 cm. Distance between slits and eyepiece through which the interference pattern is observed is 1 m. Distance between the images of the virtural when a convex lens of focal length 16 cm is used at a distance of 80 cm from the eyepiece is 0.8 cm.View SolutionQuestion 102
In a Young's double slit experiment using monochromatic light, the fringe pattern shifts by a certain distance on the screen when a mica sheet of refractive index 1.6 and thickness 1.964 microns is introduced in the path of one of the interfering waves. The mica sheet is then removed and the distance between the slits and screen is doubled. It is found that the distance between successive maxima now is the same as observed fringe shift upon the introduced of the mica sheet . Calculate the wavelength of the monochromatic light used in the experiment .View SolutionQuestion 104
In Young's double-slit experiment, the slit are 0.5 mm apart and the interference is observed on a screen at a distance of 100 cm from the slits, It is found that the ninth bright fringe is at a distance of 7.5 mm from the second dark fringe from the center of the fringe pattern. The wavelength of the light used in nm is View SolutionQuestion 106
Two waves of light in air have the same wavelength and are intially in phase. They then travel through plastic layers with thickness of L1=3.5mm and L2=5.0mm and indices of refraction n1=1.7 and n2=1.25 as shown in figure. The rays later arrive at a common point. The longest wavelength of light for which constructive interference occurs at the point isQuestion 107
Light from a sources emitting two wavelengths λ1 and λ2 is allowed to fall on Young's double-slit apparatus after filtering one of the wavelengths. The position of interference maxima is noted. When the filter is removed both the wavelengths are incident and it is found that maximum intensity is produced where the fourth maxima occured previously. If the other wavelength if filtered, at the same location the third maxima is found. What is the raito of wavelength?View SolutionQuestion 109
As shown in figure waves with identical wavelengths and amplitudes and which are intially in phase travel through difference media. Ray 1 travels through air and Ray 2 through a transparent medium for equal length L, in four different situations. Rays reach a common point on the screen. The number of wavelengths in length L is N2 for Ray 2 and N1 for Ray 1. In the following table, values of N1 and N2 are given for all four situations. The order or the situations according to the intensity of the light at the common point in descending order is SituationsQuestion 115
In YDSE shown in figure a parallel beam of light is incident on the slits from a medium of refractive index n1. The wavelength of light in this medium is λ1. A transparent slab of thickness t and refractive index n3 is put in front of one slit. The medium between the screen and the plane of the slits is n2. The phase difference between the light waves reaching point O (symmetrical, relative to the slits) isQuestion 117
In the figure shown, a parallel beam of light is incident on the plane of the slits of a Young's double slit experiment. Light incident on the slit S1 passes through a medium of variable refractive index μ=1+ax(where'x' is the distance from the the plane of slits as shown ), upto a distance 'l' before falling on S1. Rest of the speace is filled with air. If at O a minima is formed, then the minimum value of the positive constant a ( in term of l and wavelength 'λ' in air ) is:Question 118
Interference fringes were produced using light in a doulbe-slit experiment. When a mica sheet of uniform thickness and refractive index 1.6 (relative to air) is placed in the path of light from one of the slits, the central fringe moves through some distance. This distance is equal to the width of 30 interference bands if light of wavelength 4800 is used. The thickness (in μm) of mica isView SolutionQuestion 123
Coherent light with wavelength 600nm passes through two very narrow slits and the interference pattern is observed on a screen 3.00 m from the slits. The first order bright fringe is at 4.94 mm from the centre of the central bright fringe. For what wavelength of light will the first order dark fringe be observed at this same point on the screen? View SolutionQuestion 137
Two transparent slabs have the same thickness as shown in figure. One in made of material A of refractive index 1.5. The other is made of two materilas B and C with thickness in the ratio 1:2. The refractive index of C is 1.6. If a monochromatic parallel beam passing through the slabs has the same number of wavelengths inside both, the refractive index of B isQuestion 139
In young's double-slit experiment, the slit are 2 mm apart and are illuminated with a mixture ot two wavelengths λ0=750nm and λ=900nm, The minimum distance from the common central bright fringe on a screen 2 m from the slits, where a bright fringe from one interference pattern coincides with a bright fringe from the other, isView SolutionQuestion 143
A flake of glass (refractive index 1.5) is placed over one of the opening of a double-slit apparatus. The interference pattern displaced itself through seven successive maxima toward the side where the flake is placed. If wavelength of the light is λ=600nm, then the thickness of the flake is View SolutionQuestion 144
Two identical sources each of intensity I0 have a separation d=λ/8, where λ is the wavelength of the waves emitted by either source. The phase difference of the sources is π/4 The intensity distribution I(θ) in the radiation field as a function of θ Which specifies the direction from the sources to the distant observation point P is given byView SolutionQuestion 148
In a Young's double slit experiment using monochromatic light, the fringe pattern shifts by a certain distance on the screen when a mica sheet of refractive index 1.6 and thickness 1.964 microns is introduced in the path of one of the interfering waves. The mica sheet is then removed and the distance between the slits and screen is doubled. It is found that the distance between successive maxima now is the same as observed fringe shift upon the introduced of the mica sheet . Calculate the wavelength of the monochromatic light used in the experiment .View SolutionQuestion 149
In the ideal double-slit experiment, when a glass-plate (refractive index 1.5) of thickness t is introduced in the path of one of the interfering beams (wavelength λ), the intensity at the position where the central maximum occurred previously remains unchanged. The minimum thickness of the glass-plate isView SolutionQuestion 151
YDSE is carried with two thin sheets of thickness 10.4μ m each and refractive index μ1=1.52andμ2=1.40 covering the slits S1andS2 respectively. If white light of range 400nm to 780 nm is used, then which wavelength will form maxima exactly at point O, the centre of the screenQuestion 152
High-quality camera lenses are often coated to prevent reflection. A lens has an optical index of refraction of 1.72 and a coating with an optical index os refraction 1.31. For near normal incidence, the minimum thickness of the coating to prevent reflection for wavelength of 5.3×10−7m isView SolutionQuestion 153
A long horizontal slit is placed 1 mm above a horizontal plane mirror. The interference between the light coming directly from the slit and the after reflection is seen on a screen 1 m away from the slit. If the mirror reflects only 64% of the light falling on it, the ratio of the maximum to the minimum intensity in the interference pattern observed on the screen is View SolutionQuestion 155
In young's double-slit experiment set up, sources S of wavelength 50 nm illumiantes two slits S1 and S2 which act as two coherent sources. The sources S oscillates about its own position according to the equation y=0.5sinπt, where y is in nm and t in seconds. The minimum value of time t for which the intensity at point P on the screen exaclty in front of the upper slit becomes minimum isQuestion 157
A thin uniform film of refractive index 1.75 is placed on a sheet of glass of refractive index 1.5. At room temperature (20∘C) this film is just thick enoungh for light with wavelength 600 nm reflected off the top of the film to be canceled by light reflected from the top the glass. After the glass is placed in on oven and slowly heated to 170∘C, the film conceals reflected light with wavelength 606 nm. The coefficient of linear expansion of the film is (ignore any changes in the refractive index of the film due to the temperature change)View SolutionQuestion 158
Two slits spaced 0.25 mm apart are placed 0.75 m from a screen and illuminated by coherent light with a wavelength of 650 nm. The intensity at the center of the central maximum (θ=0∘) is I0. The distance on the screen from the center of the central maximum to the point where the intensity has fallen to I0/2 is nearlyView SolutionQuestion 160
The index of refraction of a glass plate is 1.48 at θ1=30.∘C and varies linearly with temperature with a coefficient of 2.5×10−5.∘C−1. The coefficient of linear expansion of the glass is 5×10−9^∘C−1. At 30.∘C, the length of the glass plate is 3 cm. This plate is placed in front of one of the slit n Young's double-slit experiment. If the plate is being heated so that it temperature increases at a rate of 5∘C−1 min, the light sources has wavelength λ=589nm and the glass plate initially ia at θ=30∘C. The number of fringes that shift on the screen in each minute is nearly (use approximation)View SolutionQuestion 161
Two thin parallel slits are made in on opaque sheet of film when a monochromatic beam of light is shonw through then at normal incidence. The first bright fringes in the transmitted light occur at ±45∘ with the original direction of the ligth beam on a distant screen when the apparatus is in air. When the apparatus is immersed in a liquid, the same bright fringe now occur at ±30∘. The index of refraction of the liquid isView SolutionQuestion 171
A light wave of wavelength λ0 propagates from point A to point B. We introduce in its path a glass plate of refractive index n and thickness l. Then introduction of the plate alters the phase of the plate at B by an angle ϕ. If λ is the wavelength of light on emerging from the plate, thenView SolutionQuestion 177
A radio transmitting station operating at a frequency of 120MHz has two identical antennas that radiate in phase. Antenna B is 9.00m to the right of antenna A. Consider point P between the antennas and along the line connecting them, a horizontal distance x to the right of antenna A. For what values of x will constructive interference occur at point P? View SolutionQuestion 178
A two-slit inteference, experiment uses coherent light of wavelength 5×10−7m. Intensity in the interference pattern for the following points are I1,I2,I3, and I4, respectivelyQuestion 181
Statement I: In Young's double-slit experiment, the two slits are at distance d apart. Interference pattern is observed on a screen at distance D from the slits. At a point on the screen which is directly opposite to one of the slits, a dark fringe is observed. Then, the wavelength of wave is proportional to the squar of distance between two slits.Question 187
Statement I: Two point coherent sources of light S1 and S2 are placed on a line as shown in figure. P and Q are two points on that line. If at point P maximum intensity is observed, then maximum intensity should also be observed at Q.Question 188
Statement I: Two coherent point sources of light having no-zero phase difference are separated by a small distance. Then, on the perpendicular bisector of line segment joining both the point sources, constructive interference cannot be obtained.Question 190
Statement I: For the situation shown in figure two identecal coherent light sources produce interference pattern on the screen. The intensity of minima nearest to S1 is not exactly zero.Question 193
Statement I: An electron beam is used to obtain interference in a simple Young's double-slit experiment arrangement with appropriate distance between the slits. If the speed of electrons in increased, the fringe width decreases.Question 194
A narrow tube is bent in the form of a circle of radius R, as shown in figure. Two small holes S and D are made in the tube at the position at right angle to each other. A source placed at S generates a wave of intensity I0 which two parts: one part travels along the longer path, while the other travels along the shorter path. Both the waves meet at point D where a detector is placed.Question 195
A narrow tube is bent in the form of a circle of radius R, as shown in figure. Two small holes S and D are made in the tube at the position at right angle to each other. A source placed at S generates a wave of intensity I0 which two parts: one part travels along the longer path, while the other travels along the shorter path. Both the waves meet at point D where a detector is placed.Question 196
A narrow tube is bent in the form of a circle of radius R, as shown in figure. Two small holes S and D are made in the tube at the position at right angle to each other. A source placed at S generates a wave of intensity I0 which two parts: one part travels along the longer path, while the other travels along the shorter path. Both the waves meet at point D where a detector is placed.Question 197
A thin film of a specific meterial can be used to decrease the intensity of reflected light. There is destrucive inteference of wave reflected from upper and lower surface of the film. These films are called non-reflecting or anti-reflecting coatings. The process of coating the lens or surface with non-reflecting film is called blooming as shown in figure The refracting index of coating (n1) is less than that of the glass (n2).Question 198
A thin film of a specific meterial can be used to decrease the intensity of reflected light. There is destrucive inteference of wave reflected from upper and lower surface of the film. These films are called non-reflecting or anti-reflecting coatings. The process of coating the lens or surface with non-reflecting film is called blooming as shown in figure The refracting index of coating (n1) is less than that of the glass (n2).Question 199
A thin film of a specific meterial can be used to decrease the intensity of reflected light. There is destrucive inteference of wave reflected from upper and lower surface of the film. These films are called non-reflecting or anti-reflecting coatings. The process of coating the lens or surface with non-reflecting film is called blooming as shown in figure The refracting index of coating (n1) is less than that of the glass (n2).Question 200
In a Young's double-slit experiment set up, source S of wavelength 6000Å illuminates two slits S1 and S2 which act two coherent sources. The sources S oscillates about its shown position according to the eqation y=1+cosπt, where y is in millimeter and t in second.Question 201
In a Young's double-slit experiment set up, source S of wavelength 6000Å illuminates two slits S1 and S2 which act two coherent sources. The sources S oscillates about its shown position according to the eqation y=1+cosπt, where y is in millimeter and t in second.Question 202
In a Young's double-slit experiment set up, source S of wavelength 6000Å illuminates two slits S1 and S2 which act two coherent sources. The sources S oscillates about its shown position according to the eqation y=1+cosπt, where y is in millimeter and t in second.Question 205
In YDSE, the sources is red ligth of wavelength 7×10−7m. When a thin glass plate of refractive index 1.5 is put in the path of one of the interfering beams, the central bright fringe shifts by 10−3 m to the position previously occupied by the 5th bright fringe.Question 206
In Young's experiment, the source in red light of wavelength 7×10−7 m. When a thin glass plate of refractive index. 1.5 at this wavelength is put in the path of one of the interfering beams, the central bright fringe shifts by 103 m to position previously occpied by the 5th bright fringe. Find the thickness of the plate.Question 207
In YDSE, the sources is red ligth of wavelength 7×10−7m. When a thin glass plate of refractive index 1.5 is put in the path of one of the interfering beams, the central bright fringe shifts by 10−3 m to the position previously occupied by the 5th bright fringe.Question 208
A coherent parallel beam of microwaves of wavelength λ=0.5mm falls on aYoung's double- slit apparatus. The separation between the slits is 1.0 mm. The intensity of microwaves is measured on a screen placed parallel to the plane of the slits at a distance of 1.0 m from it as shown in figureQuestion 209
A coherent parallel beam of microwaves of wavelength λ=0.5mm falls on aYoung's double- slit apparatus. The separation between the slits is 1.0 mm. The intensity of microwaves is measured on a screen placed parallel to the plane of the slits at a distance of 1.0 m from it as shown in Fig. 2.42.Question 210
A YDSE is performed in a medium of refractive index 4/3, A light of 600 nm wavelength is falling on the slits having 0.45 nm separation . The lower slit S2 is covered b a thin glass plate of thickness 10.4 mm and refractive index 1.5. The interference pattern is observed on a screen placed 1.5 m from the slits as shown in figure. (All the wavelengths in this problem are for the given medium of refractive index 4/3, ignore absorption.)Question 211
A YDSE is performed in a medium of refractive index 4/3, A light of 600 nm wavelength is falling on the slits having 0.45 nm separation . The lower slit S2 is covered b a thin glass plate of thickness 10.4 mm and refractive index 1.5. The interference pattern is observed on a screen placed 1.5 m from the slits as shown in figure. (All the wavelengths in this problem are for the given medium of refractive index 4/3, ignore absorption.)Question 212
A YDSE is performed in a medium of refractive index 4/3, A light of 600 nm wavelength is falling on the slits having 0.45 nm separation . The lower slit S2 is covered b a thin glass plate of thickness 10.4 mm and refractive index 1.5. The interference pattern is observed on a screen placed 1.5 m from the slits as shown in figure. (All the wavelengths in this problem are for the given medium of refractive index 4/3, ignore absorption.)Question 213
In a YDSE perfromed with light of wavelength 600Å, the screen is placed 1 m from the slits. Fringes formed on the screen are observed by a student sitting close to the slits. The student's eye can distinguish two neighboring fringes. If they subtend an angle more then 1 minute of ace, thenQuestion 214
In a YDSE perfromed with light of wavelength 600Å, the screen is placed 1 m from the slits. Fringes formed on the screen are observed by a student sitting close to the slits. The student's eye can distinguish two neighboring fringes. If they subtend an angle more then 1 minute of ace, thenQuestion 216
In a modified YDSE, sources S is kept in front of slit S1. Find the phase difference at point O that is equidistant from slits S1 and S2 and point P that is in front of slit S1 in the following situations.Question 218
In a modified YDSE, the region between the screen and slits is immersed in a liquid whose refractive index varies with time as μ1=(5/2)−(T/4) until it reaches s steady state value of 5/4. A glass plate of thickness 36 μm and refractive index 3/2 is introduced in front of one of the slits.Question 219
In a modified YDSE, the region between the screen and slits is immersed in a liquid whose refractive index varies with time as μ1=(5/2)−(T/4) until it reaches s steady state value of 5/4. A glass plate of thickness 36 μm and refractive index 3/2 is introduced in front of one of the slits.Question 220
In a YDSE using monochromatic visible light, the distance between the plate of slits and the screen is 1.7 m. At point P on the screen which is directly in front of the upper slit, maximum path is observed. Now, the screen is moved 50 cm closer to the plane of slits. Point P now lies between third and fouth minima above the central maxima and the intensity at P in one-fourth of the maxima intensity on the screen.Question 221
In a YDSE using monochromatic visible light, the distance between the plate of slits and the screen is 1.7 m. At point P on the screen which is directly in front of the upper slit, maximum path is observed. Now, the screen is moved 50 cm closer to the plane of slits. Point P now lies between third and fouth minima above the central maxima and the intensity at P in one-fourth of the maxima intensity on the screen. ltbr> Find the wavelength of light if the separation of slits is 2 mm.View SolutionQuestion 222
In the figure shown, a screen is placed normal to the line joining the two point coherent sources S1andS2. The interference pattern consists of concentric circles.Question 225
In the arrangement shown in figure, light of wavelength 6000Å is incident on slits S1 and S2 have been opened such that S3 is the position of first maximum above the central maximum and S4 is the closest position where intensity is same as that of the ligth used, below the central maximum Point O is equidistant from S1 and S2 and O' is equidistant from S3 and S4. Then intensity of inciden light is I0Question 226
In the arrangement shown in figure, light of wavelength 6000Å is incident on slits S1 and S2 have been opened such that S3 is the position of first maximum above the central maximum and S4 is the closest position where intensity is same as that of the ligth used, below the central maximum Point O is equidistant from S1 and S2 and O' is equidistant from S3 and S4. Then intensity of inciden light is I0Question 227
A lens of focal length f is cut along the diameter into two identical halevs. In this process, a layer of the lens t in thickness is lost, then the halves are put together to form a composite lens. In between the focal plane and the composite lens, a narrow slit is placed near the focal plane. The slit is emitting monochromatic λ. Behind the lens, a screen is located at a distance L front it.Question 228
A lens of focal length f is cut along the diameter into two identical halevs. In this process, a layer of the lens t in thickness is lost, then the halves are put together to form a composite lens. In between the focal plane and the composite lens, a narrow slit is placed near the focal plane. The slit is emitting monochromatic λ. Behind the lens, a screen is located at a distance L front it.Question 232
Consider the situation shown in figure. The two slite S1andS2Question 233
Consider the situation shown in figure. The two slits S1andS2 placed symmetrically around the central line are illuminated by a monochromatic light of wavelength λ. The separation between the slits is d. The light transmitted by the slits falls on a screen Σ1 placed at a distance D from the slits. The slit S3 is at the placed central line and the slit S4, is at a distance z from S3. Another screenΣ2 is placed a further distance D away from 1,1. Find the ratio of the maximum to minimum intensity observed on Σ2 if z is equal to a. z=λD2d b. λDd c. λD4dQuestion 234
Consider the situation shown in figure. The two slits S1andS2 placed symmetrically around the central line are illuminated by a monochromatic light of wavelength λ. The separation between the slits is d. The light transmitted by the slits falls on a screen Σ1 placed at a distance D from the slits. The slit S3 is at the placed central line and the slit S4, is at a distance z from S3. Another screenΣ2 is placed a further distance D away from 1,1. Find the ratio of the maximum to minimum intensity observed on Σ2 if z is equal to a. z=λD2d b. λDd c. λD4dQuestion 238
Young's double-slit experiment setup with ligth of wavelength λ=6000Å, distance between two slit in 2 mm and distance between the plane of slits and the screen. Is 2 m. The slits are of equal intensity. When a sheet of glass of refractive index 1.5 (which permtis only a fraction η of the incident light to pass through) and thickness 8000Å is placed in front of the lower slit, it is observed that the intensity at a point P, 0.15 mm above the central maxima, does not change.Question 239
Young's double-slit experiment setup with ligth of wavelength λ=6000Å, distance between two slit in 2 mm and distance between the plane of slits and the screen. Is 2 m. The slits are of equal intensity. When a sheet of glass of refractive index 1.5 (which permtis only a fraction η of the incident light to pass through) and thickness 8000Å is placed in front of the lower slit, it is observed that the intensity at a point P, 0.15 mm above the central maxima, does not change.Question 240
Young's double-slit experiment setup with ligth of wavelength λ=6000Å, distance between two slit in 2 mm and distance between the plane of slits and the screen. Is 2 m. The slits are of equal intensity. When a sheet of glass of refractive index 1.5 (which permtis only a fraction η of the incident light to pass through) and thickness 8000Å is placed in front of the lower slit, it is observed that the intensity at a point P, 0.15 mm above the central maxima, does not change.Question 241
An interference is observed due to two coherent sources S1 placed at origin and S2 placed at (0,3λ,0). Here, lambda is the wavelength of the sources. A detector D is moved along the positive x-axis. Find x-coordinates on the x-axis (excluding x=0andx=∞) where maximum intensity is observed.View SolutionQuestion 242
An interference is observed due to two coherent sources S1 placed at origin and S2 placed at (0,3λ,0). Here, lambda is the wavelength of the sources. A detector D is moved along the positive x-axis. Find x-coordinates on the x-axis (excluding x=0andx=∞) where maximum intensity is observed.View SolutionQuestion 246
This interference film is used to measure the thickness of slides, paper, etc. The arrangement is as shown in fig. For the sake of clarity, the two strips are shown thick. Consider the wedge formed in between strips 1 and 2. If the interference pattern because of the two waves reflected from wedge surface is observed, then from the observed data we can compute thickness of paper, refractive index of the medium filled in wedge, number of bonds formed, etc.Question 247
This interference film is used to measure the thickness of slides, paper, etc. The arrangement is as shown in fig. For the sake of clarity, the two strips are shown thick. Consider the wedge formed in between strips 1 and 2. If the interference pattern because of the two waves reflected from wedge surface is observed, then from the observed data we can compute thickness of paper, refractive index of the medium filled in wedge, number of bonds formed, etc.Question 248
This interference film is used to measure the thickness of slides, paper, etc. The arrangement is as shown in fig. For the sake of clarity, the two strips are shown thick. Consider the wedge formed in between strips 1 and 2. If the interference pattern because of the two waves reflected from wedge surface is observed, then from the observed data we can compute thickness of paper, refractive index of the medium filled in wedge, number of bonds formed, etc.Question 249
This interference film is used to measure the thickness of slides, paper, etc. The arrangement is as shown in fig. For the sake of clarity, the two strips are shown thick. Consider the wedge formed in between strips 1 and 2. If the interference pattern because of the two waves reflected from wedge surface is observed, then from the observed data we can compute thickness of paper, refractive index of the medium filled in wedge, number of bonds formed, etc.Question 250
A block o plastic having a thin air cavity (whose thickenss is comparable to wavelength of light waves) is shown in fig. The thickness of air cavity (which can be considered as air wedge for interference pattern) is varying linearly from one end to other as shown.Question 251
A block o plastic having a thin air cavity (whose thickenss is comparable to wavelength of light waves) is shown in fig. The thickness of air cavity (which can be considered as air wedge for interference pattern) is varying linearly from one end to other as shown.Question 252
A block o plastic having a thin air cavity (whose thickenss is comparable to wavelength of light waves) is shown in fig. The thickness of air cavity (which can be considered as air wedge for interference pattern) is varying linearly from one end to other as shown.Question 253
In fig., light of wavelength λ=5000Å is incident on the slits (in a horizontally fixed place).Question 254
In fig., light of wavelength λ=5000Å is incident on the slits (in a horizontally fixed place).Question 255
In fig., light of wavelength λ=5000Å is incident on the slits (in a horizontally fixed place).Question 256
When two coherent sources interact with each other, there will be production of alternate bright and dark fringes on the screen . Young's double-slit experiment domonstrates the idea of making two coherent sources. For better visibility, one has to choose proper amplitude for the sources. The phenomena is good enough to satisfy the conservation of energy principle. The pattern formed in YDSE is of uniform thickness and is nicely placed on a long distance screen.Question 257
When two coherent sources interact with each other, there will be production of alternate bright and dark fringes on the screen . Young's double-slit experiment domonstrates the idea of making two coherent sources. For better visibility, one has to choose proper amplitude for the sources. The phenomena is good enough to satisfy the conservation of energy principle. The pattern formed in YDSE is of uniform thickness and is nicely placed on a long distance screen.Question 258
When two coherent sources interact with each other, there will be production of alternate bright and dark fringes on the screen . Young's double-slit experiment domonstrates the idea of making two coherent sources. For better visibility, one has to choose proper amplitude for the sources. The phenomena is good enough to satisfy the conservation of energy principle. The pattern formed in YDSE is of uniform thickness and is nicely placed on a long distance screen.Question 259
When a light wave passes from a rarer medium to a denser medium, there will be a phase change of π radians. This difference brings change in the conditions for constructive and destructive interference. This phenomena also reasons the fromation of interference pattern in thin films like, oily layer, soap film, etc., but has no reason on the shifting of fringes from the central portion outward. The shift is dependent on the refractive index of the material as per the relation, Δy=(μ−1)tQuestion 260
When a light wave passes from a rarer medium to a denser medium, there will be a phase change of π radians. This difference brings change in the conditions for constructive and destructive interference. This phenomena also reasons the fromation of interference pattern in thin films like, oily layer, soap film, etc., but has no reason on the shifting of fringes from the central portion outward. The shift is dependent on the refractive index of the material as per the relation, Δy=(μ−1)tQuestion 261
When a light wave passes from a rarer medium to a denser medium, there will be a phase change of π radians. This difference brings change in the conditions for constructive and destructive interference. This phenomena also reasons the fromation of interference pattern in thin films like, oily layer, soap film, etc., but has no reason on the shifting of fringes from the central portion outward. The shift is dependent on the refractive index of the material as per the relation, Δy=(μ−1)tQuestion 262
When light from two sources (say slits S1 and S2) interfere, they form alternate dark and bright fringes. Bright fringe is formed at all point where the path difference is an odd multiple of half wavelength. At the condition of equal amplitudes, A1=A2=a, the maximum intensity will be 4a2 and the visibility improves, The resultant intensity can also be indicated with phase factor as I=2a2cos2(ϕ/2).Using this passage, answer the following questions.Question 263
When light from two sources (say slits S1 and S2) interfere, they form alternate dark and bright fringes. Bright fringe is formed at all point where the path difference is an odd multiple of half wavelength. At the condition of equal amplitudes, A1=A2=a, the maximum intensity will be 4a2 and the visibility improves, The resultant intensity can also be indicated with phase factor as I=2a2cos2(ϕ/2).Using this passage, answer the following questions.Question 264
When light from two sources (say slits S1 and S2) interfere, they form alternate dark and bright fringes. Bright fringe is formed at all point where the path difference is an odd multiple of half wavelength. At the condition of equal amplitudes, A1=A2=a, the maximum intensity will be 4a2 and the visibility improves, The resultant intensity can also be indicated with phase factor as I=2a2cos2(ϕ/2).Using this passage, answer the following questions.Question 267
A soap film of thickness t is surrounded by air and is illuminated at near normal incidence by monochromatic light wavelength λ in the film. With respect to the wavelength of the monochromatic light in the film, what film thickness will produce maximum constructive interferenceView SolutionQuestion 268
Thin films, including soap bubbles and oil show patterns of alternative dark and bright regions resulting from interference among the reflected ligth waves. If two waves are in phase, their crests and troughs will coincide. The interference will be cosntructive and the amlitude of resultant wave will be greater then either of constituent waves. If the two wave are not of phase by half a wavelength (180∘), the crests of one wave will coincide width the troughs of the other wave. The interference will be destructive and the ampliutde of the resultant wave will be less than that of either consituent wave.Question 270
A thin of liquid polymer, n=1.25, coats a slab of Pyrex, n=1.50. White light is incident perpendicularly on the film. In the reflection, full destructive interference occurs for λ=600nm and full constructive interference occurs for λ=700nm What is the thickness of the polymer film?View SolutionQuestion 271
In YDSE set up (see fig.), the light sources executes SHM between P and Q according to the equation x=Asinωt, S being the mean position. Assume d→0 and A<<L. ω is small enough to neglect Doppler effect. If the sources were stationary at S, intenstiy at O would be I0Question 272
In YDSE set up (see fig.), the light sources executes SHM between P and Q according to the equation x=Asinωt, S being the mean position. Assume d→0 and A<<L. ω is small enough to neglect Doppler effect. If the sources were stationary at S, intenstiy at O would be I0Question 273
In YDSE set up (see fig.), the light sources executes SHM between P and Q according to the equation x=Asinωt, S being the mean position. Assume d→0 and A<<L. ω is small enough to neglect Doppler effect. If the sources were stationary at S, intenstiy at O would be I0Question 276
In the arrangement shown in Fig., slits S1 and S4are having a variable separation Z. Point O on the screen is at the common perpendicular bisector of S1S2 and S3S4.Question 278
A monochromatic light of λ=5000Å is incident on two identical slits separated by a distance of 5×10−4 m. The interference pattern is seen on a screen placed at a distance of 1 m from the plane of slits. A thin glass plate of thickness 1.5×10−6 m and refractive index μ=1.5 is placed between one of the slits and the screen . Find the intensity at the center of the screen.View SolutionQuestion 279
A screen is at distance D=80 cm form a diaphragm having two narrow slits S1 and S2 which are d=2 mm apart.Question 280
In a modified Young's double-slit experiment, a monochromatic uniform and parallel beam of light of wavelength 6000Å and intensity (10/π) W m−2 is incident normally on two circular apertures A and B of radii 0.001 m and 0.002 m, respectively. A perfectly transparent film of thickness 2000Å and refractive index 1.5 for the wavelength of 6000Å is placed in front of aperture A (see figure) Calculate the power (in watt) received at the focal spot F of the lens. The lens is symmetrically placed with respect to the apertur. Assume that 10% of the power received by each aperture goes in the original direction and is brought to the focal spot.Question 281
A narrow monochromatic beam of light of intensity 1 is incident on a glass plate as shown in figure Another identical glass plate is kept close to the first one and parallel to it. Each glass plate reflects 25% of the light incident on it and transmits intensities in the interference pattern formed by two beams obtained after one reflection at each plate.Question 282
A glass of refractive index 1.5 is coated with a thin layer of thickness t and refractive index 1.8 Light of wavelength λ travelling in air is incident normally on the layer. It is partly reflected at the upper and the lower surfaces of the layer and two reflected rays interfere. Write the condition for their constructive interfere. If the λ=648nm, obtain the least value of t for which the rays interfere constrcutively.View SolutionQuestion 287
In Young's double slit experiment, the two slits acts as coherent sources of equal amplitude A and wavelength λ. In another experiment with the same set up the two slits are sources of equal amplitude A and wavelength λ but are indoherent. The ratio of the intensity of light at the mid point of the screen in the first case to that in the second case isView SolutionQuestion 291
In an interference arrangement similar to Young's double-slit experiment, the slits S_1 and S_2 are illuminated with coherent microwave sources, each of frequency 10^6 Hz. The sources are synchronized to have zero phase difference. The slits are separated by a distance d=150.0 m. The intensity I (theta) is measured as a function of theta, where theta is defined as shown. If I_0 is the maximum intensity, then I (theta) for 0lethetale90degree is given byQuestion 296
In the ideal double-slit experiment, when a glass-plate (refractive index 1.5) of thickness t is introduced in the path of one of the interfering beams (wavelength λ), the intensity at the position where the central maximum occurred previously remains unchanged. The minimum thickness of the glass-plate isView SolutionQuestion 304
White light is used to illuminate the two slits in a Young's double slit experiment. The separation between the slits is b and the screen is at a distance d(>>b) from the slits At a point on the screen directly in front of one of the slits, certain wavelengths are missing some of these missing wavelengths are View SolutionQuestion 305
Fig. shows a surface XY separating two transparent media, medium 1 and medium 2. Lines ab and cd represent wavefronts of a light wave travelling in medium 1 and incident on XY. Line ef and gh represent wavefront of the light wave in medium 2 after rafraciton.Question 306
Fig. shows a surface XY separating two transparent media, medium 1 and medium 2. Lines ab and cd represent wavefronts of a light wave travelling in medium 1 and incident on XY. Line ef and gh represent wavefront of the light wave in medium 2 after rafraciton.Question 307
Fig. shows a surface XY separating two transparent media, medium 1 and medium 2. Lines ab and cd represent wavefronts of a light wave travelling in medium 1 and incident on XY. Line ef and gh represent wavefront of the light wave in medium 2 after rafraciton. Speed of light isQuestion 308
Most materials have the refractive index, n>1. So, when a light ray from air enters a naturally occuring material, then by Snell's law, sinθ1sinθ2=n1n2, it is understood that the refracted ray bends towards the normal. But it never emerges on the same side of the normal as the incident ray. According to electromagnetism, the refractive index of the medium is given by the relation, n=(c/v)=±√εr,μr, where c is the speed of the electromagnetic waves in vacuum, v its speed in the medium, εr and μr are negative, one must choose the negative root of n. Such negative refractive index materials can now be artifically prepared and are called meta-materials. They exhibit significantly different optical behaviour, without violating any physical laws. Since n is negative, it results in a change in the direction of propagation of the refracted light. However, similar to normal materials, the frequency of light remains unchanged upon refraction even in meta-materials.Question 309
Most materials have the refractive index, n>1. So, when a light ray from air enters a naturally occuring material, then by Snell's law, sinθ1sinθ2=n1n2, it is understood that the refracted ray bends towards the normal. But it never emerges on the same side of the normal as the incident ray. According to electromagnetism, the refractive index of the medium is given by the relation, n=(c/v)=±√εr,μr, where c is the speed of the electromagnetic waves in vacuum, v its speed in the medium, εr and μr are negative, one must choose the negative root of n. Such negative refractive index materials can now be artifically prepared and are called meta-materials. They exhibit significantly different optical behaviour, without violating any physical laws. Since n is negative, it results in a change in the direction of propagation of the refracted light. However, similar to normal materials, the frequency of light remains unchanged upon refraction even in meta-materials.