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Complete Solutions to Multiple Correct of chapter CENTRE OF MASS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions25
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A ball strikes a smooth horizontal floor obliquely and rebounds inelastically.

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  2. Choose the correct statements from the following

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  3. An ideal spring is permanently connected between two blocks of masses `M` and `m`. The blocks-spring system can move over a smooth horizontal table along a straight line along the length of the spring as shown in Fig.The blocks are brought nearer to compress the spring and then released. In the subsequent motion,

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  4. A steel ball of mass `2m` suffersone-dimensional elastic collision with a row of three steel balls, each of mass m. If mass `2m` has collided with velocity `v` and the three balls numbered `1,2,3` were initially at `2`. rest, then after the collision

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  5. A man standing on the edge of the terrace of a high rise building throws a stone, vertically up with at speed of `20 m//s`. Two seconds later, an identical stone is thrown vertically downwards with the same speed of `20 m`,. Then

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  6. A block of mass `m` moving with a velocity `v_(0)` collides with a stationary block of mass `M` to which a spring of stiffness `k` is attached, as shown in Fig. Choose the correct alternative(s)

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  7. Two particles of masses `m_(1)` and `m_(2)` and velocities `u_(1)` and `alphau_(1)(alpha!=0)` make an elastic head on collision. If the initial kinetic energies of the two particles are equal and `m_(1)` comes to rest after collision, then

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  8. A pendulum bob of ideal string mass `m` connected to the end of of length `l` is released from rest from horizontal position as shown in Fig. At the lowest point, the bob makes an elastic collision with a stationary block of mass `5m`, Which is kept on a frictionless surface. Mark out the comet statement(s) for the instant just after impact.

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  9. A string of length `3l` is connected to a fixed cylinder whose top view is shown in Fig. The string is initially slack. The other end of the string (connected to a marble) is moving at a constant velocity of `10 m//s` as shown. The string will get stretched at some instant and impulsive tension occurs in the string. If hinge is exerting a force of `40000 N` for `0.25 ms` on the cylinder to bear up the impact of impulsive tension, then mark the correct statements. (Take string to be light, breaking tension of the string is `2x10^5N)`

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  10. In the figure, the block `B` of mass `m` starts from rest at the top of a wedge `W` of mass `M`. All surfaces are without friction. `W` can slide on the ground. `B` slides down onto the ground, moves along it with a speed v, has an elastic collision with the wall, and climbs back on to `W`.

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  11. Two blocks `A` and `B` of masses in and `2m` respectively placed on a smooth floor are connected by a spring. A third body `C` of mass `m` moves with velocity `v_(0)` along the line joining `A` and `B` and collides elastically with `A`. At a certain instant of time after collision it is found that the instantaneous velocities of `A` and `B` are same then:

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  12. Figure shows two identical blocks each of mass `m` kept on a smooth floor. Block `A` is connected to front wall with a just taut straight string and block `B` is connected to rear wall with a relaxed spring. Assume that the floor of the train car is smooth and exerts no horizontal forces on the blocks. Mark the correct statement(s).

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  13. A ball of mass `1 kg` is dropped from a height of `3.2 m` on smooth inclined plane. The coefficient of restitution for the collision is `e= 1//2`. The ball's velocity become horizontal after the collision.

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  14. A particle of mass `m` collides with another stationary particle of mass `M` such that the second particle starts moving and the first particle stops just after the collision. Then which of the following conditions must always be valid ?

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  15. Consider two skaters `A` and `B` initially at rest on ice -(friction is negligible) with `A` holding a ball. A has greater mass than `B` and the ball has some significant mass. A throws the ball to `B`. `B` catches it and throws it back to `A` who catches it again. The magnitudes of the skater's (excluding ball) final velocities, A momentum and kinetic energies (denoted below as `v, p` and `K` respectively) are related as

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  16. A man is standing on a plank which is placed on smooth horizontal surface. There is sufficient friction between feet of man and plank. Now man starts running over plank, correct statement is/are

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  17. Two particles of equal mass in are projected from the ground with speeds `v_(1)` and `v_(2)` at angles `theta_(1)`, and `theta_(2)` as shown in the figure. Given `theta_(2)gttheta_(1)` and `v_(1)costheta_(1)=v_(2)costheta_(2)`Which statement/s is/are correct?

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  18. A particle A suffers an oblique elastic collision particle `B` that is at rest initially. If their masses with a are the same, then after the collision

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  19. Suppose two particles `1 and 2` are projected in vertical plane simultaneously.
    Their angles of projection are `30^@ and theta`, respectively, with the horizontal. Let they collide after a time`t` in air. Then

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  20. A particle of mass `m_(1) = 4 kg` moving at `6hatims^(-1)`perfectly elastically with a particle of mass `m_(2) = 2` moving at `3hati ms^(-1)`

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  21. Consider a block of mass `10 kg`. which rests on as smooth surface and is subjected to a horizontal force of `6N`. If observer `A` is in a fixed frame `x`.

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  22. Statement I. A particle strikes head-on with another stationary particle such that the first particle comes to rest after collision. The collision should necessarily be elastic.
    Statement II: In elastic collision, there is no loss of momentum of the system of the particles.

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  23. Statement I: No external force acts on a system of two spheres which undergo a perfectly elastic head-on collision. The minimum kinetic energy of this system is zero if the net momentum of the system is zero.
    Statement II: If any two bodies undergo a perfectly elastic head-on collision, at the instant of maximum deformation. the complete kinetic energy of the system is converted to' deformation potential energy of the system.

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  24. Statement I: If a sphere of mass `m`moving with speed `u` undergoes a perfectly elastic head-on collision with another sphere of heavier mass `M` at rest (`M gt m`), then direction of velocity of sphere of mass `m` is reversed due to collision (no external force acts on system of two spheres).
    Statement II: During a collision of spheres of unequal masses, the heavier mass exerts more force on the lighter mass in comparison to the force which lighter mass exerts on the heavier one,

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  25. Statement I: If a ball projected up obliquely from the ground breaks up into several fragments in its path, the centre of the system of all fragments moves in the same parabolic path compared to initial one till all fragments are in air.
    Statement II: In the situation of Statement 1, at the instant of breaking, the fragments may be thrown in different directions with different speeds.

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Multiple Correct questions and complete solutions for chapter CENTRE OF MASS of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11