Class 11 | PHYSICS |
Number Of Questions | 49 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
What is motion? Mention different types of motions.
Study of which motion is required to understand many physical phenomena?
Which concepts are needed for description of a periodic motion?
What is periodic motion? Give its examples.
What is oscillatory motion? Give its examples.
Define simple harmonic motion and write its important characteristics.
Difference between periodic motion and simple harmonic motion.
Write the difference between oscillations and vibration.
Write the defination, unit, dimensional formula and relation between periodic time and frequency.
What is displacement? Explain its general meaning by giving examples.
Explain periodic function.
Give the importance of periodic sine and cosine functions.
Define simple harmonic motion and explain it.
Explain by plats the position of particle executing simple harmonic motion at different time.
Draw a graph of displacement varsus time as a function of time in simple harmonic motion.
Define amplitude of SHM and draw two different SHM in one figure having for two different amplitudes.
Explain what is phase and draw in a single graph of different phases of simple harmonic motions.
Define periodic time and angular frequency and obtain the relation between them.
Draw plots for initial phase `phi=0` for different periods.
Show that simple harmonic motion may be regarded as the projection of uniform circular motion along a diameter of the circle.
Explain that simple harmonic motion is the projection of uniform circular motion on a diameter of the reference circle and obtain the velocity and acceleration.
Show that simple harmonic motion may be regarded as the projection of uniform circular motion along a diameter of the circle.
Explain geometrical repersentation of simple harmonic motion.
Show that simple harmonic motion may be regarded as the projection of uniform circular motion along a diameter of the circle.
Obtain the velocity of projected particle executing uniform circular motion.
Obtain instantaneous velocity of a particle executing SHM.
Obtain instantaneous acceleration of a SHM particle with the help of reference circle.
Obtain the formula of acceleration of a particle from the formula of displacement of SHM.
Explain by drawing graphs of displacement `x(t) to t`, velocity `v(t) to t` and acceleration `a(t) to t` of SHM for initial phase zero.
Write the force law for SHM and obtain formula of period of SHM particle.
Obtain the force law for SHM from the displacement of SHM particle.
Obtain the expression of displacement from force law for simple harmonic motion.
What is linear harmonic oscillator ? And what is non-linear oscillator?
Obtain the expressions of kinetic energy potential energy and total energy in simple harmonic motion.
Explain and draw the graphs of kinetic energy, potential energy and mechanical energy versus displacement for SHM.
Explain and draw the graphs of kinetic energy, potential energy and total energy as a function of time.
Why absolutely pure simple harmonic motion is not possible?
Show that the oscillations due to a spring are simple harmonic oscillations and obtain the expression of periodic time.
What is simple pendulum? Deduce an expression for the time period of simple pendulum.
What is pure simple harmonic oscillation? Why they are not 100% possible in practice?
What are damed oscillations? Discuss it by illustration of spring.
Derive differenital equation for damping oscillations and writes its solution.
Write the expression of mechanical energy of damped oscillator.
Define : Natural oscillations, free oscillation and forced oscillation.
Obtain the differential equation of forced oscillation.
Explain the behaviour of the oscillator when the driving frequency is far from natural frequency in small damped oscillations.
Explain the behaviour of the oscillator when the driving frequency is close to natural frequency in small damped oscillation and define the resonance.
To understand resonance describe the experiment of oscillations of five pendulums.
Write the practical examples of resonance.