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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter COORDINATE SYSYEM of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions76
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Number of points with integral co-ordinates that lie inside a triangle whose co-ordinates are (0, 0), (0, 21) and (21,0).

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  2. The point (4, 1) undergoes the following three transformations successively: (a) Reflection about the line y = x (b) Translation through a distance 2 units along the positive direction of the x-axis. (c) Rotation through an angle `pi/4` about the origin in the anti clockwise direction. The final position of the point is given by the co-ordinates.

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  3. At what point should the origin be shifted if the coordinates of a point `(4,5)` become `(-3,9)?`

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  4. If the axes are shifted to the point `(1,-2)` without rotation, what do the following equations become? `2x^2+y^2-4x+4y=0` `y^2-4x+4y+8=0`

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  5. Shift the origin to a suitable point so that the equation `y^2+4y+8x-2=0` will not contain a term in `y` and the constant term.

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  6. The equation of curve referred to the new axes, axes retaining their directions, and origin `(4,5)` is `X^2+Y^2=36` . Find the equation referred to the original axes.

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  7. The axes are rotated through an angle `pi//3` in the anticlockwise direction with respect to `(0,0)`. Find the coordinates of point `(4,2)` (w.r.t. old coordinate system) in the new coordinates system.

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  8. The equation of a curve referred to a given system of axes is `3x^2+2x y+3y^2=10.` Find its equation if the axes are rotated through an angle `45^0` , the origin remaining unchanged.

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  9. If `theta` is an angle by which axes are rotated about origin and equation `ax^2+2hxy+by^2=0` does not contain xy term in the new system, then prove that `tan2theta=(2h)/(a-b)`.

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  10. In any triangle ABC, prove that `AB^2 + AC^2 = 2(AD^2 + BD^2)` , where D is the midpoint of BC.

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  11. Find the coordinates of the circumcenter of the triangle whose vertices are `(A(5,-1),B(-1,5),` and `C(6,6)dot` Find its radius also.

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  12. Two points `O(0,0)` and `A(3,sqrt(3))` with another point `P` form an equilateral triangle. Find the coordinates of `Pdot`

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  13. If the coordinates of any two points `Q_1 and Q_2` are `(x_1,y_1)` and `(x_2,y_2)`, respectively, then prove that `OQ_1xxOQ_2cos(angleQ_1OQ_2)=x_1x-2+y-1y_2`, whose O is the origin.

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  14. Given that `P(3,1),Q(6. 5),` and `R(x , y)` are three points such that the angle `P R Q` is a right angle and the area of ` R Q P` is 7, find the number of such points `Rdot`

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  15. Find the area of a triangle having vertices `A(3,2),B(11 ,8),` and `C(8,12)dot`

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  16. Prove that the area of the triangle whose vertices are `(t ,t-2),(t+2,t+2),` and `(t+3,t)` is independent of `tdot`

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  17. Find the area of the quadrilateral `A B C D` having vertices `A(1,1),B(7,-3),C(12 ,2),` and `D(7, 21)dot`

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  18. For what value of `k` are the points `(k ,2-2k),(-k+1,2k)a n d(-4-k ,6-2k)` collinear?

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  19. If the coordinates of two points `A` and `B` are (3, 4) and `(5,-2)` , respectively, find the coordinates of any point `P` if `P A=P Bdot` Area of ` P A B` is 10 sq. units.

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  20. If the vertices of a triangle have rational coordinates, then prove that the triangle cannot be equilateral.

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  21. Given points `P(2,3), Q(4, -2), and R(alpha,0)`. Find the value of a if `PR + RQ` is minimum.

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  22. If ` A(3/sqrt(2), sqrt(2))`, `B(-3/sqrt(2), sqrt(2)), C(-3/sqrt(2), -sqrt(2))` and `D(3 cos theta , 2 sin theta)` are four points . If the area of the quadrilateral ABCD is maximum where `theta in (3 pi/2, 2 pi)` then (a) maximum area is 10 sq units (b) `theta = 7 pi/4` (c) `theta = 2 pi- sin^(-1) 3/ sqrt(85)` (d) maximum area is 12 sq units

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  23. Find the coordinates of the point which divides the line segments joining the points `(6,3)` and `(-4,5)` in the ratio `3:2` (i) internally and (ii) externally.

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  24. A(1, 1) and B(2,-3) are two points and D is a point on AB produced such that AD = 3AB. Find the co-ordinates of D.

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  25. Determine the ratio in which the line `3x+y-9=0` divides the segment joining the points (1,3) and `(2,7)dot`

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  26. Prove that the points `(-2,-1),(1,0),(4,3),` and (1,2) are the vertices of a parallelogram. Is it a rectangle?

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  27. Let `A_1,A_2,A_3,...,A_n` are n Points in a plane whose coordinates are `(x_1,y_1),(x_2,y_2),....,(x_n,y_n)` respectively. `A_1A_2` is bisected at the point `P_1,P_1A_3` is divided in the ratio `1:2` at `P_2,P_2A_4` is divided in the ratio `1:3` at `P_3,P_3A_5` is divided in the ratio `1:4` at `P_4` and the so on until all n points are exhausted. find the coordinates of the final point so obtained.

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  28. If vertex A of triangle ABC is `(3,5)` and centroid is `(-1,2)`, then find the midpoint of side BC.

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  29. Let `O(0,0),P(3,4),` and `Q(6,0)` be the vertices of triangle `O P Q` . The point `R` inside the triangle `O P Q` is such that the triangles `O P R ,P Q R ,O Q R` are of equal area. The coordinates of `R` are `(4/3,3)` (b) `(3,2/3)` `(3,4/3)` (d) `(4/3,2/3)`

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  30. If `A(x_1,y_1),B(x_2,y_2) and C(x_3,y_3)` are the vertices of traingle ABC and `x_(1)^(2)+y_(1)^(2)=x_(2)^(2)+y_(2)^(2)=x_3^(2)+y_(3)^(2)`, then show that `x_1 sin2A+x_2sin2B+x_3sin2C=y_1sin2A+y_2sin2B+y_3sin 2C=0`.

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  31. If `DeltaABC` having vertices `A(acostheta_1, asintheta_1), B(acostheta_2, asintheta_2), and C(acostheta_3, asintheta_3)` are equilateral triangle, then prove that `cos theta_1 + costheta_2 + cos theta_3 =0 and sintheta_1 + sintheta_2 + sintheta_3 =0`

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  32. Find the orthocentre of the triangle whose vertices are `(0,0),(3,0),` and `(0,4)dot`

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  33. The circumcentre and centroid of a triangle are `(3,4)` and `(6,8)` respectively. If one of the vertices of the triangle is `(0,0)`, then what is the type of triangle?

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  34. If the circumcenter of an acute-angled triangle lies at the origin and the centroid is the middle point of the line joining the points `(a^2+1,a^2+1)` and `(2a ,-2a),` then find the orthocentre.

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  35. Orthocenter and circumcenter of a `"Delta"A B C` are `(a , b)a n d(c , d)` , respectively. If the coordinates of the vertex `A` are `(x_1,y_1),` then find the coordinates of the middle point of `B Cdot`

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  36. If a vertex of a triangle is `(1,1)` , and the middle points of two sides passing through it are `-2,3)` and `(5,2),` then find the centroid and the incenter of the triangle.

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  37. The vertices of a triangle are `A(-1,-7),B(5,1)a n dC(1,4)dot` If the internal angle bisector of `/_B` meets the side `A C` in `D ,` then find the length `A Ddot`

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  38. Determine `x` so that the line passing through `(3,4)a n d(x ,5)` makes an angle of`` `135^0` angle with positive direction of `x-a xi sdot`

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  39. Which line is having the greatest inclination with the positive direction of the x-axis ?
    (i) Line joining the points (1,3) and (4,7)
    (ii) Line `3x-4y+3=0`.s

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  40. If the point `(2,3),(1,1),a n d(x ,3x)` are collinear, then find the value of `x ,` using slope method.

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  41. If the points `(a, 0), (b,0), (0, c)`, and `(0, d)` are concyclic `(a, b, c, d > 0)`, then prove that `ab = cd`.

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  42. If `A(-2,1),B(2,3)a n dC(-2,-4)` are three points, find the angle between `B Aa n dB Cdot`

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  43. Angle of a line with the positive direction of the x-axis is `theta` . The line is rotated about some point on it in anticlockwise direction by angle `45^0` and its slope becomes `3.` Find the angle `thetadot`

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  44. Let `A(6,4)a n dB(2,12)` be two given point. Find the slope of a line perpendicular to `A Bdot`

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  45. If line `3x-ay-1=0` is parallel to the line `(a+2)x-y+3=0` then find the values of a.

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  46. If `A(2,-1)a n dB(6,5)` are two points, then find the ratio in which the food of the perpendicular from `(4,1)` to `A B` divides it.

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  47. If `(b_2-b_1)(b_3-b-1)+(a_2-a_1)(a_3-a_1)=0`, then prove that the circumcenter of the triangle having vertices `(a_1,b_1),(a_2,b_2)` and `(a_3,b_3)` is `((a_2+a_3)/(2),(b_2+b_3)/(2))`.

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  48. Find the orthocentre of ` A B C` with vertices `A(1,0),B(-2,1),` and `C(5,2)`

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  49. Two medians drawn from the acute angles of a right angled triangle intersect at an angle `pi/6dot` If the length of the hypotenuse of the triangle is `3u n i t s ,` then the area of the triangle (in sq. units) is `sqrt(3)` (b) 3 (c) `sqrt(2)` (d) 9

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  50. Plot the poitns whose coordinate are given below.
    (i) `(2,3pi)`
    (ii) `(2,-2pi//3)`
    (iii) `(-3,3pi//4)`.

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  51. Convert the following points from polar coordinates to the corresponding Cartesian coordinates.
    (i) `(2,pi//3)`
    (ii) `(0.pi//2)`
    (iii) `(-sqrt(2),pi//4)`

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  52. Convert the following cartesian coordinates x,y=(-1,1)to corresponding poalr coordinates using positive r and negative r.

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  53. Convert Cartesian equation `y=10` into a polar equation.

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  54. Express the polar equation `r-2costheta` in rectangular coordinates.

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  55. Convert `x^2-y^2=4` into a polar equation.

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  56. Convert `rsintheta=rcostheta+4` into its equivalent Cartesian equation.

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  57. Convert `r=cos e cthetae^(rcostheta)` into its equivalent Cartesian equation.

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  58. Find the maximum distance of any point on the curve `x^2+2y^2+2x y=1` from the origin.

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  59. The sum of the squares of the distances of a moving point from two fixed points (a,0) and `(-a ,0)` is equal to a constant quantity `2c^2dot` Find the equation to its locus.

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  60. Find the locus of a point, so that the join of `(-5,1)` and `(3,2)` subtends a right angle at the moving point.

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  61. Find the locus of a point such that the sum of its distance from the points (0, 2) and `(0,-2)` is 6.

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  62. `A B` is a variable line sliding between the coordinate axes in such a way that `A` lies on the x-axis and `B` lies on the y-axis. If `P` is a variable point on `A B` such that `P A=b ,P b=a` , and `A B=a+b ,` find the equation of the locus of `Pdot`

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  63. Two points `Pa n dQ` are given. `R` is a variable point on one side of the line `P Q` such that `/_R P Q-/_R Q P` is a positive constant `2alphadot` Find the locus of the point `Rdot`

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  64. If the coordinates of a variable point `P` are `(acostheta,bsintheta),` where `theta` is a variable quantity, then find the locus of `Pdot`

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  65. Find the locus of the point `(t^2-t+1,t^2+t+1),t in Rdot`

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  66. Line segment joining `(5, 0)` and `(10 costheta,10 sintheta)` is divided by a point P in ratio `2 : 3` If `theta` varies then locus of P is a ; A) Pair of straight lines C) Straight line B) Circle D) Parabola

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  67. if `A(cosalpha,sinalpha),B(sinalpha,-cosalpha),C(1,2)` are the vertices of `DeltABC`,then as `alpha` Find the locsus of its centroid.

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  68. If `a ,b ,c` are the `p t h ,q t h ,r t h` terms, respectively, of an `H P` , show that the points `(b c ,p),(c a ,q),` and `(a b ,r)` are collinear.

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  69. Prove that the circumcenter, orthocentre, incenter, and centroid of the triangle formed by the points `A(-1,11),B(-9,-8),` and `C(15 ,-2)` are collinear, without actually finding any of them.

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  70. A rod of length `k` slides in a vertical plane, its ends touching the coordinate axes. Prove that the locus of the foot of the perpendicular from the origin to the rod is `(x^2+y^2)^3=k^2x^2y^2dot`

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  71. `O X` and `O Y` are two coordinate axes. On `O Y` is taken a fixed point `P(0,c)` and on `O X` any point `Qdot` On `P Q ,` an equilateral triangle is described, its vertex `R` being on the side of `P Q` away from `O` . Then prove that the locus of `R` is `y=sqrt(3)x-cdot`

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  72. If `(x , y)` and `(x ,y)` are the coordinates of the same point referred to two sets of rectangular axes with the same origin and it `u x+v y ,` where `u` and `v` are independent of `xa n dy` , becomes `V X+U Y ,` show that `u^2+v^2=U^2+V^2dot`

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  73. What does the equation `2x^2+4x y-5y^2+20 x-22 y-14=0` become when referred to the rectangular axes through the point `(-2,-3)` , the new axes being inclined at an angle at `45^0` with the old axes?

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  74. Prove that the image of point `P(costheta, sin theta)` in the line having slope `tan(alpha//2)` and passing through origin is `Q(cos(alpha-theta),sin(alpha-theta))`.

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  75. A line cuts the x-axis at `A (7, 0)` and the y-axis at `B(0, - 5)` A variable line PQ is drawn perpendicular to AB cutting the x-axis in P and the y-axis in Q. If AQ and BP intersect at R, find the locus of R

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  76. Two straight lines rotate about two fixed points (-a, 0) and (a, 0) in antic clockwise direction. If they start from their position of coincidence such that one rotates at a rate double of the other, then locus of curve is

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter COORDINATE SYSYEM of CENGAGE MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12