
A long straight wire carries a current I0. At distances a and b from it there are two other wires parallel to the former one which are interconnected by a resistance R Fig. 3.87. A connector slides without friction along the wires with a constant velocity v. Assuming the resistances of the wires the connector the sliding contacts and the self-inductance of the frame to be negligible find: a the magnitude and the direction of the current induced in the connector; b the force required to maintain the connectors velocity constant.

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As  due to the straight current carrying wire varies along the rod connector and enters linearly so to make the calculations simple  is made constant by taking its average value in the range [a b].a The flux of  changes through the loop due to the movement of the connector. According to Lenz’s law the current in the loop will be anticlockwise. The magnitude of motional e.m.f.b The force required to maintain the constant velocity of the connector must be the magnitude equal to that of Ampere’s acting on the connector but in opposite direction.

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