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Complete Solutions to Only One Option is Correct of chapter WORK, POWER AND ENERGY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions39
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A block of mass m is suspended by a light thread from an elevator. The elevator is accelerating upward with uniform acceleration a. The work done by tension on the block during t seconds is (u = 0)

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  2. The graph between the resistance force F acting on a body and the distance covered by the body is shown in the figure. The mass of the body is 25kg and initial velocity is `2 m//s^(2)`. When the distance covered by the body is 4m, its kinetic energy would be

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  3. A block weighing 10 N travels down a smooth curved track AB joined to a rough horizontal surface (figure). The rough surface has a friction coefficient of 0.20 with the block. If the block is released from rest on the track from a point 1.0 m above the horizontal surface, the distance it will move on the rough surface is

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  4. The figure shown a particle sliding on a frictionless track, which teminates in a straight horizontal section. If the particle starts slipping from the point `A`, how far away from the track will the particle hit the ground?

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  5. A block of mass m is attached to two unstretched springs of springs constant `k_(1)` and `k_(2)` as shown in figure. The block is displaced towards right through a distance x and is released. Find the speed of the block as it passes through the mean position shown.

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  6. A body of mass m dropped from a certain height strikes a light vertical fixed spring of stifness k. the height of its fall before touching the spring the if the maximum compression of the spring the equal to `(3 mg)/k` is

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  7. Potential energy `v//s` position curve for one dimensional conservative field is shown. Force at A and B is respectively.

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  8. Force acting on a block moving along x-axis is given by
    `F = - ((4)/(x^(2)+2))N`
    The block is displaced from `x = - 2m` to `x = + 4m`, the work done will be

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  9. A block of mass 50 kg is projected horizontal on a rough horizontal floor. The coefficient of friction between the block and the floor is 0.1. The block strikes a light spring of stiffness `k = 100 N//m` with a velocity `2 m//s`, the maximum compression of the spring is

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  10. A block of mass 250g is kept on a vertical spring of spring constant 100N/m fixed from below. The spring is now compressed to have a length 10cm shorter than its natural length and the system is released from this position. How high does the block rise? take `g=10 m/s^2`.

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  11. The potential energy of the system is represented in the first figure. The force acting on the system will be represented by

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  12. `F = 2x^(2)-3x-2`. Choose correct option.

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  13. A block of mass m is hung vertically from an elastic thread of force constant `mg//a`. Initially the thread was at its natural length and the block is allowed to fall freely. Kinetic energy of the block when it passes through the equilibrium position will be

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  14. A block of mass m tied to a string is lowered by a distance d, at a constant acceleration of `g//3`. The work done by the string is

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  15. From the fixed pulley, masses 2kg, 1kg and 3kg are suspended as shown in the figure. Find the extension in the spring if `k=100 N//m`. (Neglect oscillations due to spring)

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  16. A rope of length `l` and mass 'm' is connected to a chain of length `l` and mass `2 m` and hung vertically as shown. What is the change in graviational potential energy if the system is inverted and hung from same point.

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  17. v-t graph of an object of mass 1 kg is shown.Select the wrong statement-

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  18. A `15 gm` ball is shot from a spring whose spring has a force constant of `600 N//m`. The spring is compressed by `5 cm`. The greatest possible horizontal range of the ball for this compression is

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  19. Power supplied to a mass `2 kg` varies with time as `P = (3t^(2))/(2)` watt. Here `t` is in second . If velocity of particle at `t = 0 is v = 0`, the velocity of particle at time `t = 2s` will be:

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  20. A ball is released from the top of a tower. The ratio of work done by force of gravity in 1st second, 2nd second and 3rd second of the motion of ball is

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  21. A particle is released from height `H`. At certain height from the ground its kinetic energy is twice its gravitational potential energy. Find the height and speed of particle at that height.

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  22. A body is moved along a straight line by a machine delivering constant power . The distance moved by the body is time `t` is proptional to

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  23. The displacement of a body of mass `2 kg` varies with time `t` as `S = t^(2) + 2t`, where `S` is in seconds. The work done by all the forces acting on the body during the time interval `t = 2s` to `t = 4s` is

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  24. The work done by a force `vec(F)=(-6x^(3)hat(i))` N in displacing a particle from x = 4m to x = - 2m is

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  25. The velocity-time graph of a particle moving in a straight line is shown in figure. The mass of the particle is `2kg`. Work done by all the forces acting on the particle in time interval between `t=0` to `t=10s` is

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  26. The force acting on a body moving along x -axis varies with the position of the particle as shown in the fig. The body is in stable equilibrium at.

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  27. The force required to stretch a spring varies with the distance a shown in the figure. If the experiment is performed with the above spring of half length, the line OA will

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  28. A force `F` acting on a body depends on its displacement `S` as `FpropS^(-1//3)` . The power delivered by `F` will depend on displacement as

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  29. A man throws the bricks to a height of 12 m where they reach with a speed of `12 m//s`. If he throws the bricks such that they just reach that height, what percentage of energy will be saved? `(g = 9.8 m//s^(2))`

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  30. The ratio of momentum and kinetic energy of particle is inversely proportional to the time. Then, this is the case of a

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  31. A block of mass m is pulled by a constant powert `P` placed on a rough horizontal plane. The friction coefficient the block and surface is `mu`. The maximum velocity of the block is.

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  32. An object of mass `m` is allowed to fall from rest along a rough inclined plane. The speed of the object on reaching the bottom of the plane is proportional to:

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  33. A particle is moved from (0, 0) to (a, a) under a force a `F=(3hat(i)+4hat(j))` from two paths. Path 1 is OP and path 2 is OPQ. Let `W_(1)` and `W_(2)` be the work done by this force in these two paths. Then,

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  34. A particle of mass `0.5 kg` is displaced from position `vec r_(1)(2,3,1)` to`vec r_(2)(4,3,2)` by applying a force of magnitude `30 N` which is acting along `(hati + hatj + hatk)`. The work done by the force is

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  35. A uniform flexible chain of mass m and length 2l hangs in equilibrium over a smooth horizontal pin of negligible diameter. One end of the chain is given a small vertical displacement so that the chain slips over the pin. The speed of chain when it leaves the pin is

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  36. A block is released from the top of a smooth inclined plane of inclination `theta` as shown in figure. Let `upsilon` be the speed of the particle after travelling a distance s down the plane. Then which of the following will remain constant ?

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  37. Suppose y represents the work done and x the power, then dimensions of `(d^(2)y)/(dx^(2))` will be

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  38. A spring and block are placed on a fixed smooth wedge as shown. Following conclusions can be drawn for the block.

    (i) magnitude of its momentum will be maximum when `F_("net")` on block is zero
    (ii) its kinetic energy will be maximum when `F_("net")` on block is zero
    (iii) kinetic energy of block is maximum when block just touches the spring
    (iv) net force on block is maximum when KE = 0

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  39. The kinetic energy (KE) versus time graph for a particle moving along a straight line is as shown in the figure. The force versus time graph for the particle may be

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Only One Option is Correct questions and complete solutions for chapter WORK, POWER AND ENERGY of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11