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Complete Solutions to Check point of chapter MAGNETIC FIELD AND FORCES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions54
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following given the value of magnetic field due to small current elememt accordong to Biot -Savart's law

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  2. A current `'I'` flows along an infinitely long straight conductor. If `'r'` is the perpendicular distance of a point from the lower end of the conductor, then the magnetic induction `B` is given by

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  3. The strength of the magnetic field at a point `r` near a long straight current carrying wire is `B`. The field at a distance `r/2` will be

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  4. The current is flowing in south direction along a power line. The direction of magnetic field above the power line (neglecting earth's field) is

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  5. Two infinitely long, thin, insulated, straight wires lie in the x-y plane along the x- and y- axis respectively. Each wire carries a current I, respectively in the positive x-direction and positive y-direction. The magnetic field will be zero at all points on the straight line:

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  6. The magneitc field produced at the center of a current carrying circular coil of radius r, is

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  7. An arc of a circle of raduis `R` subtends an angle `(pi)/2` at the centre. It carriers a current `i`. The magnetic field at the centre will be

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  8. A particle carrying a charge equal to `100` times the charge on an electron is rotating per second in a circular path of radius `0.8 metre`. The value of the magnetic field produced at the centre will be (`mu_(0)=` permeability for vacuum)

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  9. In the figure shown there are two semicircles of radii `r_(1)` and `r_(2)` in which a current `i` is flowing. The magnetic induction at the centre `O` will be

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  10. A current of `0.1 A` circulates around a coil of 100 turns and having a radius equal to `5 cm`. The magnetic field set up at the centre of the coil is
    (`mu_(0)=4pixx10^(-7)` weber/amper-metre)

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  11. A current l flows through a closed loop as shown in figure .The magnetic field at the centre O is

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  12. A current `i` ampere flows in a circular arc of wire whose radius is `R`, which subtend an angle `3pi//2` radian at its centre. The magnetic induction `B` at the centre is

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  13. Magnetic field due to a ring having n turns at a distance `x` on its axis is proportional to (if `r =` radius of ring)

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  14. The ratio of the magnetic field at the centre of a current carrying coil of the radius `a` and at distance `'a'` from centre of the coil and perpendicular to the axis of coil is

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  15. A circular current carrying coil has a radius R. The distance from the centre of the coil on the axis where the magnetic induction will be `(1//8)^(th)` of its value at the centre of the coil is,

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  16. Two concentric circular coils of ten turns each are situated in the same plane. Their radii are `20` and `40 cm` and they carry respectively `0.2` and `0.3` ampere current in opposite direction. The magnetic field in `Wb//m^(3)` at the centre is

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  17. A length of wire carries a steady current. It is first bent to form a circular coil of one turn. The same length is now bent more sharply to give a loop of two turns of smaller radius. The magentic field at the centre caused by the same current now will be

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  18. Which of the following figure shown the magnetic flux denstiy b at a distance r from a long straight rod carrying a steady current I ?

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  19. In using Ampere's law,to find the magnetic field inside a straight long soleniod the loop that is taken is

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  20. A strong magnetic field is applied on a stationary electron. Then the electron

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  21. A particle of mass m and charge Q moving with a velocity v enters a region on uniform field of induction B Then its path in the region is s

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  22. An electron is moving on a circular path of radius `r` with speed `v` in a transverse magnetic field B. e/m for it will be

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  23. An electron and a proton with equal momentum enter perpendicularly into a uniform magnetic field, then

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  24. A charge particle travels along a straight line with a speed v in region where both electric field E and magnetic field b are present.It follows that

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  25. A proton, a deuteron and an `alpha`- particle having the same kinetic energy are moving in circular trajectors in a constant magnetic field. If `r_p, r_d` and `r_(alpha)` denote respectively the radii of the trajectories of these particles then

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  26. When a charged particle enters a uniform magnetic field its kinetic energy

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  27. A proton of energy `8 eV` is moving in a circular path in a uniform magnetic field. The energy of an alpha particle moving in the same magnetic field and along the same path will be

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  28. A charged particle of mass m and charge q describes circular motion of radius r in a uniform magnetic field of strength B the frequency of revolution is

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  29. A proton and an electron both moving with the same velocity v enter into a region of magnetic field directed perpendicular to the velocity of the particles. They will now move in cirular orbits such that

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  30. If a charged particle is a plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field with a time period T Then

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  31. A particle is projected in a plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field. The area bounded by the path described by the particle is proportional to

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  32. Lorentx force can be calculated by using the formula.

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  33. If a electron velocity is (2hatixx3hatj)` and it subjected to a magnetic field `4hatk` then

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  34. A beam of protons with a velocity of `4 X 10 ^5 ms^(-1)` enters a uniform magnetic field of 0.3 T. The velocity makes an angle of `60^@` with the magnetic field. Find the radius of the helicla path taken by the proton beam and the pitch of the helix.

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  35. A proton and a deuteron both having the same kinetic energy, enter perpendicularly into a uniform magnetic field `B`. For motion of proton and deuteron on circular path or radius `R_(p)` and `R_(d)` respectively, the correct statement is

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  36. If a charged particle at rest experiences no electromagnetic force,

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  37. if a charged particle projected in a gravity free room deflects,

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  38. Two ions having masses in the ratio `1 : 1` and charges `1 : 2` are projected into uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the field with speeds in th ratio `2 : 3`. The ratio of the radius of circular paths along which the two particles move is

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  39. Which of the follwing particles will have minimum frequency of revolution when projected with the same velocity perpendicular to a magnetic field?

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  40. A conducting loop carrying a current `I` is placed in a uniform magnetic field ponting into the plane of the paper as shown. The loop will have a tendency to

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  41. Two parallel wires carrying current in the same direction attract each other while two beams of electrons travelling in the same direction repel each other. Why?

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  42. Two parallel conductors `A` and `B` of equal lengths carry currents `I` and `10 I`, respectively, in the same direction. Then

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  43. Two thin, long, parallel wires, separated by a distance 'd' carry a current of 'i' A in the same direction. They will

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  44. Two long conductors, separated by a distance `d` carry current `I_(1) and I_(2)` in the same direction . They exert a force `F` on each other. Now the current in one of them is increased to two times and its direction is reversed . The distance is also increased to `3d`. The new value of the force between them is

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  45. Currents of `10A, 2A` are passed through two parallel wires `A` and `B` respectively in opposite directions. If the wire `A` is infinitely long and the length of the wire `B` is 2 metre, the force on the conductor `B`, which is situated at `10cm` distance from `A` will be

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  46. The force between two long parallel wires A and B carrying current is `0.004 Nm^(-1)`. The conductors are 0.01 m apart. If the current in conductor A is twice that of conductor B, then the current in the conductor B would be

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  47. A metallic loop is placed in a magnetic field. If a current is passed through it, then

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  48. A current carrying loop is placed in a uniform magnetic held. The torque acting on it does not depend upon

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  49. Current `i` is carried in a wire of length `L`. If the wire is turned into a circular coil, the maximum magnitude of torque in a given magnetic field `B` will be

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  50. A circular coil of `20turns` and radius `10cm` carries a current of `5A`. It is placed in a uniform magnetic field of `0*10T`. Find the torque acting on the coil when the magnetic field is applied (a) normal to the plane of the coil (b) in the plane of coil. Also find out the total force acting on the coil.

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  51. The pole pieces of the magnet used in a pivoted coil galvanometer are

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  52. In a moving coil galvanometer, the deflection of the coil q is related to the electrical current i by the relation

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  53. In order to increase the sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer, one should decrease

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  54. Two galvanometers A and B require 3 mA and 5 mA respectively to produce the same deflection of `i_(0)` division. Then

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Check point questions and complete solutions for chapter MAGNETIC FIELD AND FORCES of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 12