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Complete Solutions to Example of chapter MAGNETIC FIELD AND FORCES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions66
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A current of `10A` is flowing east to west in a long wire kept in the east-west direction. Find magnetic field in a horizontal plane at a distance of (i) `10cm`. North (ii) `20cm` south from the wire, and in a vertical plane at a distance of (iii) `40cm` downwards, (iv) `50cm` upwards.

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  2. (i) A pair of stationary and infinitely long bent wires are aplced in the XY- plane as shown.The wires carry currents 10 A each. The segment P and Q are parallel to the Y-axis such as OS =OR = 0.02 m. Find the magnitude field at the origin O

    (ii) three long wires carrying 10 A 20 A and 30 A are placed parallel to each other as shown field at P and Q

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  3. Two long wires carrying same currents in opposite directions are placed at separation D as shown.Predict variation of magnetic field as one moves from the point O and A

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  4. (i) A very long wire carrying a current I is bent at right angles .Find magnetic field at a point lying on a perpendicular to the wire , drawn through the point of bending at a distance d from it
    (ii) Three long wires carrying same currect are placed as shown Find magnetic field at O.

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  5. Evaluate magnitude and direction of magnetic field at a point P in the following cases


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  6. A wire shaped to a regular hexagon of side `2 cm` carries a current of `2A`. Find the magnetic field at the cetre of the hexagon.

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  7. A regular polygon of n sides is formed by bending a wire of total length `2 pi r` which carries a current i. (a) Find the magnetic field B at the centre of the polygon. (b) By letting `n rarr oo` , deduce the expression for the magnetic field at the centre of a circular current.

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  8. Figure shows a square loop ABCD with edge length `a`. The resistance of the wire ABC is `r` and that of ADC is `2r`. Find the magnetic field B at the centre of the loop assuming uniform wires. `

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  9. A current path shaped as shown in figure produces a magnetic field at `P`, the centre of the arc. If the arc subtends an angle of `30^@` and the radius of the arc is `0.6 m`, what are the magnitude and direction of the field produced at P if the current is `3.0 A`.

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  10. Figure shows a current loop having two circular arcs joined by two radial lines. Find the magnetic field B at the centre O.

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  11. Calculate the magnetic field at point O in each of the following cases:

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  12. Find the magnitude and direction of magnetic field at point O in the following case

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  13. Evaluate the magnif=tude and direction of magnetic field at point O in the folloing cases

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  14. The magnetic field at the centre of the circular loop as shown in Fig. when a single wire is bent to form a circular loop and also extends to form straight sections is

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  15. Find the magnetic field at the centre O of the loop shown in the figure

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  16. The resistance of wire `ABC` is double of resistance of wire `ADC`. The magnetic field at `O` is

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  17. The magnetic field B due to a current- carrying circular loop of radius 12cm at its center is `0.50 xx (10^-4) T`. Find the magnetic field due to this loop at a point on the axis at a distance of 5.0 cm from the centre.

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  18. Two concentric coil each of radius equal to 2`pi` cm are placed at right angles to each other. 3 A and 4 A are the currents flowing in each coil, respectively. The magnetic induction in `Wb//m^(2)` at the centre of the coils will be `(mu_(0)=4pixx10^(-7)Wb//A-m)`

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  19. Write equation for Ampere's circuital law for the Amperial loop as shown below
    (Traverse in the direction shown by arrow mark buton it )

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  20. A 0.8 m long solenoid has 800 turns and a field density of `2.52xx10^(-3)` T at its certre .Find the current in the solenoid

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  21. A copper wire having resistance 0.01 ohm in each metre is used to wind a 400 turn solenoid of radius 1.0 cm and length 20 cm. Find the emf of a battery which when connected across the solenoid will cause a magnetic field of `(1.0 xx 10^-2)` T near the centre of the solenoid.

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  22. A coil wrapped around a toroid has inner redius of 20.0 cm amd an outer radius of 25.0 cm .If the wire wrapped makes 800 turns and carries a current of 12.0 A Fimd the maximum and minimum values of the magnetic field within the toroid ?

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  23. A long straight wire of radius `a` carries a steady current `i`. The current is uniformly distributed across its cross section. The ratio of the magnetis field at `(a)//(2) and (2a)` is

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  24. A solenoid `50cm` long has 4 layers of windings of `350` turns each. The radius of the lowest layer is `1*4cm`. If the current carried is `6*0A`, estimate the magnitude of magnetic flux density (i) near the centre of the solenoid on its axis, (ii) near the ends on its axis, (iii) outside the solenoid near its centre.

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  25. A charged particle of specific charge (i.e.,Charge per unit mass 0 0.2 C/kg has velocity `2hati-3hatjms^(-1)` at some instant in a uniform magnetic field `5hati+2hatj` (tesla).Find the acceleration of the particle at this instant

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  26. When a proton has a velocity `v=(2hati+3hatj)xx10^6m/s`, it experience a force `F=-(1.28xx10^-13hatk)` When its velocity is along the z-axis, it experience a force along the `x`-axis. What is the magnetic field?

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  27. A charged particle projected in a magnetic field
    The acceleration of the particle is found to be
    find the value of `x`

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  28. A magnetic field of `(4.0xx10^-3hatk)T` exerts a force `(4.0hati+3.0hatj)xx10^-10N` on a particle having a charge `10^-9C` and moving in the `x-y` plane. Find the velocity of the particle.

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  29. A charged particle carrying charge `q=10 muC` moves with velocity `v_1=10^6 ms^-1` at angle `45^@` with x-axis in the xy plane and experience a force `F_1=5sqrt2 mN` along the negative z-axis. When the same particle moves with velocity `v_2=10^6 ms^-1` along the z-axis, it experiences a force `F_2` in y-direction.
    Find the magnitude of the force `F_2`.

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  30. Two long parallel wires carrying current ` 2.5 amperes` and `I ampere` in the same direction ( directed into the plane of the paper) are held at `P and Q` respectively such that they are perpendicular to the plane of paper. The points `P and Q` are located at a distance of ` 5 metres and 2 metres` respectively from a collinear point `R` ( see figure)
    (i) An electron moving with a velocity of ` 4xx10^(5) m//s ` along the positive ` x- direction ` experiences a force of magnitude `3.2xx10^(-20) N` at the point `R`. Find the value of `I`.
    (ii) Find all the positions at which a third long parallel wire carrying a current of magnitude `2.5 amperes` may be placed so that the magnetic induction at `R` is zero.

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  31. What is the value of `B` that can be set up at the equator to permit a proton of speed `10^7m//s` to circulate around the earth?

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  32. A proton and ` alpha` - particle are accelerated with same potential difference and they enter in the region of constant magnetic field `B` perpendicular to the velocity of particles. Find the ratio of radius of curvature of ` alpha` - particle`.

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  33. A proton is moving along the negative direction of X-axis in a magnetic field directed along the positive direction of Y-axis. The proton will be deflected along the negative direction of

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  34. A beam of protons with a velocity of `4 X 10 ^5 ms^(-1)` enters a uniform magnetic field of 0.3 T. The velocity makes an angle of `60^@` with the magnetic field. Find the radius of the helicla path taken by the proton beam and the pitch of the helix.

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  35. A beam of protons with a velocity `4 xx 10^(5) m//sec` enters a uniform magnetic field of `0.4 T` at an angle of `37^(@)` to the magnetic field. Find the radius of the helical path taken by proton beam. Also find the pitch of helix.
    `sin 37^(@) = 3//5 cos 37^(@) = 4//5`. `m_(p) ~= 1.6 xx 10^(-27) kg`.

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  36. A beam of protons with a velocity of `4 X 10 ^5 ms^(-1)` enters a uniform magnetic field of 0.3 T. The velocity makes an angle of `60^@` with the magnetic field. Find the radius of the helicla path taken by the proton beam and the pitch of the helix.

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  37. A particle of spectfic charge `alpha` enters a uniform magnetic field `B=-B_(0)hatk` with velocity `V=v_(0)hati` from the origin Find the time dependence of velocity and position of the particle

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  38. A charged particle `(q,m)` enters uniform magnetic field B at angle `alpha` shown in figure with speed `v_0`. Find

    a. The angle `beta` at which it leves the magnetic field
    b. time spent by the particle in magnetic field and
    c. the distance `C`.

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  39. A charge particle having charge 2 coulomb is thrown with velocity `2hat(i) + 3 hat(j)` inside a region having `vec(E) = 2 hat(j)` and magnetic field `5 hat(k)`. Find the initial Lorentz force acting on the particle

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  40. A proton beam passes without deviation through a region of space where there are uniform transverse mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic field with `E` and `B` Then the beam strikes a grounded target. Find the force imparted by the beam on the target if the beam current is equal to I .

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  41. The magnetic flux density applied in a cyclotron is `3*5T`. What will be the frequency of electric field that must be applied between the dees in order (a) to accelerate protons (b) `alpha`-particles? mass of proton `1*67xx10^(-27)kg`.

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  42. The energy of emergent protons in MeV from a cyclotron having radius of its dees 1.8 m and applied magnetic field 0.7T is `("massofproton"= 1.67 xx 10^(-27)" kg")`

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  43. Deuterons in a cyclotron describes a circle of radius `32.0cm`. Just before emerging from the `D's`. The frequency of the applied alternating voltage is `10MHz`. Find, `(a)` the magnetic flux density `( i.e.,` the magnetic field `), (b)` the energy and speed of the deuterons upon emergence.

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  44. A wire of length a'a carries a current I along the y-axis.A magnetic field exists given by
    Calculate magnetic force in vector from and its magnitude

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  45. A square of side `2.0 m` is placed in a uniform magnetic field `B=2.0 T` in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the square inwards. Equal current `i=3.0 A` is flowing in the directions shown in figure. Find the magnitude of magnetic force on the loop.

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  46. A straight wire of length 30 cm and mass 60 mg lies in a direction `30^(@)` east of north.The earth's magnetic field at this is horizontal and has a magnitude of 0.8 G.What current must bre passed through the wire,so that it may float in air ?

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  47. A straight wire of mass 200 g and length 1.5 m carries a current of 2 A. It is suspended in mid-air by a uniform horizontal magnetic field B. What is the magnitude of the magnetic field?

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  48. In the figure shown a semicircular wire loop is placed in a uniform magnetic field `B=1.0T`. The plane of the loop is perpendicular to the magnetic field. Current `i=2A` flows in the loop in the directions shown. Find the magnitude of the magnetic force in both the cases `a` and `b`. The radius of the loop is 1.0 m

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  49. A wire, carriying a current I is kept in the x-y plame the curve y -(2 cm) `Asin((2pi)/(lambda)x).A magnetic field B exists in the z - direction.Find the magnitude of the magnetic force on the portion of the wire between z- -0 and `x=lambda//2`

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  50. A wire PQ of mass 10g is at rest on two parallel metal rails.The separation betweem the rails is 4.9 cm.A magnetic field if 0.80 T is applied perpendicular to the plane of the rails, directed downwads. The resisitance of the circuit is slowly decreased. When the resistance to bleow 10 `Omega` the wire PQ begins to slide on the rails .Calculate the coefficient of friction between the wire and the rails

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  51. The magnetic field existing in a region is given by ,`B=B_(0)((x)/(L)+(x^(2))/(L^(2)))hatk`.A square loop edge L carrying a current I is placed with its parallel to the X and Y-axis Find the net magnetic force experienced by the loop

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  52. A conducting rod of length l and mass m is moving down a smooth inclined plane of inclination `theta` with constant i is flowing in the conductor in a direction perpendicular to paper inwards. A vertically upward magnetic field `vec B` exists in space. Then, magnitude of magnetic field `vec B` is

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  53. Currents of `10A, 2A` are passed through two parallel wires `A` and `B` respectively in opposite directions. If the wire `A` is infinitely long and the length of the wire `B` is 2 metre, the force on the conductor `B`, which is situated at `10cm` distance from `A` will be

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  54. A and B are two infinitely long straight parallel cinductors C is another straight of length 1 m parallel to A and B direction of the force experienced by C

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  55. A long horizontal wire `P` carries of `50 A`. It is rigidly fixed. Another fine wire `Q` is placed directly above and parallel to `P`. The wieght of wire `Q` is `0.075 N//m` and carries a current of `25 A`. Find the position of wire `Q` from `P` so that the wire `Q` remains suspended due to magnetic repulsion.

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  56. Shows a rod PQ of length 20.0 cm and mass 200g suspended through a fixed point O by two threads of lengths 20.0 cm each. A magnetic field of strenght 0.500 T exists in the vicinity of the wire PQ as shown in the figure. The exists in the vicinity of the wire PQ as shown in the figure. The wires conecting PQ with the battery are loose and exert no force on PQ.(a) find the tension in the threads when the switch S is open. (b) A current of 2.0 A is established when the switch S is closed. Find the tension in the threads now.

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  57. Two electrons move parallel to each other with equal speed `'V'` the ratio of magnetic `&` electric force between them is

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  58. Find the magnetic moment of a thin round loop with current if the radius of the loop is equal to `R = 100 mm` and the magnetic induction at its centre is equal to `B = 6.0 mu T`.

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  59. Find the magnitude of magetic moment of the current carrying lop `ABCDEFA`. Each side of the loop is `10 cm` long and current in the loop is `i=2.0A`

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  60. In the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, the electron circuulates around the nucleus in a path of radius `5xx10^-11m` at a frequency of `6.8xx10^15Hz`.
    a. What value of magnetic field is set up at the centre of the orbit?
    b. What is the equivalent magnetic dipole moment?

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  61. A square loop `OABCO` of side of side `l` carries a current `i`. It is placed as shown in figure. Find the magnetic moment of loop.

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  62. A circular loop of radius `R=20` cm is placed in a uniform magnetic field `B=2T` in `xy`-plane as shown in figure. The loop carries a current `i=1.0 A` in the direction shown in figure. Find the magnitude of torque acting on the loop.

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  63. A uniform magnetic field of `3000G` is established along the positive z-direction. A rectangular loop of sides `10cm` and `5cm` carries a current `12A`. What is the torque on the loop in the different cases shown in the figure. What is the force on each case? Which case corresponds to stable equilibrium?

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  64. The coil of a moving coil galvanometer has an effective area of `5xx10^(-2)m^(2)`. It is suspended in a magnetic field of `2xx10^(-2)` `Wbm^(-2)`.If the torsional constant of the senpension fibre is `4xx10^(-9)`Nmdeg^(-1)`. Then find its current sensitivity in degree per microampere

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  65. A moving coil galvanometer has 100 turns and each turn has an area `2.0 cm^2`. The magnetic field produced by the magnet is `0.01 T`. The deflection in the coil is `0.05` radian when a current of `10 mA` is passed through it. Find the torsional constant of the suspension wire.

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  66. A current of 0.5 A is passed through the coil of a galvanometer having 500 turns and each turns has an average area of `3xx10^(-4) m^(2)` if a torque of 1.5 N-m is required for this coil carrying same current to set it parallel to a magnetic field calculate the strength of the magnetic field

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter MAGNETIC FIELD AND FORCES of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 12