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Complete Solutions to Level- 1 of chapter ATOMIC STUCTURE of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following pair is isodiaphers?

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  2. Which of the following does not characterise X-rays?

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  3. The ratio of specific charge of a proton and an alpha-particle is :

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  4. The increasing order (lowest first) for the values of `e//m` (charge/mass) for electron `(e)`, proton `(p)`, neutron `(n)`, and alpha particle `(alpha)` is

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  5. The mass to charge ratio `(m//e)` for a cation `1.5xx10^(-8)` `kg//C.` What is the mass of this cation?

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  6. Rutherford's experiment on the scattering of `alpha` particle showed for the first time that the atom has

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  7. `prop`-particles are represented by:

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  8. In Bohr's stationary orbits:

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  9. One the basis of Bohr's model, the radius of the 3rd orbit is :

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  10. The correct expression derived for the energy of an electron in the `n^(th)` energy level is for H-atom :

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  11. Ionization energy for hydrogen atom in ergs, Joules and eV respectively is :

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  12. For any H like system, the ratio of velocities of electron in I, II & III orbit i.e.,`V_(1):V_(2):V_(3)` will be:

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  13. The volume of nucleus is about :

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  14. An electron in an atom jumps in such a way that its kinetic energy changes from x to `x/4`. The change in potential energy will be:

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  15. The potential energy of an electron in the hydrogen atom is -6.8 eV. Indicate in which excited state, the electron is present?

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  16. What is the potential energy of an electron present in `N-` shell of the `Be^(3+)` ion ?

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  17. The kinetic and potential energy (in eV) of electron present in third Bohr's orbit of hydrogen atom are respectively :

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  18. The distance between `4th` and `3rd` Bohr orbits of `He^(+)` is `:`

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  19. What atomic number of an element "X" would have to become so that the 4th orbit around X would fit inside the I Bohr orbit of H atom ?

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  20. The ratio of velocity of the electron in the third and fifth orbit of `Li^(2+)` would be :

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  21. If radius of second stationary orbit (in Bohr's atom) is R then radius of third orbit will be :

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  22. Which state of the triply ionized Beryllium `(Be^(3+))` has the same orbit radius as that of the ground state of hydrogen atom?

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  23. Select the incorrect graph for velocity of `e^(-)` in an orbit vs. Z, `1/n` and n :

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  24. What is the frequency of revolution of electron present in `2nd` Bohr's orbit of `H-` atom ?

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  25. According to Bohr's atomic theory, which of the following is correct ?
    (a)Potential energy of electron `propZ^(2)/n^(2)`
    (b)The product of velocity of electron and principal quantum number (n) `prop-Z^(2)`
    (c)Frequency for revolution of electron in an orbit `propZ^(2)/n^(3)`
    (d)Coulombic force of attraction on the electron `propZ^(2)/n^(2)`

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  26. Number of waves produced by an electron in one complete revolution in `n^(th)` orbit is :

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  27. Which of the following statement does not form part of Bohr's model of the hydrogen atomn?

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  28. What is the separation energy (in eV ) for `Be^(3+)` in the first excited state ?

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  29. If in Bohr's model, for unielectronic atom, time period of revolution is represented as `T_(n,z)` where `n` represents shell no. and `Z` represents atomic number then the value of `T_(1,2):T_(2,1)` , will be `:`

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  30. Which of the following is discreted in Bohr's theory?

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  31. What is the ratio of time periods `(T_(1)//T_(2))` in second orbit of hydrogen atom to third orbit of `He^(+)` ion?

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  32. The mass of an electron is m, charge is e and it is accelerated form rest through a potential difference of V volts. The velocity acquired by electron will be :

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  33. If the ionization energy of `He^(+)` is `19.6xx10^(-18) J` per atom then the energy of `Be^(3+)` ion in the second stationary state is `:`

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  34. The energy of the second Bohr orbit in the hydrogen atom is `-3.41eV.` The energy of the second Bohr orbit of `He^(+)` ion would be :

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  35. The energy of an electron moving in `n^(th)` Bohr's orbit of an element is given by `E_(n)=(-13.6)/n^(2)Z^(2)` eV/ atom (Z=atomic number). The graph of E vs. `Z^(2)` (keeping "n" constant) will be :

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  36. If `epsilon_(0)` be the permittivity of vacuum and r be the radius of orbit of H- atom in which electron is revolving, then velocity of electron is given by :

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  37. Which of the following statement(s) `is//are` consistent with the Bohr theory of the atom (and no other)?
    (1) An electron can remain in a particular orbit as long as it continuously absorbs radioation of a definite frequency.
    (2) The lowest energy orbits are those closest to the nucleus.
    (3) All electrons can jump from the K shell to the M shell by emitting radiation of a definite frequency.

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  38. The ionization potential for the electron in the ground state of the hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV `"atom"^(-1).` What would be the inization potential for the electron in the first excited state of `Li^(+)` ?

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  39. What is the energy content per photon (J) for light of frequency `4.2xx10^(14)` Hz?

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  40. Wavelength for high energy EMR transition in H-atom is 91 nm. What energy is needed for this transition?

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  41. Which graph shows how the energy E of a photon of light is related to its wavelengths `(lamda)`?

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  42. Assume that `10^(-17)`J of light energy is needed by the interior of the human eye to see an object . How many photons of green light `(lambda = 495nm)` are needed to generate this minimum energy .
    `[h=6.6xx10^(-34) Js]`

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  43. Line spectra is characteristic of :

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  44. The spectrum produced from an element is :
    (a) Atomic Spectrum
    (b) Line Spectrum
    (c) Absorption Spectrum
    (d) Any one of the above

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  45. Electronic transition in `He^(+)` ion takes from `n_(2) " to " n_(1)` shell such that :
    What will be the total number of photons emitted when electrons transit to `n_(1)` shell?

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  46. Which of the following expressions represents the spectrum of Balmer series (If n is the principal quantum number of higher energy level) in Hydrogen atom ?

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  47. Multiple or fine structure of spectral lines is due to :
    (a)presence of main energy levels
    (b)presence of sub-levels
    (c)presence of electronic configuration
    (d)is not a characteristics of the atom

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  48. Whith increasing principal quantum number, the energy difference between adjacent energy levels in H-atom:

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  49. Find the value of wave number `(overset-v)` in terms of Rydberg's constant, when transition of electron takes place between two lvels of `He^(+)` ion whose sum is 4 and difference is 2.

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  50. What is the wavelength in nm of the spectral line associated with a transition from n=3 to n= 2 for the `Li^(2+)` ion?

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  51. What is the energy (kJ/mol) associated with the de-excitation of an electron from `n=6` to `n=2` in `He^(+)` ion?

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  52. What is the shortest wavelength line in the Paschen series of `Li^(2+)` ion?

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  53. What is the maximum wavelength line in the Lyman series of `He^(+)` ion?

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  54. Which of the following electron transitions in a hydrogen atom will require the largest amount of energy?

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  55. Which electronic transition in a hydrogen atom, starting from the orbit n=7, will produce infrared light of wavelength 2170 nm?
    `(Given: R_(H)=1.09677xx10^(7)M^(-1))`

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  56. The hydrogen atom in the ground state is excited by mass of monochromatic radiations of wavelength
    ` lambda Å ` . The resulting spectrum consists of maximum `15` different lines . What is the value of ` lambda` ? (`R_H = 109737 cm^(-1))`.

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  57. Electromagnetic radiation (photon) with highest wavelength result when an electron in the hydrogen atom falls from" `n=6` to :

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  58. When an electron jumps from L to K shell -

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  59. How do the energy gaps between successive electron energy levels in an atom very from low to high n values ?

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  60. The `H`-spectrum confirms

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  61. The splitting of spectral lines in an external magnetic field is known as the

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  62. The pressure of colloidal particles of dust in air imparts blue colour to the sky. This is due to

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  63. In photoelectric effect, the number of photoelectrons emitted is proportional to :

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  64. Slope of `V_(0)` vs v curve is (where `V_(0)`= Stopping potential, v=subjected freqency)

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  65. According to Einstein's photoelectric equation, the graph between kinetic energy of photoelectrons ejected and the frequency of the incident radiation is :

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  66. The photoelectric emission from a surface starts only when the light incident upon the surface has certain minimum:

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  67. If `lamda_o and lamda` be the threshold wavelength and wavelength of incident light , the velocity of photoelectron ejected from the metal surface is :

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  68. A light source of wavelength `lambda` illuminates a metal and ejects photoelectron with `(KE)^(max) = 1 eV.`
    Another light source of wave length `(lambda)/(3),` ejects
    photoelectrons from same metal with `(KE)^(max)=5 eV.`
    Find the value of work function (eV) of metal.

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  69. Electronmagnetic radiations having `lambda=310Å`are subjected to a metal sheet having work function `=12.8eV`. What will be the velocity of photoelectrons with maximum Kinetic Energy….

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  70. The ratio of slopes of `K_(max)` vs. V and `V_(0)` vs. v curves in the photoelectric effect gives (v= freqency. `K_(max)`= maximum kinetic energy, `V_(0)`=stopping potential) :

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  71. Radiation corresponding to the transition n=4 to n=2 in hydrogen atoms falls on a certain metal (work function=2.5 eV). The maximum kinetic energy of the photo-electrons will be:

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  72. Select the incorrect statement.

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  73. Which is the de-Broglie equation?

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  74. Which of the following has the largest de Broglie wavelength (all have equal velocity)?

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  75. The de-Broglie wavelength associated with a particle of mass `10^-6 kg` moving with a velocity of `10 ms^-1`, is

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  76. For two particles A and B, curves are plotted `sqrtV` against de-Broglie wavelengths, where V is the potential on the particles. Which of the following relation is correct about the mass of particles?

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  77. Which of following graphs correctly represents the variation of particle momentum with de-Broglie wavelength?

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  78. An excited state of H atom emits a photon of wavelength `lamda` and returns in the ground state. The principal quantum number of excited state is given by:

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  79. A dye absorbs a photon of wavelength `lambda` and re`-` emits the same energy into two phorons of wavelengths `lambda_(1)` and `lambda_(2)` respectively. The wavelength `lambda` is related with `lambda_(1)` and `lambda_(2)` as `:`

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  80. `Be^(3+)` and a proton are accelerated by the same potential, their de`-` Broglie wavelengths have the ratio ( assume mass of proton `=` mass of neutron `) :`

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  81. de Broglie wavelength of an electron after being accelerated by a potential difference of V volt from rest is :

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  82. An electron travels with a velocity of x `ms^(-1).` For a proton to have the same de-Broglie wavelength, the velocity will be approximately:

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  83. The momentum (in `kg-m//s)` of photon having 6 MeV energy is :

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  84. The number of photons of light having wave number 'x' in 10 J of energy source is :

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  85. Which of the following relates to photons both as wave motion and as a stream of particles?

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  86. If `a_(0)` be the radius of first Bohr's orbit of H-atom, the de-Broglie's wavelength of an electron revolving in the second Bohr's orbit will be:

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  87. Energy required to ionise 2 mole of gaseous `He^(+)` ion present in its ground state is :

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  88. Which of the following is the most correct expression for Heisenberg's uncerainty principle?

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  89. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle can be applied to:

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  90. The mass of a particle is `10^(-10)g` and its radius is `2xx10^(-4)cm`. If its velocity is `10^(-6)cm sec^(-1)` with `0.0001%` uncertainty in measurement, the uncertainty in its position is `:`

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  91. If an electron is travelling at 200 m/s within 1 m/s uncertainty, whtat is the theoretical uncertainty in its position in mum (micrometer)?

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  92. The wave character of moving electron was experimentally verified by :

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  93. "The exact path of electron in 2p-orbital cannot be determined." The above statement is based upon:

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  94. Which series of subshells is arranged in the order of increasing energy for multi-electron atoms?

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  95. The correct Schrodinger's wave equation for a electron with total energy E and potential energy V is given by:

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  96. wave mechanical model of the atom depends upon:
    (a)de-Broglie concept of dual nature of electron
    (b)Heisenberg uncertainty principle
    (c)Schrodinger uncertainty principle
    (d)All of these

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  97. In Schrodinger wave mechanical model `Psi^(2)``(r,theta,phi)` represents :

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  98. Radial amplitude of electron wave can be represented by:

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  99. Arrange the following orbitals of H-atom in the increasing order of their energy.

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  100. In a hydrogen atom, which orbital is higher in energy than a 3s-orbital?

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Level- 1 questions and complete solutions for chapter ATOMIC STUCTURE of NARENDER AVASTHI CHEMISTRY (ENGLISH) of Class 11