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Complete Solutions to Single Correct of chapter LAWS OF MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEYSingle Correct
Number Of Questions90
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Three equal weight `A,B` and `C` of mass `2kg` each are hanging on a string passing over a fixed frictionless pulley as shown in the figure. The tension in the string connecting weights `B` and `C` is approximately

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  2. Two balls a `A` and `B` of same size are dropped from the same point under gravity. The mass of `A` is greater than that of `B`.If the air resistance acting on each ball is same, then

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  3. A block of mass `m` is placed at rest on an inclination `theta` to the horizontal.If the coefficient of friction between the block and the plane is `mu`, then the total force the inclined plane exerts on the block is

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  4. In the figure a block of mass `10kg` is in equilibrium. Identify the string in which the tension is zero

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  5. At what minimum acceleration should a monkey slide a rope whose breaking strength is `(2)/(3)`rd of its weight?

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  6. For the arrangement shown in the figure, the reading of spring balance is

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  7. The time taken by a body to slide down a rough `45^(@)` inclined plane is twice that required to slide down a smooth `45^(@)` inclined plane. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the object and rough plane is given by

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  8. The force required to just move a body up the inclined plane is double the force required to just prevent the body from sliding down the plane. The coefficient of friction is `mu`. If `theta` is the angle of inclination of the plane than `tan theta` is equal to

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  9. A force `F_1` acts on a particle so as to accelerate it from rest to a velocity v. The force `F_1` is then replaced by `F_2` which decelerates it to rest

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  10. A partical is placed at rest inside a hollow hemisphare of redius `R`. The coefficient of friction between the partical and the homisphere is `mu = (1)/sqrt(3)`. The maximum height up to which the partical can remain stationary is

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  11. The friction coefficient between the table and the block shown in figure is 0.2. Find the tensions in the two strings.

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  12. A particle slides down a smooth in clined plane of elevation `theta` fixed in an elevastor going up with an acceleration`a_0`. The base of the incline has a length L.Find the time taken by the particle to reach the bottom.

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  13. A block rests on a rought inclined plane making an angle of `30^(@)` with horizontal. The coefficient of static friction between the block and inclined plane is `0.8` . If the frictional foerce on the block is `10 N`, the mass of the block in `kg` is `(g = 10 m//s^(2))`

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  14. In figure two identical particals each of mass `m` are tied together with an inextensible string. This is pulled at its centre wwith a constant force `F`. If the whole system lines on a smooth horizontal plane, then the aceleration of each partical towards each other is

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  15. A block of mass `m` is placed at rest on a horizontal rought surface with angle of friction `phi`. The block is pulley with a force `F` at an angle `theta` with the horizontal. The minimum value of `F` required to move the block is

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  16. A block of mass `4 kg` is placed on a rough horizontal force plane. A time dependent horizontal force `F = k t` acts on the block. Here `k = 2 Ns^(-1)`. The frictional force between the block and plane at time `t = 2 s` is `(mu = 0.2)`

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  17. A body takes time `t` to reach the bottom oa a smooth inclined plane of angle `theta` with the horizontal. If the plane is made rought, time taken now is `2t`.The coefficient of friction of the rough surface is

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  18. A man of mass `m` slides down along a rop which is connected to the celling of an elevator with deceleration `a` relative to the rop.If the elevator is going upward with an acceleration relative to the ground, then tension in the rop is

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  19. A `50 kg` person stand on a `25 kg` platform. He pulls on the rope which is connected to the rope which is attected to the plateform `via` the frictionless pulley as shown in the figure. The platform moves upwards at a steady rate if the force with which the person pulls the rope is

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  20. A ladder of length `5 m` is placed against a smooth wall as shown in figure. The coefficient or friction is `mu` between ladder and ground. What is the minimum value of `mu` , If the ladder is not to slip?

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  21. If a ladder weighting `250 N` in placed a smooth vartical wall having coefficient of friction between it and floor 03, then what is the maximum force of fraction available at the point of contact between the ladder and the floor?

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  22. A rope of length `L` and mass `M` is being pulled on a rought horizontal floor by a contact horizontal force `F = m g`. The force is acting at one end of the rope in the same direction as the length of the rop. The coefficient of kinetic friction between rope and floor is `1//2`. Then the tension at the midpoint of the rop is

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  23. A heavy body of mass `25kg` is to be dragged along a horizontal plane (mu = `(1)/(sqrt(3))`. The least force required is `(1 kgf = 9.8 N)`

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  24. A block `A` of mass `4 kg` is kept on ground. The coefficient of friction between the block and the ground is `0.8`. The exernal force of magnitude `30 N` is applied applied parallel to the ground. The resultant force exernal by the ground on the block is `(g = 10 m//s^(2))`

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  25. A block `A` of mass `2 kg` rests on another block `B` of mass `8 kg` which rests on a horizontal floor. The coefficient of friction between `A` and `B` is `0.2` while that between `B` and floor is `0.5`.When a horizontal floor `F` of `25 N` is applied on the block `B` the force of friction between `A` and `B` is

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  26. A body of mass `10 kg` lines on a rough inclined plane of inclination `theta = sin^(-1) ((3)/(5))` with the horizontal. When the floor of `30 N`is applied on the block parallel to and upward the plane, the total force by the plane on the block is nearly along

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  27. In the figure show , a person wants raise a block lying on the ground to a height `h` . In which case he has to exert more force. Assume pulleys and strings are light .

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  28. A man of mass`m` stands on a plateform of equal mass `m` and pulls himself by two rops passing over pulleys as shown in figure.If he pulls each rop with a force equal to half his weight ,his upwards acceleration would be

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  29. A varying horizental force `F =at` act on a block of mass `m` kept on a smooth horizontal surface An identical block is kept on the first block.The coefficient of friction between the blocks is `mu` . The time after which the relative sliding between the blocks prevails is

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  30. Two partical start together from a point `O` and slide down along straight smooth wire inclined at `30^(@)` and `60^(@)` to the vertical plane and on the same slide of vertical through `O` . The relative acceleration of second with respect to first will be of magnitude

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  31. Find the value of the unknow force if the given set of force shown in figure are in equilibrium.

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  32. Determine the tensions `T_(1)` and `T_(2)` in the string as shown in figure.

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  33. In figure the tension in the diagram string is `60 N`
    (a) Find the magnitude of the horizontal force `F_(1)` and `F_(2)` that must be applied to hold the system In the position shown.
    (b) What is the weight of the suspended block?

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  34. A ball of mass `1 kg` hangs in equilibrium from two string `OA` and `OB` as show in figure. What are the tension in string `OA` and `OB`? `(Take g= 10 m//s^(2))`

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  35. A rod `OA` of mass `4 kg` is held in horizontal position by a massless string `AB` as shown in figure. Length of the rod is `2 m`. Find
    (a) tension in the string
    (b) net force exerted by hings on the rod. `(g = 10 m//s^(2))`

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  36. Two beads of equal masses `m` are attached by a string of length `sqrt2a` and are free to move in a smooth circular ring lying in a vertical plane as shown in figure.Here a is the radius of the ring.Find the tesion and acceleration of `B` just ofter the heads are released to move.

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  37. Two block of mass `1 kg` and `2 kg` are connected by a string `AB` of mass `1 kg`. The blocks are placed on a smooth horizental surfacec. Block of mass `1 kg` is pulled by a horizental force `F` of magnitude `8 N`. Find the tension in the string at points `A` and `B`

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  38. Two block of mass `2.9 kg` and `1.9 kg` are suspended from a rigid support `S` by two inextensible wires each of length `1 m` , as shown in figure.The upper wire has negligibible mass and the lower wires and support have an uniformly mass of `0.2 kg` .The whole system of blocks, wire and support have an upwardds acceleration of `0.2 m//s^(2)`. Accceleration due to gravity is `9.8 m//s^(2)`.
    (a) Find the tension at the mid point of the lower wire.
    (b)Find the tension at the mid point of the upper wire.

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  39. Two blocks shown in figure are connected by a heavy uniform rope of mass `4 kg`. An upward force of `200 N` is applied as shown
    (a) What is the acceleration of the system .
    (b)What is the tension at the rop of the rop ?
    ( c) What is the tension at the mid- point of the rop
    `(Take g = 9.8 m//s^(2))`

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  40. A`4 m` long ladder weighing `25 kg` rests with its upper and against a smooth wall and lower and on rought ground.What should be the minimum coefficient of friction between the ground and ladder for it to be inclined at `60^(@)` with the horizontal without slipping? `(Take g =10 m//s^(2))`

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  41. A plumb bob of mass `1 kg` is hung from the ceiling of a train compartment.The train moves on an inclined plane with constant velocity. If the angle of inclined is `30^(@)`.Find the angle made by the string with the normal to the ceiling .Also ,Find the tension in the string `(g = 10 m//s^(2))`

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  42. Repeat both the parts of the above question, If the train moves with an acceleration `a = g//2` up the plane.

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  43. Two unequal masses of `1kg` and `2kg` are connected by a string going over a clamed light smooth pulley as shown in figure . The system is released from rest .The larger mass is stopped for a moment `1.0 s` after the system is set in motion.Find the time elapsed before the string is tight again.

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  44. In the adjoining figure a wedge is fixed to an elevator moving upwards with an acceleration `a`. A block of mass `m` is placed over the wedge.Find the acceleration of the block with respect to wedge. Neglect friction

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  45. In figure `m_(1)= 1 kg` and `m_(2)= 4 kg` Find the mass `m` of the hanging block which will provent the smaller block from slipping over the triangular block .All the surface are frictionless and the string and the pulleys are light

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  46. A `2 kg` object is slide along the frictionless floor with intial volocity `(10 m//s) hat i` (a) Describe the motion of the object relation to car (b) when does the object reach its original position relative to the box car.

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  47. A `2 kg` object is slide along the frictionless floor with intial transverse volocity `(10 m//s) hat k` (a) Describe the motion (a) in car's frame and (b) in ground frame.

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  48. A `2 kg` object is slide along a rough floor (coefficient of sliding friction `= 0.3)`with initial volocity `(10 m//s) hat i`. Describe the motion of the object relation to car assuming that the coefficient of static friction is greater than `0.5`.

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  49. A block is placed on an inclined plane as shown in figure. What must be the friction force between block and inclined if the block is not to slice along the inclined when the incline is accelerating to the right at `3 m//s^(2) ( sin 37^(@) = (3)/(5))`? `(Take g = 10 m//s^(2))`

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  50. A `6 kg` block is kept on an inclined rough surface as shown in figure.Find the force `F` requiredto
    (a) keep the block stationary.
    (b) move the block downwards with contact velocity and
    ( c) move the block upwards with an acceleration `4 m//s^(2) (Take g = 10 m//s^(2))`

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  51. A block of mass `200kg` is set into motion on a frictionless , horizontal surface with the help of frictionless pulley and a rope system as shown in figure. What horizontal force `F` should be applied to produce in the block an acceleration of `1 m//s^(2)`?

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  52. A cube of mass `2 kg` is help stationary against a rought wall by a force `F = 40 N` passing through center `C` . Find perpenducalar distance of normal reation between wall and cube from point `C`. Side of the cube is `20 cm Take g = 10 m//s^(2)`.

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  53. A `20 kg` monkey has a firm hold on a light rope that passes over a frictionless pulley and is attached to a `20 cm` bunch if bananas. The monkey looks upwards , sees the bananas and starts to climb the rope to get them.
    (a) As the monkey climbs ,do the bananas move up , move down or remain at rest?
    (b) As the monkey climbs ,does the distance between the lonkey and the banana decrease, increase or remain contact?
    (c) The monkey releases her hold on the rope .What happens to the distance between the monkey and the bananas while she is falling ?
    (d) Before reaching the ground , the monkey grabs the rope of stop har fall. What do the bananas do?

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  54. In the pulley-block arrangement shown in figure , find the relation between acceleration of blocks `A` and `B`

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  55. In the pulley-block arrangement shown in figure , find the relation between `a_(A),a_(B)` and `a_(C)`

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  56. In the figure shown ,find :`(g = 10 m//s^(2))`

    (a) acceleration of `1 kg,2 kg` and `3 kg` blocks and
    (b) tension `T_(1)` and `T_(2)`.

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  57. Find the acceleration of the `A` and `B` in the situation show in the figure

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  58. A conveyor belt is moving with constant speed of `6 m//s`. A small block is just dropped on it.Coefficient of friction between the two is `mu = 0.3`. Find
    (a) The time when relative motion between them will stop
    (b) Displacement of block upto that instant `(g = 10 m//s^(2))`.

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  59. Coefficient of friction between two block shown in figure ia `mu = 0.4`. The blocks are given velocities of `2 m//s` and `8 m//s` in the directions figure. Find

    (a) The time when relative motion between them will stop
    (b) the common velocities of blocks upto that instant. (c) Displacement of `1 kg`and `2 kg` block upto that instant `(g = 10 m//s^(2))`.

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  60. A `2 kg` block is present against a rough wall by a force `F = 20 N` as shown in figure .Find acceleration of the block and force of friction acting on it .`(Take g = 10 m//s^(2))`

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  61. A `2 kg` block is kept over a ground with coefficient of friction `mu = 0.8` as shown in figure.A time varying force `F = 2t (F` in newton and `t` in second) is applied on the block. Plot a graph between acceleration of block versus time `(g = 10 m//s^(2))`

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  62. A `6 kg` block is kept over a rough surface with coefficient of friction `mu_(s) = 0.6` and `mu_(k) = 0.4` as shown in figure.A time varying force `F = 4t (F` in newton and `t` in second) is applied on the block as shown. Plot a graph between acceleration of block and time `(g = 10 m//s^(2))`

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  63. What is the largest mass of `C` in `kg` that can be suspended without moving blocks `A` and `B` ? The static coefficent of friction for all plane surface of contact is `0.3` Mass of block `A` is `50 kg` and block `B` is `70 kg`. Neglect feriction in the pulleys.

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  64. A sphere of mass `1 kg` rests at one corner of a cube. The cube is moved with a velocity `v =(8 t hat(i) - 2t^(2)) hat(j)`, where `t`is time in second . The force by sphere on the cube at `t = 1 s` is `(g = 10 m//s^(-2))` [figure shown vertical plane of the cube]

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  65. A smooth block of mass `m` is held stationary on a smooth wedge of mass `M` and inclination `theta` as shown in figure .If the system is released from rest , then the normal reaction between the block and the wedge is

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  66. Two blocks of masses `m_(1)` and `m_(2)` are placed in contact with each other on a horizontal platform as shown in figure The coefficent of friction between `m_(1)` and platform is `2mu` and that between block `m_(2)` and platform is `mu`.The platform moves with an acceleration `a` . The normal reation between the blocks is

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  67. A small block of mass m rests on a smooth wedge of angle `theta`. With what horizontal accelaration a should the wedge be pulled, as shown in fig, so that the block falls freely?

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  68. To a ground observer the block `C` is moving with `u_(0)` and the block `A` with `u_(1)` and `B` is moving with `u_(2)` relative to `C` as shown in figure. Identify the correct statement.

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  69. In each case `m_(1) = 4 kg` and `m_(2) = 3 kg`. If `a_(1)` and `a_(2)` and `a_(3)` are the respective acceleration of the block `m_(1)` in given situation, then

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  70. For the arrangement shown in the figure the coefficient of friction between the two blocks is `mu`. If both the blocks are identical and moving ,then the acceleration of each block is

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  71. In the figure shown find relation between magnitudes of `a_(A)` and `a_(B)`.

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  72. In the figure block moves downwards with velocity `v_(1)`, the wedge rightwards with velocity `v_(2)`. The correct relation between `v_(1)` and `v_(2)` is

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  73. In the figure the minimum value of `a` at which the cylinder starts rising up the inclined surface is

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  74. When the trolley show in figure is given a horizontal acceleration `a`, the pendulem bob of mass `m` gets deflected to a maximum deflection , the net acceleration of the bob with respect to trolley is

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  75. In the arrangement shown in the figure the mass `M` is very heavy compared to `m (M gt gt m)`. The tension `T` in the string suspende from the ceiling is

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  76. A block rests on a rough plane whose inclination `theta` to the horizontal can be varied. Which of the following graphs indicates how the friction force `F` between the block and the plane varies as `theta` is increased?

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  77. The minimum value of `mu` between the two blocks for no slipping is

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  78. A block is sliding along an inclined plane as shown in figure . If the acceleration of chamber is `a` as shown in figure. The time required to cover a distance `L` along inclined is

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  79. In the figure the wedge is pushed with an acceleration of `sqrt3 m//s ^(2)`. It is seen that the block start climbing up on the smooth inclined face of wedge . What will be the time taken by the block to reach the top?

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  80. Two block `A` and `B` are separted by some distance and tied by a string as shown in the figure . The force of friction in both the block at `t = 2 s` is

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  81. All the surface and pulleys are frictionless in the shown arrangement. Pulleys `P` and `Q` are massless .The force applied by clamp on pulley `P` is

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  82. Two blocks of `2 kg` and `4 kg` are connected by a light string and kept on horizontal surface `A` force of `16 N` is acted on `4 kg` block horizontally as shown in figure. Besides ,it is given that coefficient of friction between `4 kg` and ground is `0.3` and between `2 kg` block and ground is `0.6`. Then frictional force between `2 kg` block ground is

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  83. A smooth rod length `l` is kept inside a trolley at an angle `theta` as shown in the figure. What should be the acceleration `a` of the trolley so that the rod remain in equilibrium with respect to it?

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  84. A car begains from rest at time `t = 0`, and then acceleration along a straight track during the interval `0 lt t le 2 s` and thereafter with constant velocity as shown in figure in the graph. A coin is initially at rest on the floor of the car. At `t = 1 s`, the coin begains to slip and its stops slipping at `t = 3 s` . The coefficient of static friction between the floor and the coin is `(g = 10 m//s^(2))`

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  85. A horizontal plank is `10.0 m` long with uniform density and mass `10 kg` .It rests on two supports which are placed `1.0 m` from each end as shown in the figure. A man of mass 80 kg can stand upto distance `x` on the plank without causing it to tip .The value of `x` is

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  86. A block is kept on a smooth inclined plane of angle of inclination `theta` that moves wuth a contact acceleration so that the block does not slide relative to the inclined plane. If the inclined plane stops the normal contact force offered by the plane on the block changes by a factor

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  87. A uniform cube of mass `m` and slide`a` is resting in equilibrium on a rough `45^(@)` inclined surface. The distance point of application of normal reation measured from the lower edge of the cube is

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  88. A horizontal force `F = (mg)/(3)` is applied on the upper surface of a uniform cube of mass `m` and slide a which is resting on a rough horizontal surface having `mu = (1)/(2)`. The distance between lines of action of `mg` and normal reation is

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  89. Two persons of equal heights are carrying a long uniform wooden plank of length `l` . They are at distance `(l)/(4)` and `(l)/(6)` from nearest end of the rod. The ratio of normal reation at their heads is

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  90. A ball connect ed with string is released at an angle `45^(@)` with the vertical as shown in figure.Then the acceleration of the box at this instant will be (mass of the box is equal to mass of ball)

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Single Correct questions and complete solutions for chapter LAWS OF MOTION of DC PANDEY PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11