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Complete Solutions to SCQ_TYPE of chapter GENERAL PHYSICS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions91
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following sets cannot enter into the list of fundamental quantities in any system of units ?

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  2. Force `F` is given in terms of time `t` and distance `x` by `F = A sin Ct + B cos Dx`. Then the dimensions of `A//B` and `C//D` are

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  3. Dimensions of electrical resistence are

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  4. The velocity of water wave `v` may depend on their wavelength `lambda`, the density of water `rho` and the acceleration due to gravity `g`. The method of dimensions gives the relation between these quantities as

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  5. If unit of length and time is double, dthe numerical valuure of `'g'` (acceleration due to gravity) will be

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  6. From some instruments current measured is `I=10.0amp`, potential different measured is `V=100.0 V`, length of wire is `31.4 cm`, and diameter of wire is `2.00mm` (all in correct significant figure). The resistivity of wire (in correct significant figures)will be (use `pi=3.14`)

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  7. In a meter bridge, null point is at `l=33.7cm`, when the resistance `S` is shunted by `12Omega` resitance the null point is found to be shifted by a distance of `18.2 cm`. The value of unknown resistance `R` should be

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  8. The external and internal diameters of a hollow cylinder are measured to be `(4.23+-0.01)` cm and `(3.89+-0.01)`cm. The thickne of the wall of the cylinder is

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  9. In a vernier callipers, `N` divisions of the main scale coincide with `N + m` divisions of the vernier scale. what is the value of `m` for which the instrument has minimum least count.

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  10. In a meter bridge set up, which of the following should be the properties of the one meter long wire?

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  11. The dimension of the ratio of magnetic flux and the resistance is equal to that of:

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  12. `1 cm` on the main scale of a vernier callipers is divided into `10 equal` parts. If `10` divisions of vernier coincide with `8` small divisions of main scale, then the least count of the calliper is.

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  13. The vernier constant of a vernier callipers is `0.001 cm`. If `49` main scale divisions coincide with `50` vernier scale devisions, then the value of `1` main scale divisions is .

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  14. `1 cm` of main scale of a vernier callipers is divided into `10` divisions. The least count of the callipers is `0.005 cm`, then the vernier scale must have.

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  15. Vernier constant is the

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  16. The graph between `(1)/(v)` and `(1)/(u)` for a concave mirror looks like.

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  17. The graph showing correctly the variation of image distance `(v)` as a function of object distance `(u)` in case of a concave mirror is

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  18. The ratio of the dimensions of plank's constant and that of the moment of inertia is the dimension of

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  19. The dimensions of the quantity `L//C` is identical to

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  20. The dimensions of `h//e` (`h=` Plank's constant and `e=` electronic charge ) are same as that of

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  21. The dimensions of (angular momentum)/(magnetic moment) are

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  22. The dimensions of `a/b` in the equation `P=(a-t^(2))/(bx)` where `P` is pressure, `x` is distance and `t` is time are

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  23. In the equation `int(dt)/(sqrt(2at-t^(2)))=a^(x) sin^(-1)[t/a-1]`. The value of `x` is

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  24. The dimensions of the quantity `hc` (where `h=h/(2pi)`) is

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  25. A plane is inclined at an angle `30^(@)` with horizontal. The component of a vector `vec(A)= -10k` perpendicular to this plane is: (here z-direction is vertically upwards)

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  26. Sum of magnitudes of the two forces acting at a point is `16 N` if their resultant is normal to the smaller forces and has a magnitude `8N` then the forces are .

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  27. The distance between the point `P(2m,3m,4m)` and the `x`-axis

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  28. If the angle between the vectors A and B is `theta`, the value of the product (BxA). A is equal to

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  29. If `vec(a_(1)) and vec(a_(2))` are two non-collinear unit vectors and if `|vec(a_(1)) + vec(a_(2))|=sqrt(3)`, then the value of `(vec(a_(1))-vec(a_(2))). (2 vec(a_(1))+vec(a_(2)))` is :

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  30. The significant digits in 200.40 are

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  31. After rounding off the number 4621 to 2 significant digits the value becomes

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  32. The area of a rectangle of size `1.23 xx 2.345 cm` is

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  33. The length of a rod is `(11.05+-0.05)cm`. What is the length of two such rods?

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  34. The relative density of material of a body is found by weighting it first in air and then in water . If the weight in air is `( 5.00 +- 0.05) N` and the weight in water is `(4.00 +- 0.05) N`. Find the relative density along with the maximum permissible percentage error.

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  35. What is the percentage error in the measurement of time period of a pendulum if maximum errors in the measurement of `l` ands `g` are 2% and 4% respectively?

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  36. The result after adding `3.8xx10^(-6)` and `4.2xx10^(-5)` with due regards to significant figures is

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  37. In an experiment refractive index of glass was observed to be 1.45, 1.56, 1.54, 1.44, 1.54 and 1.53. The mean absolute error in the experiement is

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  38. Choose the wrong statement for zero error and zero correction.

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  39. While determining the value of `g` using simple pendulum, we plot a graph between `l` and `T^(2)` which is

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  40. How many number of wires are used in Searl's experiment for determining Young's modulus of elasticity ?

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  41. In Searl's experiment a graph is plotted between

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  42. What type of mirror is most suitable as shaving glass?

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  43. The dimensions of `1/2 epsilon_(0)E^(2) (epsilon_(0)=` permittivity of free space, `E=` electric field) is

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  44. Which of the following sets have different dimensions ?

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  45. `A` and `B` are two vectors in a plane at an angle of `60^(@)` with each other. `C` is another vector perpendicular to the plane containing vector `A` and `B`. Which of the following relations is possible? a) A + B = C b) A + C= B c) A X B = C d) A x C = B

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  46. Each division on the main scale is `1 mm`. Which of the following vernier scales give vernier constant equal to `0.01 mm`?

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  47. If vector `a` is a variable vector, whose magnitude is constant, then choose the statement which is always true.

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  48. The length of a wire is measured with a metre scale having least count `1mm`. Its diameter is measued with a vernier calipers of least count `0.1mm`. Given that length and diameter of the wire are measured as `5cm` and `4mm`, the percentage error in the calculated value of volume of the wire will be

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  49. The value of the following expression
    `hati.(hatjxxhatk)+j.(hatixxhatk)+hatk.(hatjxxhati)`is a) 0 b) 1 c) -1 d) 3

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  50. In a vernier callipers `n` divisions of its main scale match with `(n+5)` divisions on its vernier scale. Each division of the main scale is of `x` unit. Using the vernier principle, find the least count.

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  51. If `epsilon_(0), B, V` represent permitivity of free space, magnitude of magnetic field and volume of space respectively, then the dimension of `epsilon_(0)B^(2)V` is `[M^(a)L^(b)T^(c)]`. Find `a+b+c`.

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  52. What is the reading of micrometer screw gauge shown in figure

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  53. The `|u|,|v|` graph for a concave mirror is a shown in figure. Here `|u|gt|f|`. A line passing through origin of slope 1 cut the graph at point `P`. Then co-ordinate of point `P` are

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  54. For the second overtone which option shows correct mode for displacement `y` and pressure variation `DeltaP`

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  55. The dimensions of a rectangular block measured with a vernier callipers having least count of `0.1mm` is `5mmxx10mmxx5mm`. The maximum percentage error in measurement of volume of the blcok is

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  56. An unknown resistance `R_(1)` is connected is series with a resistance of `10 Omega`. This combination is connected to one gap of a meter bridge, while other gap is connected to another resistance `R_(2)`. The balance point is at `50 cm` Now , when the `10 Omega` resistance is removed, the balanced point shifts to `40 cm` Then the value of `R_(1)` is.

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  57. If `a=hati+4hatj+2sqrt(2)hatk` and `b=(hati+hatj)sqrt(2)` then find component of a perpendicular to `b`

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  58. In a system of units if force (F), acceleration (A) and time (T) are taken as fundamental units, then the dimensional formula of energy is

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  59. `(E^(2))/(mu_(0))` has the dimensions (`E=` electric field, `mu_(0)=` permeabililty of free space)

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  60. The dimension of `e^(2)//epsilon_(0)hc` (here symbols have their usual meanings) are

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  61. The dimension of `sigma b^4` (where `sigma` is Stefan's constant and b is Wien's constant) are `[ML^4 T^(-3)]` is it true.

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  62. Unit of `(CV)/(rho epsilon_(0))` are of
    (`C =` capacitance, `V =` potential, `rho =` specfic resistence and `epsilon_(0) =` permittivity of free space)`

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  63. The sum, difference and cross produce of two vectors `A` and `B` are mutually perpendicular if

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  64. If `vec(A)xxvec(B)= vec(C )+vec(D)`, then select the correct alternative.

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  65. If `a,b,` and `c` are the unit vectors along the incident ray, reflected ray and the outward normal to the reflector. Then

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  66. The `x-y` plane is the boundary between two transparent media. Medium-1 with `zle0` has a refractive index `sqrt(2)` and medium -2 with `zle0` has a refractive index `sqrt(2)`. A ray of light in medium -1 given by vector `A=sqrt(3)hati-hatk` is incident on the plane of separation. The unit vector in the direction of the refracted ray in medium-2 is

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  67. The radius of a thin wire is `0.16mm`. The area of cross section taking significant figures into consideration in square millimeter is

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  68. The volume of a sphere is `2.42cm^(3)`. The volume of 12 such spheres taking into account the significant figures is

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  69. What is the reading of verneir scale shown in figure?

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  70. In the formula `X=3YZ^(2)`, X and Z have dimensions of capacitance and magnetic induction respectively. What are the dimensions of Y in MKSQ system?

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  71. A quantity `X` is given by `epsilon_(0) L(DeltaV)/(Deltat)`, where `epsilon_(0)` is the permittivity of free space `L` is a length `DeltaV` is a potnetial difference and `Delta` is a time internval. The dimensional forumla to `X` is the same as that of

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  72. A cube has a side length `1.2xx10^(-2)m`.Calculate its volume

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  73. In the relation: `P=(alpha)/(beta)e^(-(alphaZ)/(ktheta)),P` is pressure `Z` is distance `k` is Boltzmann constant and `theta` is the temperature. The dimensional formula of `beta` will be

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  74. A wire has a mass `(0.3pm0.003)` g, radius `(0.5pm0.005)` mm and length `(6pm0.06)`cm. The maximum percentage error in the measurement of its density is

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  75. A student performs an experiment for determination of ` g [ = ( 4 pi^(2) L)/(T^(2)) ] , L ~~ 1m` , and he commits an error of `Delta L`. For `T` he takes the time of `n` oscillations with the stop watch of least count ` Delta T` . For which of the following data , the measurement of `g` will be most accurate ?

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  76. If by mistake Ammeter is connected parallel to the resistance then `i-V` curve expected is (Here `i`= reading of ammeter, `V=` reading of voltmeter)

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  77. If by mistake Ammeter is connected parallel to the resistance then `i-V` curve expected is (Here `i`= reading of ammeter, `V=` reading of voltmeter)

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  78. In meter bridge experiment if, resistance `S` in resistance box `=300Omega` then the balanced length is found to be `25.0cm` from end `A`. The diameter of unknown wire is `1mm` and length of unknown wire is `31.4cm`. The specific resistivity of the wire should be

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  79. The length of a rectangular plate is measured by a meter scale and is found to be ` 10.0 cm`. Its width is measured by vernier callipers as `1.00 cm`. The least count of the meter scale and vernier calipers are `0.1 cm and 0.01 cm` respectively. Maximum permissibe error in area measurement is.

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  80. The least count of a stop watch is 0.2 s, The time of 20 oscillations of a pendulum is measured to be 25s. The percentage error in the time period is

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  81. The pitch of a screw gauge is `0.55mm` and there are 100 divisions on its circular scale. The instrument reads `+2` divisions when nothing is put in between its jaws. In measuring the diameter of a wire, there are 8 divisions on the main scale and `83^(rd)` division coincides with the reference. Then the diameter of the wire is

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  82. The pitch of a screw gauge having `50` divisions on its circular scale is `1 mm` When the two jaws of the screw gauge are in contact with each other, the zero of the circular scale lies `6` divisions below the line of gradution. when a wire is placed between the jaws, `3` linear scale divisions are clearly visible while `31` division on the circular scale coincides with the reference line. Find diameter of the wire.

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  83. The smallest division on the main scale of a vernier callipers is `1mm`, and 10 vernier divisions coincide with 9 mainn scalel divisions. While measuring the diameter of a spehre the zero mark of the vernier scale lies between 2.0 and 2.1 cm and the fifth division of hte vernier main scale coincide with a main scale division. Then diameter of the sphere is

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  84. A vernier callipers having `1` main scale division `= 0.1 cm` to have a least count of `0.02 cm`.If `n` be the number of divisions on vernier scale and `m` be the length of vernier scale, then.

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  85. The quantity `[(nh)//(2piqB)]^(1//2)` where `n` is a positive integer, `h` is Planck's constant `q` is charge and `B` is magnetic field has the dimensions of

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  86. In a meter bridge experiment, null point is obtained at `20 cm` from one end of the wire when resistance `X` is balanced against another resistance `Y`. If `X lt Y`, then the new position of the null point from the same end, if one decides to balance a resistance of `4 X` against `Y` will be at.

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  87. If vector `vec(A)=hat(i)+2hat(j)+4hat(k)` and `vec(B)=5hat(i)` represent the two sides of a triangle, then the third side of the triangle can have length equal to

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  88. If in the shown figure `AC=hati+2hatj+4hatk` and `BD=hati-3hatj+hatk` then `BC` is

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  89. A spring is placed between the jaws of screw gauge such that the spring is not all compressed. The main scale reads 2 division and circular scale reads 28 divisions. Now we turn the circular scale by `18^(@)` such that the spring is compessed. The circular scale has 200 divisions and the least count of the main scale is `1mm`. What is the force exerted by the spring on the jaws if the spring constnat is `100N//m`

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  90. The pitch of a screw gauge is `1` mm and there are `100` divisions on circular scale. When faces `A` and `B` are just touching each without putting anything between the studs 32nd divisions of the circular scale (below its Zero) coincides with the reference line. When a glass plate is placed between the studs, the linear scale reads 4 divisions and the circular reads 16 divisions. Find the thickness of the glass plate. Zero of linnear scale is not hidden from circular scale when A and B touches each other.

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  91. The pitch of a screw gauge is `0.5m` and there are 50 divisins on its circular scale and one man scale division `=0.5mm`. Before starting the measurement, it is found that when jaws of the screw gauge are brought in contact, the zero of the circular scale lies 5 divisions above the reference line. When a metallic wire is placed betwen the jaws, four main scale divisions are clearly visible and `16^(th)` division on the circular scale coincides with the reference line. The diameter of the wire is

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SCQ_TYPE questions and complete solutions for chapter GENERAL PHYSICS of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11