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Complete Solutions to Section I - Solved Mcqs of chapter CIRCLES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
OBJECTIVE RD SHARMASection I - Solved Mcqs
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The equation `x^(2)+y^(2)-6x+8y+25=0` represents

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  2. The number of integral values of `lambda` for which the equation `x^(2)+y^(2)-2lambdax+2lambday+14=0` represents a circle whose radius cannot exceed 6, is

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  3. If the equation ` x^(2)+y^(2)+6x-2y+(lambda^(2)+3lambda+12)=0` represent a circle. Then

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  4. If `2(x^(2)+y^(2))+4 lambda x + lambda^(2)=0` represents a circle of meaningful radius, then the range of real values of `lambda`, is

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  5. The locus of a point which moves such that the sum of the square of its distance from three vertices of a triangle is constant is a/an circle (b) straight line (c) ellipse (d) none of these

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  6. Prove that the locus of a point which moves such that the sum of the square of its distances from the vertices of a triangle is constant is a circle having centre at the centroid of the triangle.

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  7. The equation of the circle passing through the point (-1, 2) and having two diameters along the pair of lines `x^(2)-y^(2)-4x+2y+3=0`, is

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  8. A circle of radius 'r' passes through the origin `O` and cuts the axes at A and B,Locus of the centroid of triangle OAB is

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  9. The equation `(x^2 - a^2)^2 + (y^2 - b^2)^2 = 0` represents points

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  10. Find the greatest distance of the point `P(10 ,7)` from the circle `x^2+y^2-4x-2y-20=0`

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  11. If the base of a triangle and the ratio of the lengths of the other two unequal sides are given, then the vertex lies on

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  12. Two conics `a_1x^2+2h_1xy + b_1y^2 = c_1, a_2x^2 + 2h_2xy+b_2y^2 = c_2` intersect in 4 concyclic points. Then

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  13. The number of points with integral coordinates that are interior to the circle `x^(2)+y^(2)=16`, is

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  14. Find the equation of the circle which is touched by `y=x` , has its center on the positive direction of the x=axis and cuts off a chord of length 2 units along the line `sqrt(3)y-x=0`

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  15. The locus of the centre of the circle which cuts the circle `x^2 + y^2 - 20x + 4 = 0` orthogonally and touches the line `x= 2` is

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  16. From the point A(0,3) on the circle `x^2 +4x + (y-3)^2 = 0 ` a chord AB is drawn to a point such that AM = 2AB. The equation of the locus of M is :-

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  17. Two vertices of an equilateral triangle are `(-1,0)` and (1, 0), and its third vertex lies above the x-axis. The equation of its circumcircel is ____________

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  18. The geometric mean of the minimum and maximum values of the distance of point (-7, 2) from the points on the circle `x^(2)+y^(2)-10x-14y-51=0` is equal to

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  19. A circle passes through a fixed point A and cuts two perpendicular straight lines through A in B and C. If the straight line BC passes through a fixed-point `(x_(1), y_(1))`, the locus of the centre of the circle, is

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  20. The equation of the circumcircle of the triangle formed by the lines whose combined equation is given by (x+y-4) (xy-2x-y+2)=0, is

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  21. The equation of the circumcircle of an equilateral triangle is `x^2+y^2+2gx+2fy+c=0` and one vertex of the triangle in (1, 1). The equation of the incircle of the triangle is `4(x^2+y^2)=g^2+f^2` `4(x^2+y^2)=8gx+8fy=(1-g)(1+3g)+(1-f)(1+3f)` `4(x^2+y^2)=8gx+8fy=g^2+f^2` `non eoft h e s e`

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  22. Circles are drawn through the point (3,0) to cut an intercept of length 6 units on the negative direction of the x-axis. The equation of the locus of their centres is

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  23. Find the locus of the centre of the circle touching the line `x+2y=0a n dx=2y=0.`

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  24. The angle between `x^(2)+y^(2)-2x-2y+1=0` and line `y=lambda x + 1-lambda`, is

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  25. The equation of the smallest circle passing from points (1, 1) and (2, 2) and always in the first quadrant is

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  26. There are two circles whose equation are `x^2+y^2=9` and `x^2+y^2-8x-6y+n^2=0,n in Zdot` If the two circles have exactly two common tangents, then the number of possible values of `n` is 2 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) none of these

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  27. The range of values of `lambda` for which the circles `x^(2)+y^(2)=4` and `x^(2)+y^(2)-4lambda x + 9 = 0` have two common tangents, is

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  28. The circle which can be drawn to pass through (1, 0) and (3, 0) and to touch the y-axis intersect at angle `thetadot` Then `costheta` is equal to `1/2` (b) `-1/2` (c) `1/4` (d) `-1/4`

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  29. A chord of the circle `x^(2)+y^(2)=a^(2)` cuts it at two points A and B such that `angle AOB = pi //2`, where O is the centre of the circle. If there is a moving point P on this circle, then the locus of the orthocentre of `DeltaPAB` will be a

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  30. The lengths of the tangents from the points A and B to a circle are `l_(1)` and `l_(2)` respectively. If points are conjugate with respect to the circle, then `AB^(2)=`

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  31. The locus of the centre of the circle passing through the origin O and the points of intersection A and B of any line through (a, b) and the coordinate axes is

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  32. Statement I The chord of contact of tangent from three points A, B and C to the circle `x^2+y^2=a^2` are concurrent, then A, B and C will be collinear. Statement II A, B and C always lie on the normal to the circle `x^2+y^2=a^2`.

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  33. Find the condition that the chord of contact of tangents from the point `(alpha, beta)` to the circle `x^2 + y^2 = a^2` should subtend a right angle at the centre. Hence find the locus of `(alpha, beta)`.

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  34. Consider a family of circles which are passing through the point `(-1,""1)` and are tangent to x-axis. If (h, k) are the co-ordinates of the centre of the circles, then the set of values of k is given by the interval (1) `0""<""k""<""` (2) `kgeq` (3) `-lt=klt=` (4) `klt=`

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  35. A foot of the normal from the point `(4, 3)` to a circle is `(2, 1)` and a diameter of the circle has the equation `2x -y -2 =0`. Then the equation of the circle is:

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  36. A circle touches both the coordinate axes and the line `x-y=sqrt(2)a, a gt 0`, the coordinates of the centre of the circle cannot be

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  37. An acute triangle PQR is inscribed in the circle `x^2+y^2= 25`. If Q and R have coordinates (3, 4) and (-4, 3) respectively, then find `/_QPR`.

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  38. If `AB` is the intercept of the tangent to the circle `x^2 +y^2=r^2` between the coordinate axes, the locus of the vertex `P` of the rectangle `OAPB` is

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  39. The locus of the foot of the normal drawn from any point `P(alpha, beta)` to the family of circles `x^(2)+y^(2)-2gx+c=0`, where g is a parameter, is

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  40. The chords of contact of the pair of tangents drawn from each point on the line `2x + y=4` to the circle `x^2 + y^2=1` pass through the point (a,b) then 4(a+b) is

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  41. The equation of a circle `C_1` is `x^2+y^2-4x-2y-11=0` A circle`C_2` of radius `1` rolls on the outside of the circle `C_1` The locus of the centre `C_2` has the equation

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  42. If a chord of contact of tangents drawn from a point P with respect to the circle `x^(2)+y^(2)=9` is x=2, then area, in square units, of triangle formed by tangents drawn from P to the circle and their chord of contact is equal to

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  43. If (a, 0) is a point on a diameter of the circle `x^(2)+y^(2)=4`, then the equation `x^(2)-4x-a^(2)=0` has

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  44. If the polar of a point `(p,q)` with respect to the circle `x^2 +y^2=a^2` touches the circle `(x-c)^2 + (y-d)^2 =b^2`, then

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  45. The locus of the mid-points of the chords of the circle of lines radiùs r which subtend an angle `pi/4` at any point on the circumference of the circle is a concentric circle with radius equal to

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  46. If two circles and `a(x^2 +y^2)+bx + cy =0` and `A(x^2+y^2)+Bx+Cy= 0` touch each other, then

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  47. The circles `x^(2)+y^(2)+2x-2y+1=0` and `x^(2)+y^(2)-2x-2y+1=0` touch each other

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  48. The point of intersection of the common chords of three circles described on the three sides of a triangle as diameter is

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  49. If P and Q are the points of intersection of the circles `x^2+""y^2+""3x""+""7y""+""2p""""5""=""0` and `x^2+""y^2+""2x""+""2y""""p^2=""0` , then there is a circle passing through P, Q and `(1,""1)` for (1) all values of p (2) all except one value of p (3) all except two values of p (4) exactly one value of p

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  50. If the chord of contact of tangents from a point `P` to a given circle passes through `Q ,` then the circle on `P Q` as diameter. cuts the given circle orthogonally touches the given circle externally touches the given circle internally none of these

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  51. If one of the circles `x^2+y^2+2ax+c=0` and `x^2+y^2+2bx+c=0` lies within the other, then

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  52. The chord of contact of tangents from a point `P` to a circle passes through `Qdot` If `l_1a n dl_2` are the length of the tangents from `Pa n dQ` to the circle, then `P Q` is equal to `(l_1+l_2)/2` (b) `(l_1-l_2)/2` `sqrt(l1 2+l2 2)` (d) `2sqrt(l1 2+l2 2)`

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  53. The locus of the centre of circle which cuts off an intercept of constant length on the x-axis and which through a fixed point on the y-axis, is

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  54. Let PQ and RS be tangents at the extremities of the diameter PR of a circle of radius r. If PS and RQ intersect at a point X on the circumference of the circle, then 2r equals

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  55. A circle is given by `x^2 + (y-1) ^2 = 1`, another circle C touches it externally and also the x-axis, then the locus of center is:

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  56. A tangent to the circle `x^(2)+y^(2)=1` through the point (0, 5) cuts the circle `x^(2)+y^(2)=4` at P and Q. If the tangents to the circle `x^(2)+y^(2)=4` at P and Q meet at R, then the coordinates of R are

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  57. If a line passes through the point `P(1,-2)` and cuts the `x^2+y^2-x-y= 0`at `A` and `B`, then the`maximum of `PA+PB` is

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  58. The common chord of the circle `x^2+y^2+6x+8y-7=0` and a circle passing through the origin and touching the line `y=x` always passes through the point. `(-1/2,1/2)` (b) (1, 1) `(1/2,1/2)` (d) none of these

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  59. If the common chord of the circles `x^2 + (y - 2)^2 = 16` and `x^2 + y^2 = 16` subtend a angle at the origin then `lambda` is equal to

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  60. Two circles are given such that they neither intersect nor touch. Then identify the locus of the center of variable circle which touches both the circles externally.

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  61. Let `A B C D` be a quadrilateral with are `18` , side `A B` parallel to the side `C D ,a n dA B=2C D` . Let `A D` be perpendicular to `A Ba n dC D` . If a circle is drawn inside the quadrilateral `A B C D` touching all the sides, then its radius is `3` (b) 2 (c) `3/2` (d) 1

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  62. The locus of the centre of a circle touching the circle `x^2 + y^2 - 4y -2x = 2sqrt3 - 1` internally and tangents on which from (1,2) is making a `60^@` angle with each other is a circle. then integral part of its radius is

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  63. The equation of the locus of the middle point of a chord of the circle `x^2+y^2=2(x+y)` such that the pair of lines joining the origin to the point of intersection of the chord and the circle are equally inclined to the x-axis is `x+y=2` (b) `x-y=2` `2x-y=1` (d) none of these

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  64. The locus of the centre of the circle passing through the intersection of the circles `x^2+y^2= 1` and `x^2 + y^2-2x+y=0` is

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  65. Find the equation of the smallest circle passing through the intersection of the line `x+y=1` and the circle `x^2+y^2=9`

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  66. `C_1 and C_2`, are the two concentric circles withradii `r_1 and r_2, (r_1 lt r_2)`. If the tangents drawnfrom any point of `C_2`, to `C_1`, meet again `C_2`, at theends of its diameter, then

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  67. The equation of a circle is `x^2+y^2=4.` Find the center of the smallest circle touching the circle and the line `x+y=5sqrt(2)`

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  68. From a point A(1, 1) on the circle `x^(2)+y^(2)-4x-4y+6=0` two equal chords AB and AC of length 2 units are drawn. The equation of chord BC, is

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  69. The members of a family of circles are given by the equation `2(x^2 + y^2) + 2x-(1+lambda^2)y-10=10.` The number of circles belonging to the family that are cut orthogonally by the fixed circle `x^2+y^2+4x +6y + 3 = 0` is

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  70. A circle C of radius 1 is inscribed in an equilateral triangle PQR. The points of contact of C with the sides PQ, QR, RP are D, E, F, respectively. The line PQ is given by the equation `sqrt3 x+ y -6 = 0` and the point D is (3 sqrt3/2, 3/2). Further, it is given that the origin and the centre of C are on the same side of the line PQ. (1)The equation of circle C is (2)Points E and F are given by (3)Equation of the sides QR, RP are

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  71. If D, E and F are respectively, the mid-points of AB, AC and BC in `DeltaABC`, then BE + AF is equal to

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  72. In example 70, equations of the sides QR and RP are respectively

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  73. A point on the line x=4 from which the tangents drawn to the circle `2(x^(2)+y^(2))=25` are at right angles, is

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  74. The tangents PA and PB are drawn from any point P of the circle `x^(2)+y^(2)=2a^(2)` to the circle `x^(2)+y^(2)=a^(2)`. The chord of contact AB on extending meets again the first circle at the points A' and B'. The locus of the point of intersection of tangents at A' and B' may be given as

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  75. Two concentric circles of which smallest is `x^(2)+y^(2)=4`, have the difference in radii as d, if line y=x+a cuts the circles in real points, then d lies in the interval

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  76. If the circle `x^2+y^2=a^2` intersects the hyperbola `xy=c^2` in four points `P(x_1,y_1)`,`Q(x_2,y_2)`,`R(x_3,y_3)`,`S(x_4,y_4)`, then which of the following need not hold.
    (a)  `x_1+x_2+x_3+x_4=0`
    (b)  `x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4=y_1 y_2 y_3 y_4=c^4`
    (c)  `y_1+y_2+y_3+y_4=0`
    (d)  `x_1+y_2+x_3+y_4=0`

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  77. If two distinct chords, drawn from the point (p, q) on the circle `x^2+y^2=p x+q y` (where `p q!=q)` are bisected by the x-axis, then `p^2=q^2` (b) `p^2=8q^2` `p^2<8q^2` (d) `p^2>8q^2`

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  78. Let 'a' and 'b' be non-zero real numbers. Then, the equation `(ax^2+ by^2+c) (x^2-5xy+6y^2)` represents :

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  79. If the circles `x^2+y^2+2a x+c y+a=0` and points `Pa n dQ` , then find the values of `a` for which the line `5x+b y-a=0` passes through `Pa n dQdot`

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  80. Let `AB` be a chord of the circle `x^2+y^2=r^2` subtending a right angle at the center. Then the locus of the centroid of the `Delta PAB` as `P` moves on the circle is (1) A parabola (2) A circle (3) An ellipse (4) A pair of straight lines

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  81. if `a > 2b > 0` , then positive value of `m` for which `y=mx-bsqrt(1+m^2)` is a common tangent to `x^2 + y^2 =b^2` and `(x-a)^2+y^2=b^2` is

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  82. A circle circumscribing an equilateral triangle with centroid at `(0,0)` of a side a isdrawn and a square is drawn touching its four sides to circle. The equation ofcircle circumscribing the square is :

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  83. Consider four circles `(x+-1)^2+(y+-1)^2=1` . Find the equation of the smaller circle touching these four circles.

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  84. 13. The radius of a circle is 20cm. Three more concentric circles are drawn inside it in such that it is divided into four parts of equal area. The radius of the largest of the three concentric circles is

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  85. If circles `x^(2)+y^(2)+2x+2y+c=0` and `x^(2)+y^(2)+2ax+2ay+c=0` where `c in R^(+), a != 1` are such that one circle lies inside the other, then

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  86. A circle is passing through the points A (1, 1) and B (1, 3) and the bisector of first and third quadrant is normal to it, then its area, in square units, is

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  87. The equation of a circle which touches the line y = x at (1 , 1) and having y = x -3 as a normal, is

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  88. The centres of a set of circles, each of radius 3, lie on the circle `x^2+y^2+25`. The locus of any point in the set is:

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  89. If the lines `a_1x+b_1y+c_1=0` and `a_2x+b_2y+c_2=0` cut the coordinae axes at concyclic points, then prove that `|a_1a_2|=|b_1b_2|`

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  90. Tangents drawn from the point `P(1,8)` to the circle `x^2 +y^2 -6x -4y-11=0` touch the circle at the points A&B ifR is the radius of circum circle of triangle PAB then [R]-

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  91. A variable circle passes through the fixed `A (p, q)` and touches the x-axis. Show that the locus of the other end of the diameter through `A` is (x-p)^2 = 4qy`.

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  92. The centres of two circles `C_(1) and C_(2)` each of unit radius are at a distance of 6 unit from each other. Let P be the mid-point of the line segment joining the centres of `C_(1) and C_(2)` and C be a circle touching circles `C_(1) and C_(2)` externally. If a common tangent to `C_(1)` and C passing through P is also a common tangent to `C_(2)` and C, then the radius of the circle C, is

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  93. Three distinct points A, B and C are given in the 2–dimensional coordinate plane such that the ratio of the distance of any one of them from the point (1, 0) to the distance from the point (–1, 0) is equal to `1/3`.Then the circumcentre of the triangle ABC is at the point :

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  94. In `DeltaABC`, equation of side BC is x+y-6=0, also the circumcentre and orhtocentre are (3, 1) and (2, 2) respectively, then the equation of the circumcircle of `DeltaABC` is

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  95. The locus of the middle point of the chord of contact of tangents drawn from points lying on the straight line 4x - 5y = 20 to the circle `x^2 + y^2 = 9` is

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  96. A tangent PT is drawn to the circle `x^2 + y^2= 4` at the point `P(sqrt3,1)`. A straight line L is perpendicular to PT is a tangent to the circle `(x-3)^2 + y^2 = 1` Common tangent of two circle is: (A) `x=4` (B) `y=2` (C) `x+(sqrt3)y=4` (D) `x+2(sqrt2)y=6`

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  97. A common tangent to the circles `x^(2)+y^(2)=4` and `(x-3)^(2)+y^(2)=1`, is

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  98. If the line y=mx +1 meets the circle `x^(2)+y^(2)+3x=0` in two points equidistant and on opposite sides of x-axis, then

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  99. If three distinct point A, B, C are given in the 2-dimensional coordinate plane such that the ratio of the distance of each one of them from the point (1, 0) to the distance from (-1, 0) is equal to `(1)/(2)`, then the circumcentre of the triangle ABC is at the point :

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  100. The common tangents to the circle `x^2 + y^2 =2` and the parabola `y^2 = 8x` touch the circle at `P,Q` andthe parabola at `R,S`. Then area of quadrilateral `PQRS` is

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Section I - Solved Mcqs questions and complete solutions for chapter CIRCLES of OBJECTIVE RD SHARMA MATHS VOL I (HINGLISH) of Class 12