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Complete Solutions to Check point of chapter ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions60
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The magnetic flux linked with a vector area `vec(A)` in a uniform magnetic field `vec(B)` is

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  2. The unit of magnetic flux is

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  3. The dimensions of magnetic flux are

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  4. The magnetic flux linked with a coil, in webers is given by the equation `phi=3t^(2)+4t+9`. Then, the magnitude of induced emf at t = 2 s

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  5. A coil having an area `A_(0)` is placed in a magnetic field which changes from `B_(0)` to `4B_(0)` in time interval t. The emf induced in the coil will be

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  6. The magnetic flux `phi` (in weber ) in a closed circuit of resistance 10`Omega` varies with time t (in secnod) according to equation `phi=6t^(2)-5T+1`. The magnitude of induced current at `t=0.25` s is

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  7. When the current through a solenoid increases at a constant rate, the induced current in the solenoid

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  8. The magnetic flux across a loop of resistance `10Omega` is given by `phi=5t^(2)-4t+1Wb`. How much current is induced in the loop after `0.2` s?

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  9. A circular ring of diameter 20cm has a resistance `0.01Omega` How much charge will flow through the ring if it is rotated from positon perpendicular to the uniform magnetic field of B=2T to a position parallel to field?

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  10. Magnetic flux in a circuite containing a coil of resistance `2Omega`change from `2.0Wb` to `10 Wb` in `0.2 sec`. The charge passed through the coil in this time is

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  11. The direction of induced e.m.f. during electromagnetic induction is given by

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  12. Two different wire loops are concentric and lie in the same plane. The current in the outer loop is clockwise and increasing with time. The induced current in the inner loop then is

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  13. Lenz's law is consequence of the law of conservation of

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  14. The north pole of a long horizontal bar magnet is being brought closer to a vertical conducting plane along the perpendicular direction. The direction of the induced current in the conducting plane will be

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  15. There is a uniform magnetic field directed perpendicular and into the plane of the paper. An irregular shaped conducting loop is slowly changing into a circular loop in the plane of the paper. Then

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  16. A conducing rod of length `l` is falling with a velocity `v` perpendicular to a unifrorm horizontal magnetic field `B` . The potential difference between its two ends will be

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  17. A wire of length 50 cm moves with a velocity of 300 m/min, perpendicular to a magnetic field. If the emf induced in the wire is 2 V, then the magnitude of the field in tesla is

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  18. A 10 m wire kept in east-west direction is falling with velocity 5 m/s perpendicular to the field `0.3xx10^(-4)Wb//m^(2)`.The magnitude of the induced emf in the wire is

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  19. A boat is moving due east in a region where the earth's magnetic field is `5.0xx10^(-5) NA^(-1)m^(-1)` due north and horizontal. The boat carries a vertical aerial 2 m long. If the speed of the boat is `1.50 ms^(-1)`, the magnitude of the induced emf in the wire is

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  20. The magnitude of the earth's magnetic field at a place is `B_(0)` and angle of dip is `delta.` A horizontal conductor of lenth/lying along the magnetic north-south moves eastwards with a velocity v. The emf induced acroos the coductor is

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  21. A conducing circular loop is placed in a uniform magnetic field of indution `B` tesla with its plane normal to the field. Now, radius of the loop starts shrinking at the rate `(dr//dt)`. Then the induced e.m.f. at the instant when the radius is `r` is:

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  22. The current flowing in two coaxial coils in the same direction. On increasing the distance the two, the electric current will

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  23. A circular coil of mean radius of `7 cm` and having `4000` turns Is rotate at the rate of `1800` revolution per minute in the earth 's magnetic field (B=0.5 gauss), the maximum e.m.f. induced in coil will be

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  24. A coil of N turns and mean cross-sectional area A is rotating with uniform angular velocity `omega` about an axis at right angle to uniform magnetic field B. The induced emf E in the coil will be

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  25. A `0.1 m` long conductor carrying a current of `50 A` is perpendicular to a magentic field of `1.25 mT`. The mechanical power to move the conductor with a speed of `1ms^(-1)` is

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  26. A metal rod of length 2 m is rotating with an angualr velocity of 100`"rads"^(-1)` in plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of 0.3 T. The potential difference between the ends of the rod is

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  27. A conducting rod of length l is moving in a transverse magnetic field of strength B with veocity v. The resistance of the rod is R. The current in the rod is

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  28. A rectangular coil rotates about an axis normal to the magnetic field, If `E_(m)` is the maximum value of the induced emf, then the instantaneous emf when plane of the coil makes an angle of `45^(@)` with the magnetic field is

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  29. A metallic square loop ABCD is moving in its own plane with velocity v in a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to its plane as shown in the figure. An electric field is induced

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  30. Consider the following statements: (a)An emf can be induced by moving a conductor in a magnetic field. (b)An emf can be induced by changing the magnetic field.

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  31. The SI unit of inductance, the henry can be written as :

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  32. A long solenoid has `500` turns. When a current of `2A` is passed through it, the resulting magnetic flux linked with each turn of the solenoid is `4xx10^(-3)Wb` . The self-inductance of the solenoid is

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  33. If a current of 10 A changes in one second through a coil, and the induced emf is 20 V, then the self-inductance of the coil is

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  34. When the current in a coil charges from 2A to 4A in 0.5 s, emf of 8 volt is induced in the coil. The coefficient of self induction of the coil is -

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  35. The current passing through a choke coil of `5` henry is decreasing at the rate of `2 ampere//sec`. The Developing across the coil is

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  36. In a coil of self-inuctance `0.5` henry, the current varies at a constant rate from zero to `10` amperes in `2` seconds. The e.m.f. generated in the coil is

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  37. The self inductance of a long solenoid cannot be increased by

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  38. Self-inductance of a coil is 50mH. A current of 1 A passing through the coil reduces to zero at steady rate in 0.1 s, the self-induced emf is

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  39. The self inductance of a coil is L . Keeping the length and area same, the number of turns in the coil is increased to four times. The self inductance of the coil will now be

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  40. In circular coil, when no. of turns is doubled and resistance becomes `(1)/(4)th` of initial, then inductance becomes

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  41. The self inductance of a solenoid of length L, area of cross-section A and having N turns is-

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  42. A solenoid has 2000 turns would over a length of 0.30 m. The area of its cross-section is `1.2xx10^(-3)m^(2)`. If an initial current of 2 A in the solenoid is reversed in 0.25 s, then the emf induced in the coil is

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  43. A 50 mH coil carries a current of 2 ampere. The energy stored in joules is

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  44. In an inductor of inductance `L=100mH`, a current of `I=10A` is flowing. The energy stored in the inductor is

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  45. Two pure inductors each of self-inductance `L` are connected in parallel but are well separted from each other. The total inductance is

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  46. Two coils X and Y are placed in a circuit such that when the current changes by 2 A in coil X. The magnetic flux changes by 0.4 Wb in Y. The value of mutual inductance of the coils is

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  47. Two coils have a mutual inductance `0.005 H`. The current changes in the first coil according to equation `I=I_(0)sin omegat`, where `I_(0)=10A` and `omega=100pi`radian//sec`. The maximum value of e.m.f. in the second coil is

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  48. The mutual inductance between a primary and secondary circuit is `0.5H`. The resistance of the primary and the secondary circuits are `20 ohms` and `5ohms` respectvely. To genrate a current of `0.4A` in the secondary,current in the primary must be changed at the rate of

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  49. The coefficient of mutual induction between two circuits is equal to the, emf produced in one circuit when the current in the second circuit is

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  50. Two circuits have coefficient of mutual induction of `0.09` henry. Average e.m.f. induced in the secondary by a change of current from `0` to `20` ampere in `0.006` second in the primary will be

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  51. A varying current at the rate of `3A//s` in a coil generates an e.m.f. of `8mV` in a nearby coil. The mutual inductance of the two coils is

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  52. A solenoid is placed inside another solenoid, the length of both being equal carrying same magnitude of current. The parameters like radius and number of turns are in the ratio 1:2 for the two solenoids. The mutual inductance on each other would be

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  53. Two coils of self-inductance `2mH` and `8 mH` are placed so close together that the effective flux in one coil is completely linked with the other. The mutual inductance between these coil is

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  54. Two coils of self-inductance `L_(1)` and `L_(2)` are placed closed to each other so that total flux in one coil is completely linked with other. If `M` is mutual inductance between them, then

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  55. An ideal coil of `10` henry is joined in series with a resistance of `5` ohm and a battery of `5` volt. `2` second after joining, the current flowing in ampere in the circuit will be

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  56. An L-R circuit has a cell of e.m.f. E , which is switched on at time t = 0. The current in the circuit after a long time will be

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  57. During current growth in an L-R circuit the time constant is the time in which the magnitude of current becomes

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  58. An LR circuit with a battery is connected at t=0. Which of the following quantities is not zero just after the connection?

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  59. Eddy current are produce when

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  60. Which of the following does not use the application of eddy current?

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Check point questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 12